Starting T25 sometime next week!

Hey everyone! Just purchased T25 and I'm super excited. Even more excited my hubby is going to do it with me! He is about 40 lbs overweight and hasn't worked out in a LONG time! I've been working out for a long time, I'm not overweight, and am definitely in better shape than him! I'm worried he might not be able to keep up - any suggestions on how to motivate him if he gets discouraged? Do you think he will be able to do the moves? I know there is a modifier, which is going to be good for him but what if the modified moves are still too much? I just really don't want him to give up. He just turned 27 and I just turned 24 and I want this to be the year that we BOTH get in the best shape of our lives!!!

Also, if you are just starting the program or have been on it and want to support each other, add me as a friend! We plan to start sometime next week after our backs feel better (I hurt my back by doing too many TurboFire HIITs and he threw his ENTIRE back out from work) Just mention something about T25 in the subject. I'd love to hear your opinions on the workout!



  • jyljyl
    jyljyl Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I'm doing t25 starting week 4 Monday . I had a hard time with the moves at first but now I can do them . Add me or email me . Im a 30 yr old female looking to lose 20 lbs
  • GeminiFitness1
    GeminiFitness1 Posts: 63 Member
    I would recommend the modifications first if you need them especially if you haven't worked out in a while.
  • driii123
    driii123 Posts: 39 Member
    I just finished week 4 and I still use the modifier :S