Input would be great !

Hi All !

I'm new here and I'd like to get some input.

In September I decided to get fit. I have since changed my eating habits, eat healthy, no more softdrinks and junkfood, and have been doing allot of cardio (bike/running) I'm also eating more frequent smaller meals all day (6 meals throughout).

I have since shed a little over 30 pounds. I'm 5'8" and I went from 206 to 174 this morning with a BMI from 31 to 26

For about the last month, I've added strength training to the mix.

I've changed my diet and now have an intake of about 1500-2000 calories a day so I have a FOOD deficit of between 700-1200 calories and I'm comfortable with it. And this includes mainly higher protein stuff like cottage cheese, eggs and chicken etc.

I strenght train 4 times a week doing supersets with free weights at home for about 30 mins alternating
Monday Chest/legs, Tuesday arms/core, Thursday Chest/legs, Friday arms/core.
Everytime I strenght train, I do a 20 minute Run before and a 20 minute Run after.
I also try to add 1-2 other Cardio workout's when I can on off days.

One week I train before diner, one week I train after diner (8pm), (Son custody)

I'm taking Whey protein each morning, Casein every night and Whey protein after each strength workout.

So my question is, Am I doing anything wrong or making any errors in here ?
My goal is to continue to shed fat, drop weight, reduce my BMI and fat % and possibly increase in muscle
mass but just a little bit, nothing exagerated, I just want to look nice, and see my 6 pack a little...

Thank you all for your time !



  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    It sounds like since you have lost 30 pounds since September you are doing great! It seems to be working great for you, so go for it!

  • garnote
    Yes but most of the weight loss was before i hit 30lbs lost, I want to know if the overall training regiment + nutrition deficit makes sense. or if I'm making any mistakes that I should correct to get optimal results.
  • tyrsnbdr
    tyrsnbdr Posts: 234 Member
    Yes but most of the weight loss was before i hit 30lbs lost, I want to know if the overall training regiment + nutrition deficit makes sense. or if I'm making any mistakes that I should correct to get optimal results.

    Congrats on a great start to your journey. You didn't give a macro break down, but you want to make sure you are getting enough protein (around 1gr per lbs of lean body mass) and enough fats. Usually 20% of your diet should be fats. Then round out the diet with carbs.

    Muscle mass gains are improbable when eating at a deficit. You may have a series for bulks and cuts in your future.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member

    As you lose more and more weight, you'll find that it's harder and the fat comes off slower. To maintain the same rate of fat loss, you have to increase your workout intensity. Not just by adding weights, but by challenging yourself with them. Make it hurt and sweat.

    If it doesn't challenge you, then it won't change you.

    Best of luck man! 30 pounds is exceptional
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    Congrats on the weight loss!

    It doesn't sound like your too interested in gaining muscle as much as you are about losing weight. In that case, I wouldn't break up your cardio with doing weights in between. Instead, kick up the cardio for a straight 45min for at least 4 weeks. This should help shed more fat, but you might also shed the precious muscle you've attained.

    On the other hand, the more muscle you add, the better. It will speed up your metabolic rate and help burn fat along the way.
    I didn't see you mentioning a shoulder workout... Do you train your shoulders?

    Also, you might consider adding one more day to your routine.

    But all in all, your routine sounds solid, just keep going, give it a little more time. I say that because you said you've only been strength training for about a month, hardly enough time to see solid muscle gains.

    Best of luck,
  • garnote
    Thanks everyone, you have pretty much confirmed what I was uncertain about.
    I will keep the strength training in there since I don't want to lose muscle and I keep the workouts sweaty and intense and heart rate above 100. Also, yes I'm rating sufficient protein and some carbs.

    I'll probably start a bulk/cut in the future but I'm still working om flushing 10 years of bad habits (soda, junk etc.)

  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    Sounds like your doing great!
    I personally found that my weight loss stalled when I started lifting.
    I found going back to lower weights and more reps helped me keeps losing weight without losing any muscle.
    And of course, cardio is key! :)
  • garnote
    Sounds like your doing great!
    I personally found that my weight loss stalled when I started lifting.
    I found going back to lower weights and more reps helped me keeps losing weight without losing any muscle.
    And of course, cardio is key! :)

    Hi Flower, I'm actually kind of stuck at the moment in terms of weight, I think I might try your suggestion because at the moment, I'm lifting rather heavy in supersets with the hope of burning calories but also possibly building a small amount of "beginner mass/definition" which I'm told is possible on a calorie deficit (no big gain, just a little) and simultaneously, preventing my calorie gain from eating at my muscles...