Looking for Shred buddies!

Hello All!

I'm starting Jillian's 30 day shed for the second time this Monday. I am 6 months postpartum, still breast feeding and I'm looking for friends who can provide motivation and support in exchange for the same!


  • ColoradoCountryGal
    Do you have to the buy the videos or is just on youtube?
  • gettingsexy94
    gettingsexy94 Posts: 156 Member
    Hey :D
    Omg! I was just about to post the same topic, haha XD
    So glad you posted it :)

    I'm gonna start on Monday too!
    Let's do this!

    And congrats on becoming a mom :)
  • redmomma1013
    redmomma1013 Posts: 9 Member
    I have the video.
  • redmomma1013
    redmomma1013 Posts: 9 Member
    Yay! And thanks but this is actually my second kiddo. I did the shred the first time after my first son, lost 20 pounds, and got pregnant again! LOL
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    You can get the videos on Amazon Instant for like $2 a level. That's what I did. Also don't buy the bundle, as it's $10 for all 3 levels, which is more than buying them individually!
  • gettingsexy94
    gettingsexy94 Posts: 156 Member
    Oh cool, so now I know for sure that it works :D