My first day!

Okay, this was my first day of exercise on a regular basis and keeping a journal of what I ate. It went well. Most of it. I am really snowed in here and that is a problem. I work from home which is another challenge. Getting exercise today consisted of doing lots of sit ups and shoveling snow! My diet was right on track at 1,440 calories, what was recommended by this forum when I joined. It seems like quite a lot of food. If this works it will be amazing. Now that I look at what I eat, I can see where I was eating way too many calories. I'm doing two hours of exercise a day and this includes really rigorous shoveling. Did a little stupid dancing in front of the TV while watching country music. I used to look so much better when dancing!! Put a mirror up next to the TV. Too much jiggling going on!! Basically I feel good about my weight loss plans and promise myself I will do this.

Man, I can't wait for spring!! I want to go for long walks!!!

Maybe by starting this thread, some of the others who just joined will post how their first day went?? Lets hear from you!


  • Woodster83
    Woodster83 Posts: 71 Member
    I also work from home and so I'm always close to the kitchen!

    I'm eating a lot more than I used to, but healthier stuff and after 2 weeks I feel much better!

    Good luck!
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Hrrr well I think on my first day I was like, ok so now I've had four slices of buttered toast and a bowl of muesli with yogurt and honey but it's still ages to go till lunch and I'm already hungry so maybe I can like, eat more. To my horror and confusion I had either already reached my limit for the day or had only 100 calories left or something. I decided to leave it at that. Then I ate lunch and dinner and snacks and did not log them. I logged exercise out of interest: half an hour of light callisthenics & half an hour of jogging.
  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    Well done!
    This may sound silly but you could try running in the snow.
    You won't get far but your heart rate will be up in no time and you'll sweat buckets! Both of which are a good sign!
    Good luck with your journey!
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