February 2014 walk/Run/Bike 100+ Miles challenge

Since I started the 100+ Miles challenges the last few months I am doing it again for FEBRUARY IF anyone wants too join me here.... SO it's not JUST a walking thread....

TODAY was the first glorious, sunny, warm day we've had since some time in October....yahooooooooooooooo...

SIX MILES for me today.................



  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member

  • I'll join in but I'm off to a slow start since it rained all day yesterday and today has been busy with friends and now a Super Bowl party. I'd still like to get in a long walk at some point, but if not, I start tomorrow in earnest.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'll join in but I'm off to a slow start since it rained all day yesterday and today has been busy with friends and now a Super Bowl party. I'd still like to get in a long walk at some point, but if not, I start tomorrow in earnest.

    IT'S OK.... I get too walk when it rains because I have a treadmil....It is that we MOVE WHEN WE CAN....Thanks for joining my little thread....and GOOD LUCK...:flowerforyou:
  • IT'S OK.... I get too walk when it rains because I have a treadmil....It is that we MOVE WHEN WE CAN....Thanks for joining my little thread....and GOOD LUCK...:flowerforyou:
    Thanks! Got my start in today. a Nice 3.25 mile walk with the dog before dinner. I'm on my way!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Wowwwwwww you're doing GREAT already....!! :flowerforyou:

    I did not get much in because it was my husbands day off work and we went too a movie and then shopping too purchase some things we needed. A slow walk (but took my pedometer) so yesterday was only 2.5 Miles for me...

    total thus far FOR JAN 3RD.............................12.5 MILES....

    Will see what I can get in today....
  • I hope you have a great one today! I'll be hopefully doing another 5K this evening.
    Wowwwwwww you're doing GREAT already....!! :flowerforyou:

    I did not get much in because it was my husbands day off work and we went too a movie and then shopping too purchase some things we needed. A slow walk (but took my pedometer) so yesterday was only 2.5 Miles for me...

    total thus far FOR JAN 3RD.............................12.5 MILES....

    Will see what I can get in today....
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member


    4.5 MILES today..........................
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    February 5th.............................................4 MILES.....

    February 6th.............................................3 MILES....

    TOTAL THUS FAR...................................24 MILES...........................:smile:
  • Whoo hoo! Go you! I need to tally up my miles so far so I can post them. Still doing good despite getting a cold.
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was wondering where you went. We dont have too log daily. If you dont have time (and sometimes I dont) then log several days in a row....... I am so ready for spring! It has been a really cold winter here although I know it is not as bad as the Northern States have been.

    Going too visit my mom today but I will try too get some sort of walk in.... YOU HANG IN THERE....:flowerforyou:
  • Count me in please!:happy: :happy:

    Miles so far from the 1st to the 7th of Feb 21.2

    Goal over 90 miles for the 28th
  • count me in for feb.

    2/4- elliptical 4 ml
    2/5- bike 9 ml
    2/6- elliptical 4 ml
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    i have something like 10 miles already so count me in!
  • glenmchale
    glenmchale Posts: 1,307 Member
    I'm there for this - road cycling though

    3rd - 11.21
    4th - 11.52
    5th - 10.32
    6th - 11.21
    7th - 11.21
    total - 55.47

    I'm looking for at least 200miles a month (hopefully more like 250+) so i'm on my way
  • jnb143
    jnb143 Posts: 62 Member

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: I thought I was going too be here by myself for a few days there.... I use too just count WALKING. Our weather has been so bad that I now do a Treadmill and or the Exercise Bike so I will be adding whatever I do UNTIL I can get the outside walks bike...

    ALL OF YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME ABOARD....:smile:

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Whoo hoo! Go you! I need to tally up my miles so far so I can post them. Still doing good despite getting a cold.

    HOPE YOU'RE DOING OK!!!!! I'm getting in as much as I can and hope you are as well....
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm there for this - road cycling though

    3rd - 11.21
    4th - 11.52
    5th - 10.32
    6th - 11.21
    7th - 11.21
    total - 55.47

    I'm looking for at least 200miles a month (hopefully more like 250+) so i'm on my way

    VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!!! Once my husband gets my Regular Bike ready for summer I hope too get in some outside riding as well...YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member

  • I'll join in!
    Totaling last week's miles, I'm at 12.95 miles so far that I've racked up on the treadmill & bike. Going to have to try for a lot more if I'm giong to reach 100!