Warrior Challenge 2011, anyone else doing it?

My guy and I were thinking of doing the Warrior Challenge this year. It looks extreme. And like a lot of fun.

I was wondering if anyone else was doing it, and how you're preparing :)


  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    i may be the odd one out, but what is the warrior challenge? :]
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    I assume you mean the Warrior Dash?

    I'd love to, if I could get in shape in time, and get the time off. Looks like lots of fun!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    HELL YES!!!!!!!!

    I did the Warrior Dash this year and I've already paid for next year. It was SOOOOOOOOOOO crazy. I can't NOT do it!:bigsmile:
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    How would you recommend a first timer to prepare?
    Especially if this first timer has never run farther longer than 60 seconds at a time in her whole life? :blushing:
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    Taken directly from the Warrior Dash website:

    How do I train for Warrior Dash?
    1. Day one: run as far as you can. Go home. Day two: do the same thing.
    2. Find the dirtiest pond in your neighborhood and snorkel in it - in your slippers, without goggles.
    3. Practice your climbing and crawling skills at your local jungle gym. Ignore the small children and parental glares.
    4. Do not shower or shave for weeks in order to obtain a true Warrior look.
  • Gadget_Dog
    Looks fun! Shame they dont do that in the UK!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    OMG that looks so cool!!! I'm almost considering driving down from Canada to participate...
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I am planning on doing it with my husband and a few friends in Florida- or maybe another- we haven't decided. We can't wait!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Taken directly from the Warrior Dash website:

    How do I train for Warrior Dash?
    1. Day one: run as far as you can. Go home. Day two: do the same thing.
    2. Find the dirtiest pond in your neighborhood and snorkel in it - in your slippers, without goggles.
    3. Practice your climbing and crawling skills at your local jungle gym. Ignore the small children and parental glares.
    4. Do not shower or shave for weeks in order to obtain a true Warrior look.

    This is EXACTLY how to prepare for it!! :bigsmile:

    If you've never run before keep in mind it is a 5K. You can walk but that sort of takes the fun out of it. I'd recommend the c25K. The way it's set up (our course had 11 obstacles) so you ran about a mile before they started and then it was run a little do an obstacle repeat. It's intense but SUPER fun. The comradery was out of this world. I ended up losing my friends and running with a bunch of girls (only 2 of the 6 new eachother) and we were cheering eachother on, helping eachother over obstacles and at the end dove through the mud pit together and had out pictures taken. It was awesome. The beer, turkey leg and music/events were a great way to end the day. Oh and were near Portland OR so we stopped at VooDoo Donut on the way home. :drinker:
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm super psyched...
    I've been dieting (Thanksgiving blew that out of the water for 2 days :cry: ) and I think it will help being lighter...
    And I'm also researching an electric cigarette... (I know, I know... stop smoking.. bler bler bler. I dont want to. ...So. An electric ciggy would be the next best thing, right?)
    Aaaaand. I'm on my floor with my free weights right now attempting some strength training :) Looking up free yoga videos. And planning my exercise plan for the week.



    The Ohio Warrior Dash is in Columbus... well. Right outside of Columbus, which is a really fun city.
    I can feel like this is something I really want to do.
    I cant wait until MFP gets Groups up and running so we can start one for Warrior Dash!

    PS: If I succeed.... I'm getting my doggie one of those queer little "Warrior's Best Friend" dog shirts .
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    I did the one in the Rockies in 2010 and I'm going back to the mountains to do it again in summer 2011.

    If you scroll down to the last post on page 11, you can read my race report. (WARNING: i live in CO and did mine in the mountains. other races won't be at 10,000 ft, lol) www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/106273-half-marathon-support-and-motivation?page=11

    I highly recommend the Warrior Dash. it was sooo much fun. there are people of all shapes and sizes doing it....lots of people walked the whole thing and on the opposite side of the spectrum, there were incredibly fit people who finished it in like 22 mins :noway:

    Have fun!
  • sarahtiano
    sarahtiano Posts: 78 Member
    that looks awesome! i had never heard of it before, but will definitely be participating! anybody here going to the the MN one?
  • turboandrea
    I would LOVE to compete in the Warrior Dash here in Florida, but I'm a little leary of the pond/lake activities. Every body of water here either has dangerous snakes or alligators. Do they check these areas to protect the participants or no? I know it's a WARRIOR dash, but I'd rather not risk that level of injury.
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    I would imagine they scope for those things O.o
    Injuring participants doesnt seem to be the goal.
    You could probably contact someone :)
  • JulieTX86
    That looks SOOO fun!
  • RuggedWarrior
    Check out this The Rugged Warrior Challenge. www.ruggedwarrior.com One of the most insane mud runs on the planet!