
I'm not new to weight loss. Ten years back I lost 85lbs in 2 years. Hard work and calorie restriction. Fast forward, marriage, two kids later and I have around 15lbs to lose. Around 6 weeks ago I totally tightened my belt and have been working super hard. I'm at the gym 5-6 days a webk...lifting 3 days, power walks on my days off, spinning classes. My diet has been fairly clean. 1300-1400 calories of greek yogurt, chicken breasts, veg, nuts etc. I...maybe the odd piece of dark chocolate. In the past 6 weeks I'm down 1lb. ONE POUND! I know it's better than nothing but c'mon!!! Anyone want to peak at my diary and give suggestions? :)


  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    I'm not new to weight loss. Ten years back I lost 85lbs in 2 years. Hard work and calorie restriction. Fast forward, marriage, two kids later and I have around 15lbs to lose. Around 6 weeks ago I totally tightened my belt and have been working super hard. I'm at the gym 5-6 days a webk...lifting 3 days, power walks on my days off, spinning classes. My diet has been fairly clean. 1300-1400 calories of greek yogurt, chicken breasts, veg, nuts etc. I...maybe the odd piece of dark chocolate. In the past 6 weeks I'm down 1lb. ONE POUND! I know it's better than nothing but c'mon!!! Anyone want to peak at my diary and give suggestions? :)
    Where's ur diary
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    Now set as public. Sorry.
  • When you are close to your goal, it may be better to look at measurements for progress rather than the scale. Do you feel good, do your clothes feel looser, do you have more energy, is your endurance up? I have a lot to lose so I may see the scale move quickly however your body is a better indicator of your achievements than the numbers. I can't see your diary but it sounds like you are doing a great job!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,152 Member
    Keep going, you'll be fine.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    So just trust the process hey?:)
  • I think the other suggestion is a good one to go off of, don't just look at the scale. Take measurements, arm, waist, neck etc. Also figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate and Body Mass Index. If you see improvement in those areas even though there is no "weight" loss then you are improving! Just keep at it.
  • greginnd
    greginnd Posts: 26 Member
    AND, weigh and measure your food to make sure you are accurately counting calories. It's so easy to shift our perceptions when we don't. I know that is often my problem.

    That being said, you may be adding muscle and retaining some water along with it. So I agree with the previous posters that you should look at body composition and measurements to gauge your progress.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    Thanks everyone. I found myself being super discouraged lately and feeling quite large.... I hate that feeling. I think the scale messes with me so out with the scale I go and hello to measurements. I'll remeasure tomorrow and see where I'm at!