
alik41 Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all I joined Fitness Pal three days ago. I had been sooooo good for three days prior to joining but I'm back to the typical eat eat and eat. I am so miserable and hate myself. I just can't seem to stick to any healthy eating these days. I need to lose weight and my clothes are tight and uncomfortable but the quick fix chocolate seems to be winning over the sensible thoughts.

Does anyone have any ideas how to get the determination/will power I need to lose this weight. I hate to see myself in the mirror and the fact that, when I'm sat down, my belly button seems to be about 4 inches long (sorry if too much info!) I used to go to the gym 5 days a week.

I do have a child diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome earlier this year and it's very tough but really that shouldn't be any excuse. I feel guilty even posting as I know it's not a positive post - sorry.


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello and Welcome to MFP!! No need to ever feel guilty about posting honest feelings. This can be a bumpy Journey for all of us.
    Maybe the best plan would be to just Maintain your weight until January? Losing weight right now can seem overwhelming. Just pay attention to your Portion Sizes, and eat more Fresh Fruit and Vegetables when you are having the 'Munchies'.
    :drinker: Log in here every day for extra support and encouragement. Good Luck!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi and welcome:flowerforyou:
    Try taking it one day or one meal at a time. We all have bad days, you just have to pick yourself up and carry on the next day. It will take time, but we're all here rooting for you.
    Good luck!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Hi all I joined Fitness Pal three days ago. I had been sooooo good for three days prior to joining but I'm back to the typical eat eat and eat. I am so miserable and hate myself. I just can't seem to stick to any healthy eating these days. I need to lose weight and my clothes are tight and uncomfortable but the quick fix chocolate seems to be winning over the sensible thoughts.

    Does anyone have any ideas how to get the determination/will power I need to lose this weight. I hate to see myself in the mirror and the fact that, when I'm sat down, my belly button seems to be about 4 inches long (sorry if too much info!) I used to go to the gym 5 days a week.

    I do have a child diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome earlier this year and it's very tough but really that shouldn't be any excuse. I feel guilty even posting as I know it's not a positive post - sorry.
    I agree with LJCannon. It's good to vent and I also agree to just try and maintain through the holidays. Watch your portions and try cutting out some carbs during the day. Pick a meal, say dinner and tell yourself you're going to skip the roll / pasta whatever it is and have additional veggies with your main meal. Just doing that will get you going!
  • coachl78
    coachl78 Posts: 7 Member
    I have found doing weight watchers program easy. I did not join I just do it on my own.
  • Thanks all - I've done the weightwatchers programme 3 times now as well as Rosemary Conley, the Weetabix diet, the British Heart Foundation diet, etc, etc. I really think I have a problem with food - ie I'm a binge eater but the doc just won't take me seriously. I know I need to try harder but I get so frustrated with things in life and lonely too as I don't have a special friend that I can chat too and meet up with etc.

    I will try harder and thanks to you all for your support.
  • nikmaack
    nikmaack Posts: 28 Member
    What has worked for me:

    If I eat it, I have to log it. No exceptions.

    I imagine an authority figure (a stern female doctor, in my fantasies) reading over the list. This often stops me from eating certain things. I find myself thinking:

    "Well, I don't want to write THAT down! What would the stern doctor say?"

    So I don't eat it.

    At the same time, I try to be constantly eating. I like the six small meals a day plan. If you pick your foods carefully, you can actually do that. I know that I, personally, use food to calm myself, nurture myself, etc. So I make sure I have plenty of good, healthy food I can eat. Carrots, apples, celery, etc. I also rely on protein bars, granola bars, and carefully portioned bags of nuts and carrots.

    Ziplock bags are a dieters best friend.

    I religiously weigh and measure everything I eat, aiming for accuracy. If it's packaged food, I check the box stats against the website to make sure the entry on MFP is accurate. If it isn't, I enter a new one. This sort of anal fact checking makes for a more accurate measure of caloric intake.

    At the same time, I am not a martyr. Occasionally cheating is okay. One or two cheat meals a week, max. I still have beers and pizza maybe once every two weeks.

    One big trick for me has been exercise. Do you know why I work out on my elliptical every day for 40 minutes? BECAUSE I NEED THOSE EXTRA 600 CALORIES. No work out, no extra eating. There is no way I could get through a day on 1400 calories. That first thing in the morning work out bumps it up to 2,000.

    I have set my lifestyle to "sedentary" in my goals. Meanwhile, I walk everywhere and track calories burned with a pedometer. Knowing that a half hour walk means 200 calories of food I can eat is a big motivator to exercise.

    Some people will say, "Don't eat the calories you burn working out."

    Well, I often do -- not always. And I've lost 70 pounds since April.

    Hope these tips help.

  • Welcome. Just take it one day at a time. And if you have a bad eating day don't give up. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again the next day. To be healthy is a lifelong journey we have embarked on. Temporary setbacks are normal, it is the long haul that matters.

    Logging every morsel of food I eat helps keep me on track and honest. I may not make the best choices in what I eat, but I am honest with myself which helps me do better the next day!
  • Well done Nik. That's tremendous. I know I should walk - I must try harder....and I'll try some of your great tips.
  • Thanks acr2angel. I know I should log down what I eat but I usually have to wait until last thing at night and then I just forget half of what I've eaten or I've had so much junk I'm too embarrassed.
  • What I have found helpful for me is to keep a small journal handy in the kitchen where I write down everything that I eat as I am not able to log into the site and record what I ate until late in the evening. Maybe having something to write your food down right away and then posting it late would help.
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