Another newbie!

Morning all!

I'm Karen, I'm 31 and live in Kent, England.
I have struggled with my weight for years now but after having my son last June I realised that I need to be fit and healthy to be able to keep up with him and give him everything he needs.

I started my weight loss journey in Feb weighing in at 224lb and have managed to lose 10lb with the help of WW and exercising. I have just installed the my fitness pal app onto my iphone to help me track what I am eating and hope that I can carry on heading in the right direction towards better health and fitness!!

I look forward to getting to know you all! :)


  • k_wills
    k_wills Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Karen...I'm sure you'll find all the help and support you need on's great...And good to meet someone else from the UK!
  • kaz2803
    kaz2803 Posts: 2
    Thanks for the welcome! :)
  • emmawhite1983
    hey buddy!
  • mekkzy888
    mekkzy888 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi, I live in Kent too! Welcome to MFP and good luck with your weight loss, you're welcome to add me :)