Feeling Positive

Hello MFP
I am a married 22 year old mother of a 1+ yr old baby boy.
I have overweight since 10th grade. I know many things contributed to this
Fast food job, southern family with mother who relied on frozen or instant meals constantly, growing up with no limits on sugar or
Soda, depression from disfunctional home life blah blah blah
But at the end of the day I have to take responsibility. Nobody force fed me or chained me to the couch.
Long story short, by the time I turned 18, I weighed 238lbs.
Through depression and stressful life changing event, after not weighing myself in a year, I found myself at 210.
Fast forward another year and am I living in NYC, am married to a wonderful man, and pregnant.
During my pregnancy I vowed to be a healthy mom and learned to love living a more active lifestyle
(walking to get groceries, climbing the stairs to our 5th floor apt because there is no elevator, ect).
Finally I am at 200lbs after giving birth via c section.
As you may know, the first year with your first child is both amazing at times, specifically nap time, and tiring much more of the time.
I loved having this beautiful little boy, but my husband and I got burnt out waking up all through the night, so we postponed our vow to get in shape after our sons birth and started neglecting our health again. We started eating lots of fast food again.
Then we move even further north where we are constantly snowed in. I tried walking a ton in the fall and managed to see 188lbs. But the winter and holidays came and knocked me on my *kitten*. So again I make a vow that in the new year I will get fit. New years came and went, but so did the polar vortex and before you know it we are ordering pizza, eating fried chicken with fries, going for chinese food, ect.
I know the spring is coming and I love pushing my son in his stroller. I can go for 8mile walks easy. I am currently a stay at home mom, but this fall I am starting a work training certificate program, then looking for a job, so I really want to not feel uncomfortable with my body and nervous/paranoid around people I have to talk to.
My probably is not eating healthy. I love almost all fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, ect. And I adore cooking. I make all of our meals. My problem is that I tend to look to food to comfort me. I am staying strong tho, already resisting temptations and not even feeling like I am missing out, because I am so ready for a change and feel happy. This month I clocked in at 196. I packed the scale away until March 1st, because I do not want to fret over daily weigh ins. I am only weighing myself 1 or 2 times a month. I log everything daily and work out almost daily. I am aiming for a resonable diet of 1400-1500 calories (do not want to get into that 1200mindset again and crash. I have an elliptical, a 10lb kettle bell, kitchen scale, and a water jug that holds 8 glasses...
Bring it on.
