Tell me about tabouli ...

1two3four Posts: 413 Member
This afternoon I had some really great tabouli. I did a few quick pages of Google, looking at recipes and none of them have any seasoning other than mint and parsley. The thing is the one I had had some kind of seed and something else in addition to those things... when it was all together I really couldn't pick out anything individual. It was prepared on site and packaged like a grocery store would, and so it does have a label, it just doesn't say anything other than spices.

So I guess I'm asking does anyone have any ideas about what might have been used? Or any secret family recipes? Thanks!


  • kimmie_prior
    kimmie_prior Posts: 8 Member

    Burghul is usually the grain used in Tabouli.

    I dont have a recipe as such but the ingredients i use are Burghul, parsley, tomatoes, mint, spring onions, lemon juice and a little olive oil

  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member

    Burghul is usually the grain used in Tabouli.

    I dont have a recipe as such but the ingredients i use are Burghul, parsley, tomatoes, mint, spring onions, lemon juice and a little olive oil


    Oh, god. I feel like an idiot. I'm sorry my message wasn't clear.

    I got the basics of Tabouli -- bulgur, tomatoes, onions, lemon juice, oil, mint and parsley (the one I was eating also had chickpeas). And that's what I found when I did some Googling no mention of spices at all. I was just curious about spices one might put in Tabouli, 'cause that's what I really liked about the one I was eating this afternoon. Which is what I meant by, "The thing is the one I had had some kind of seed and something else in addition to those things... when it was all together I really couldn't pick out anything individual. It was prepared on site and packaged like a grocery store would, and so it does have a label, it just doesn't say anything other than, 'spices'."

    Again sorry for the communication fail. Apparently my brain just stepped out for a moment.
  • maybe sumac or cumin?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    maybe sumac or cumin?

    Yes I was just thinking sumac. Did it have a slightly more tangy/tart flavour than usually or did you notice a red powder sprinkled through it that kind of looks like paprika but a bit darker?
  • betweenthesedays
    betweenthesedays Posts: 15 Member
    I think the problem is that most recipes don't really have much more for spices beyond the basics. Cumin seed would be my guess which would be sort of smoky and...cuminy, lol. Sumac is really distinctive so I think it might stick out more and be rather obvious.

    Otherwise, I've seen things like hemp seeds added to tabbouleh.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I think the problem is that most recipes don't really have much more for spices beyond the basics. Cumin seed would be my guess which would be sort of smoky and...cuminy, lol. Sumac is really distinctive so I think it might stick out more and be rather obvious.

    Otherwise, I've seen things like hemp seeds added to tabbouleh.

    That's an interesting idea! I have a bag of hemp seeds in the fridge I've never tried yet but better start using.
  • pocketmole
    pocketmole Posts: 614 Member
    i've seen some recipes that use coriander seeds