Maybe they are jealous/angry that I have lost weight?

I don't know for sure, but it seems since I have lost over 40 pounds since January 2013, my family seems to be falling appart. We have a family memebership to the Y with 2 swimming pools, etc and I basically have to go alone. I have to remind myself that if I wait on them I will never accomplish anything. My husband seems to avoid me all the time now. Used to be a gentleman, opening car doors and such, but now forget it. He doesn't hardly talk to me. I get so many compliments from others about how great I look, but not from him. Since Ihave startedmy journey we don't even share a room anymore. Could he be jealous? Did I say he gave away my skinny clothes over a year ago? He did and he said it was on accident. Now he owes me a whole wardrobe. You see, I hung on to some clothes that were from my previous thinner days and I stored them away. I only kept out a pair of jeans that were my "try on see if they fit yet" jeans. I can't afford to buy a lot of clothes right now and he hasn't made any effort to do anything.
He could also be jealous that last year was a great one for me- other than the weight loss. I graduated college, got a job and saw my parent's together forthe first time in my life.
What do you think?
