Upper body dumbell workout

I have been doing Body Pump for nearly a year, and now have the confidence to hit the freeweight section at my gym!
I've tried it a couple of times this week and felt amazing afterwards (I was inspired by the 'I'm the woman in the freeweight section of the gym' thread on this board!).
Here are the exercises and weights that I did:
bicep curls - 4kg dumbells
lat lifts - 4kg dumbells
frontal lifts - 4kg dumbells
tricep kickbacks - 3kg dumbells
tricep lifts - 5kg dumbells
shoulder presses - 4kg dumbells
upright rows - 6kg dumbells

So far I've done each exercise for 8 reps, gone through the whole routine and then repeated the whole thing from the beginning for 2 more sets.
Is this correct or do I do all 3 sets for each exercise before moving on to the next exercise? The reason I ask is that I'm using different weights for some of the exercises so it seems a bit fiddly to keep going back to the rack to change weights?
My fitness goals are basically to lose about 6lbs and build more muscle (I've totally changed my body in the last year with some serious cardio and pump!). With this in mind, are the weights I'm doing at the moment sufficient or should I aim to lift even heavier?
Thanks in advance for your advice,
Tina x


  • punkeson
    punkeson Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry to bump but am desperate to get going with this!
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    If you are doing them circuit style go through the progression and repeat. If you are focusing on a specific muscle it might be better to do all 3 sets at once.

    The weight is enough if you could only do 9 or 10 reps and not anymore. If you feel you could keep repping it out, increase the weight.