Biggest Loser : A success or disaster? Too thin and win?

Ok, so I am an avid watcher of the Biggest Loser. Every week, I am focused on watching and hope to get motivation to keep up my weight loss and excercise, and make a lifestyle change that will keep me healthy for the rest of my life. I am not sure how many of you follow the show, but the contestants drop enormous amounts of weight each week- I'm talking double digits. CRAZY numbers on the scale!!

Now of course after every show there is a disclaimer letting the viewers know that the contestants are closely monitored by doctors and nutritionists to guarantee that the contestants are losing so much weight so quickly in a healthy manner.

Last night was the finale, and I was SOOO extremely excited to watch. Rachel had been my favorite throughout the whole run of the show- I admire her athleticism, determination, competitive nature, and her sweet personality. I was REALLY excited to see her big reveal, especially after seeing the AMAZING results of the other contestants. I was so blown away by their progess that I seriously just wanted to jump up out of bed and start exercising- I want results like that!

Tumi looked amazing and won the 100K, (I barely recognized her she looked so different and great), and was skinny yet appeared healthy and lean. All of the other contestants also looked amazing and healthy, and so happy!

Rachel stepped out and my jaw dropped, I'm sure along with many others. I could not believe my eyes- my heart sank! She looked all skin and bones. Now, this is just my opinion, but I though she looked so much better the last show when they participated in the triathlon- I was actually wondering now much more weight she could lose and still look/ be healthy.

Long story short, I think that Bob and Jillian were in utter shock: (look at their faces when they saw rachel here:

I had the same reaction. I personally do not want to get that skinny, as she looks gaunt, she fell on her way to the scale, and she just looks like skin and bones to me. I really hope that she only did this because she is so competitive and will gain maybe 20 pounds back and get in range of a healthy BMI.


I want to know what you all think of this! Was anyone else just as shocked as me? I could barely sleep last night because I was thinking of how this might influence the show- Maybe they should set limits on how much weight you can lose, and if you get below a certain weight or body percentage, or out of a healthy BMI you will not be eligible to win? I'm not sure...

Please leave your opinions!!! And keep on your awesome weight loss journeys- but focus on health and not only the number on the scale, your health is more important than your dress size!


  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I just saw a picture of this girl and she does look kind of gaunt. I don't watch the show anymore because I feel the whole show in general gives people the wrong viewpoint on losing weight. These people have nothing else to do but work out day after day and are in a compettion. If they don't lose double digits they get upset and I think that is the wrong idea to give the audience. It's not normal or healthy to be losing weight so fast and they dont' really make that point in the show.
  • deannasueknutson
    deannasueknutson Posts: 38 Member
    I love the Biggest Loser too! I love how much motivation I get from the show. If people who weight 200+ pounds can do some serious workouts, then so can I at 160 pounds.

    But anyway, I thought the same thing about Rachel. She walked out and her legs just looked like skin and bones. I said to myself that i would hope she doesn't lose anymore pounds. Then she weighed at 105lbs. No wonder she looks so skinny. I thought she would be about 120ish.

    Bobby looked a little too skinny as well and David looked good where he was at I thought.

    However, I'm very excited for all the people on the show. They did an amazing job and put in the hard work to be healthier. :-)
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    I agree with you. I think she looked sickly. I was reading another post about this topic and it looked like most everyone thought she had gotten to thin. However there were others that defended her. Some of them did make valid points, which I don't remember off the top of my head, some seem to think she only did it to guarantee herself the win, but that doesn't negate the fact that in any chart out there she is underweight. The ones I found that came closest had a weight of 110 for her height. Most of them said 117 I believe.

    That being said I think BL should not have let her win. She should have been disqualified for being underweight. She lost 45 lbs since the weigh in before last night. Now I know that was a few months ago but everyone knows that the smaller you get the harder it is to get those last few pounds off so while I don't want to speculate, I can't imagine she did it in a healthy manner.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I just saw a picture of this girl and she does look kind of gaunt. I don't watch the show anymore because I feel the whole show in general gives people the wrong viewpoint on losing weight. These people have nothing else to do but work out day after day and are in a compettion. If they don't lose double digits they get upset and I think that is the wrong idea to give the audience. It's not normal or healthy to be losing weight so fast and they dont' really make that point in the show.

    Pretty much this.

    I have NEVER seen this show, because the premise bothers me and its psychological tear down that I've read about is not something I would willingly be a spectator for.

    However...just looking at the photo of this Rachel woman...what I see is nice thighs that look good and not too skinny, and arms that look WAY too skinny...and honestly I think that's reality for a huge number of people who lose weight. People don't tend to lose evenly all over their bodies in a beautiful and appealing manner. I'm still at 198 lb myself but my neck, hands, and ankles are as skinny as I'd ever want them. I'd be fine with my collarbone, face, forearms, and calves all staying exactly as they are. Meanwhile my belly, thighs, upper arms will never be as trim and thin, even if I got to 105 lb. That's just reality.

    I'm not saying this girl isn't too thin. I have no idea. Just another perspective on one photo of her "after" body.
  • jborski21
    jborski21 Posts: 13 Member
    I just saw a picture of this girl and she does look kind of gaunt. I don't watch the show anymore because I feel the whole show in general gives people the wrong viewpoint on losing weight. These people have nothing else to do but work out day after day and are in a compettion. If they don't lose double digits they get upset and I think that is the wrong idea to give the audience. It's not normal or healthy to be losing weight so fast and they dont' really make that point in the show.

    Pretty much this.

    I have NEVER seen this show, because the premise bothers me and its psychological tear down that I've read about is not something I would willingly be a spectator for.

    However...just looking at the photo of this Rachel woman...what I see is nice thighs that look good and not too skinny, and arms that look WAY too skinny...and honestly I think that's reality for a huge number of people who lose weight. People don't tend to lose evenly all over their bodies in a beautiful and appealing manner. I'm still at 198 lb myself but my neck, hands, and ankles are as skinny as I'd ever want them. I'd be fine with my collarbone, face, forearms, and calves all staying exactly as they are. Meanwhile my belly, thighs, upper arms will never be as trim and thin, even if I got to 105 lb. That's just reality.

    I'm not saying this girl isn't too thin. I have no idea. Just another perspective on one photo of her "after" body.

    I agree with you both. I do get motivated from the show but in "real life" it is completely unrealistic to work out that much and lose that much weight so quickly in a healthy manner (in my opinion).

    Seltzermint: Good points on the pictures- I also noticed that her legs looked athletic but her face, neck, and arms were sooo extremely skinny. I guess it is all a matter of whether she is healthy and if she lost the weight in a healthy way or not. For me, she had already lost so much, I can only think that the only way she lost so much more so quickly was by not doing it in a healthy, safe way...but I am no expert.
  • lindanewland37
    lindanewland37 Posts: 38 Member
    I watched the show and was shocked too by how thin she was and how gaunt her face looked. I hope that she puts on maybe 10 lbs. now that the competition is over. I think she went too far.
  • If you are a Biggest Loser Fan you may be interested in reading this article:

    It made me stop watching the show altogether...There are a couple of other articles out there from past contestants, using diet pills, laxatives before weigh-ins, extra low calories, extreme workouts in over 100 degree weather. I don't know, I hope the show is more legit now, but it still makes you wonder.
  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    I hope she is okay. To me personally, she looked awful thin. They really should give them counseling after the show is over. Hopefully it was just for the show and she gains some back.
  • I was shocked too. But my other question is, where did all of her excess skin go? I have never been the size Rachel was, though I did give birth to three 9lb babies, and I have a ton of skin that's going nowhere without surgery. So to go from a size 22 (I think that was her original size) to a 0/2 and not have a bunch of excess skin? I don't know how she could hide it, that dress was pretty clingy.
  • Masonless
    Masonless Posts: 139 Member
    I agree. She looked very thin. I was really surprised.
  • jborski21
    jborski21 Posts: 13 Member
    If you are a Biggest Loser Fan you may be interested in reading this article:

    It made me stop watching the show altogether...There are a couple of other articles out there from past contestants, using diet pills, laxatives before weigh-ins, extra low calories, extreme workouts in over 100 degree weather. I don't know, I hope the show is more legit now, but it still makes you wonder.

    Wow, thanks for the link! That is a crazy article- I guess I had no idea really HOW extreme it is on the ranch- I always wondered if it is really healhty to lose that much, as I know the recommended healthy weight loss per week is 1 to 2 pounds, but I know for larger people with more to lose, they often drop more weight quickly. I am not sure I will be watching this show in the future- I can see how it can lead from one extreme eating disorder/ body image disorder to another! (obesity-anorexia for example)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    these people lose an incredible amount of weight anyway and for several seasons at least 1 person in the top 3 has already reached a good body weight by the second to last episode.

    i don't understand why this season rachel turning into skeletor is such an issue considering that this is what the show has been doing for a very long time. yeah she's a bit extreme, but it's still fruit off the same tree.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Wow, really shocking what people will to win 250k. Actually not at all, Biggest Loser has long been one of the worst shows on television
  • Here's the image for you all.

  • patmegkaren
    patmegkaren Posts: 38 Member
    All I can say is I hope she stopped at the nearest drive-thru on the way home. That girl needed a cheeseburger bad. I love the idea of the Biggest Loser and the fact that they are changing so many people's lives but I think at the end they start to get more motivated by the big prize at the end (money) than the actual healthy lifestyle they have learned. If you notice, a lot of the contestants put the weight back on. I honestly thought when she tripped going up to the scale to be weighed, she was going to faint. She just did not look healthy. Weightloss like anything can become obsession, I hope she is able to get a handle on.
  • MamaC77
    MamaC77 Posts: 104 Member
    I was immediately saddened seeing Rachel make her appearance. I was not expecting that at all. I thought she would have looked much more athletic. She had no muscle at all in her upper body. With so much emphasis on losing the weight, I don't think they realze the implications of losing too much too fast.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Personally I hate the show, but realize that it's not a show about healthy weight loss or even being healthy. It never was. It's a game of who can lose the most in a set amount of time in order to win cash. She won the game.

    Look at actors have done to cut weight in order to play a certain role - Christian Bale comes to mind. When you're getting offered a lot of money in order to alter your body composition in the short term, it's hardly surprising that people take things to the extreme. It doesn't mean she'll look that way forever.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    Ugh! So sad! I don't blame the biggest loser, though... They are a reality show. A television show. And they work to make good television. They are not responsible for what contestants do on their own.

    I think Rachel's family should have noticed something and gotten her some help. She's very close with her family and I'm sure they know SOMETHING's wrong... She definitely needs about 20 lbs on her!
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    So according to the fat shaming thread I can't judge people for what they weigh right? Why is this any different? If she's happy at 105 more power to her.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I watch the show all the time. The way they lose the weight was not surprising to me at all. When my son wrestled in junior high, they did the same dehrydartion thing before weight ins. They would walk the track over & over while spitting, he wouldn't eat the day of a match until after the weigh in. I was glad when he quit & moved on to football because then he obsessed about "bulking up". I really think this is unhealthy for children, but I'll bet it's still going on. I'll bet Rachel just used the same weight loss methods at home that she learned on the Ranch (not all healthy) to loss weight that fast. It's taken me a year to lose 26 pounds, but I'm just trying to lose - not obessing.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    So according to the fat shaming thread I can't judge people for what they weigh right? Why is this any different? If she's happy at 105 more power to her.

    I don't think anyone is "shaming" or judging Rachel. Speaking for myself, I am concerned, just the same as I would be concerned for anyone who was drastically overweight (including myself). I think obesity and anorexia are two sides of the same coin. In either case, there is a dysfunction regarding a person's relationship with food.

    It's not how much she weighs that concerns me, it's her body fat percentage. Many people are fine at 105. But Rachel is dangerously thin.
  • jeccawest91
    jeccawest91 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not sure what she did but I am only a year younger than her and she looks like she could pass as my mom now.
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member

    It's not how much she weighs that concerns me, it's her body fat percentage. Many people are fine at 105. But Rachel is dangerously thin.

    Dangerously thin? That's a hard call to make with my eyeballs, especially when you can't see anything but her arms, legs, and face. If you can accurately call someone's bodyfat percentage on a TV screen you could rent out that skill for money.

    I'd be concerned if in 6 months she's still losing. Odds are she went hardcore to win the money, which is understandable.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I'm not sure what she did but I am only a year younger than her and she looks like she could pass as my mom now.

    I agree with this.
    I'm 23 going on 24 and I don't think she looks anything like my age anymore. My mom is 43 and she looks younger than Rachel does now.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I feel the same way with the show the biggest loser as I do our local lose it to win it contest. They are kinda rigged. For instance, I am a big girl and I have lost over 50 pounds with many more to go. I have lost about 13 since the start of the contest, Jan 8th. I could lose about 20 pounds for the contest. Thats awesome and I am really proud of myself. I have lost it through a small deficit and staying active about 30-40 minutes a day. However, I know I dont have a chance in hell of winning. WHY?? Because there are a group of guys who own a gym in town who know how to lose weight quick just to win the money. They also know they are losing muscle mass, but can easily rebuild it slowly after they have wads of cash in their pocket from winning the contest. The biggest loser show is the same way. The trainers know how to make these people lose loads of weight fast to get them to their goal for the season finale. I probably wont get to my goal that quickly because I am doing this for life and need to get in the habit of making good decisions. Most contestants will gain back a portion to all of their weight because they have to go back to working full time and the temptations of everyday life!! To me , it just doesnt motivate me to lose weight.
  • jborski21
    jborski21 Posts: 13 Member
    This was only my second season watching "The Biggest Loser", and I have a completely different outlook on it now thanks to Rachel's dramatic results and everything I am hearing about how the contestents lose all that weight so quickly. I hate to say it, but I guess I was a bit naive and trusting that the trainers and nutritionists and everyone at the ranch were helping the contestants lose weight fast, but did not know how extreme the measures are!!

    I do remember one time in the season though, now that I think about it, that Jillian's team got penalized because apparently Jillian was feeding them caffeine pills.

    I guess at the end of the day, I don't blame Rachel for doing whatever it takes to win the money, and I am in no way criticizing her, I just feel concerned as to me she didn't look healthy compared to the way I had seen her before the finale. I do hope though that now the competition is over she focuses more on her health than on the scale.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    Actually, I had recorded the show and I watched it last night and she didn't look as bad as I originally thought she did from the pictures. Yeah, she's skinny, but without knowing more, I can't say she's unhealthy.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    The winner, Rachel, looked too thin.

    The at-home winner Tumi looked fit and healthy. I wish she had won instead of Rachel.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Please - not another one of these threads.

    People seriously have seriously skewed way of how a human should look if they think she is too thin.

    God bless America.