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Post in your workout routine



  • Well done for your loss! So you find mixing cardio and strength together ok? Not tiring or anything?
    Hi, there are around 12 different stations set up in the hall .
    Eg. Burpees,tricep dip, hill climb. Press up,crunches,step-ups,jumping jacks,
    And different excercises using the weights/dumbbell.
    Its very varied and changes each time. I love it! Try it. The class i do ranges from age 18 to late 60s
  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    My training routing is:

    Tap Out XT2 Program
  • EmiBun
    EmiBun Posts: 84 Member
    Normally I'd run but my knees hurt so it's weight day, elliptical, and a moose challenge:
    Moose challenge round 1:
    1 lap(1/8 mile), then 5 inch worms, 30 jump rope

    ** (with a medicine ball, I used 10lbs)
    * 21 high ball tosses
    * 21 left side ball wall slams
    * 21 didis with ball (lay on ur back, use ball to reach ur feet tht are up in the air)
    * 21 right side ball wall slams
    * 21 body weight squats (7 with ball overhead, 7 with ball out front, 7 without ball)
    * 21 ball slams(on ground)

    Round 2: 1 lap, 5 inch worms, 40 jump ropes
    *18 reps of everything, except squats which are now Russian twist lunges

    Round 3: 1 lap, 5 inch worms, 50 jump ropes
    *12 reps of everything, except squats which are not burpees. :)no ball is needed for the burpees.
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    I try to train as often as I can. Martial arts will vary if I am late to work or have a competition coming up. Just recently added in some strength training after about 6 months away from my crossfit box. Try to shoot for 3/4 sets and will pyramid down as I increase weight. Times aren't 100% but pretty close. One in a while I will sneak in jiu jitsu on a Monday morning or Sunday afternoon too.

    Mon: Rest day

    Tue: Strength training 30-40 mins (Lower body:extensions,curls,lunges,squats; Upper body:dumbbell bench press, lat pull downs, seated rows, triceps extensions, biceps curls.)
    60-90 mins Brazilian jiu jitsu

    Wed: 60-70 mins Kickboxing (5 min jump rope, 15 mins calisthenics, 20 min pad work 10-20 mins sparring)
    45-60 mins Brazilian jiu jitsu

    Thur: Strength training 30-40 mins (Lower body:extensions,curls,lunges,squats; Upper body:dumbbell bench press, lat pull downs, seated rows, triceps extensions, biceps curls.)
    60-90 mins Brazilian jiu jitsu

    Fri: 60-120 mins Brazilian jiu jitsu

    Sat: 60-90 mins Judo

    Sun: Sleep all day long
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I go to the gym 4-5 days a week and I work a different muscle group each day.

    If I get up early in the morning or get to the gym early enough in the afternoon then I do 30 min. of cardio before lifting. If not then I just lift. This week looked like this:

    Cardio: 20 min. treadmill run - 17:10 min (2 miles) @7; 2 min @6.4; 1 min cool down Total miles: 2.26
    Back & Abs:


    Wide grip lat pull down - 2x10* 1x8
    Close reverse grip pull down - 1x10; 1x9; 1x8
    1 Arm seated row: 2x10* 1x8
    Push down: 2x10* 1x8
    Two arm seated row: 1x10; 1x8; 1x7
    Lower back extensions: 3x10

    Decline bench: "Rocky's" 1x12; 2x10
    Time: 35 minutes
    Total workout time: 55 minutes.

    Cardio: 30 minute treadmill run - 28:30 (3 miles) @6.3mph; 1.5 min. cool down walk @3.5mph
    Shoulders & Legs:

    Shoulders: Smith Machine:

    Military Press: 3x10
    Narrow/wide upright rows: 2x10; 1x8
    Front/Back Shrugs: 3x10
    Legs: Smith Machine:
    Squats: 1x10; 2x8
    Plie Squats: 3x10
    Lunges: 3x10

    Time: 60 min.
    Total workout: 90 min.


    Cardio: 30 min. Arc Trainer
    Tri's & Abs:

    Tri's:Smith Machine:

    Dips Captains Chair - Body weight: 3x10
    Skull Crushers: 3x10
    Close grip bench press (flat): 3x10
    Reverse grip bench press (close): 3x10
    1 arm standing db extension: 3x10


    Weighted side bends - 3x15
    Weighted twists - 3x15

    Time: 45 min
    Total workout: 75 min.

    THURSDAY: Rest Day (possibly. Depends on a few things)

    FRIDAY: Chest & Legs

    30 min. run

    Chest: Smith Machine:

    Flat bench
    Incline Bench
    Decline Bench (if it's available)
    Cable: High/mid/low fly's
    Pec Dec
    Not sure what else

    Ab/Adductor Machine
    Donkey Kicks
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    @ rayfu75
    Heya, I did Juijitsu too, but I went to a competition and....escaping my opponent, she grabbed my leg, I twisted, snap and pop, tore all my knee ligaments lol. I can only go back next year, 3 years after my surgery. Anyways, thanks for the info!
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks, so more than 15 mins cardio is what most people do then. I shall do that too!
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I follow the Starting Strength template with additional accessory work on Mon, Wed & Fri.

    Every morning after getting back from walking the dog (~3mi) I do some "prehab" work using yoga. I usually use the Melissa McLeod videos from doyogawithme.com
    I find them easy to follow and they don't interfere with recovery.
    I do cardio on off days, so Tue, Thur & Sat. If the weather is good, I run... if it's bad, as it often is in Wales, I'll cycle indoors or something similar. I try to avoid anything that relies on a lot of strength, and opt for light endurance instead - I find it helps with recovery.

    Sunday I leave for relaxing. Just long walks, relaxing yoga - especially for breathing and posture. I'd love to get back into swimming but I've yet to find a time at my local pool where it's quiet enough to swim lengths without interruptions.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Workout A
    • Front squat 3x5@135lbs
    • Back squat 3x5@185-225
    • Bench 5x5 or 5x3@185-225
    • Pendlay Row 5x5@185
    • Bonus sets: DB bicep curls 3x8@80-90lbs and/or cable pull downs 3x8@115-130lbs

    Workout B
    • OHP 5x5 or 5x3@135-155lbs
    • Deadlifts 5x5@285-315
    • Pullups/Dips/pushups mix, 6 total sets
    • Bonus sets: Arnold press 3x8@80-100lbs and/or face pulls 3x10@115lbs

    I don't bother with cardio usually. Strength gains are great, weight loss is great.

    I go to the gym 2-3x a week for 1 hour or less.

    Alot of what people are doing is too complicated and too much. Go hard and heavy, leave and rest well. Eat well. IMO if you can actually go in and lift 5 days a week, your workouts are too light.

    You might notice my squats are not that heavy, it's because I have a slipped disc in my lower back and shin fractures. My leg strength is good otherwise. For instance I max out the standing calf raise and adduction/abduction machines for 10 reps and still add 45lb plates to them.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    30 minute swim

    Full bodyweight workout:
    2x10 warm up push-ups, followed by 3 x 6-8 diamond push-ups;
    2 x 20 warm up bodyweight squats, followed by 3 x 9 pistol squats (to a low bench, not quite going to the floor yet);
    3 x 10-12 inverted rowing;
    5 x resistance band assisted chin-ups to near failure; currently around 5 reps each set;
    3 x 8-9 pike pushups (for shoulders);
    3 x 1 minute high planks (building on holding longer each set).

    Evening: Ashtanga Yoga Primary series; 75 minute session.

    Evening: Ashtanga Yoga; 75 mins

    30 minute swim
    Evening Yoga class; 75 mins

    Full bodyweight workout as Monday
    Evening: Ashtanga Yoga; 75 mins

    30 minute swim
    Evening: Ashtanga Yoga; 75 mins

    Morning Yoga class; 75 mins
    Full bodyweight workout as Monday

    Active rest day
    Easier restorative yoga session; 75 mins
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Here is my routine right now:

    Monday: NROL4W + Stretch or Group Run (swaps with Tuesday depending on if I work or not)
    Tuesday: NROL4W + Stretch or Group Run (swaps with Monday depeding on if I work or not)
    Wednesday: Speed Session/Run (Each week swaps between #X400 and tempo)
    Thursday: NROL4W + 3 mile Run
    Friday: Rest Day
    Saturday: Long Run or 3-5 Mile Race Pace Run (Swaps depending on if I work on Sunday)
    Sunday: Long Run or 3-5 Mile Race Pace Run (Swaps depending on if I work on Saturday)
  • I eat approximately 900 - 1200 calories a day, am 163.5cm tall and weigh 55kg, but am hoping to lose maybe another 3 or so kilos? Basically, I just want to become stronger and slightly more muscly, whilst also looking leaner.
    Last night, I quickly wrote out an exercise routine for me to follow today at the gym, but I'm not too sure about its effectiveness. Here is what I have so far:

    Warm-up: 15 minute walk to the gym
    3 x 10 bench press (5kg, I’m just starting out so it’s not much atm)
    3 x 10 bicep curls (5kg weights)
    3 x 10 two-armed triceps dumbbell extensions (7kg weight)
    5 x 10 squats (10kg, I’m thinking of increasing the weight next time)
    3 x 10 leg press (60kg)
    3 x 10 leg extensions
    5 x 10 verticle leg lifts
    Elliptical trainer: 10 minutes
    Rowing machine: 10 minutes/2km
    Bike: 10 minutes
    Cool-down: 15 minute walk home

    At home, I do a quick (mostly just bodyweight) workout before bed at least 3 or 4 nights a week:

    1 minute plank
    100 norml crunches
    50 side crunches (each side)
    1 minute plank

    20 squats
    30 lunges (each leg)
    40 calf raises (hold for 5 seconds each)
    50 second wall squat
    40 lying leg lifts
    30 sumo squats
    20 squats

    The gym routine took sometime between 1 hour and 1 hour 45 minutes to complete. I sill felt quite energized after it, so I wasn't exactly sarisfied. I go to the gym 1 - 2 times a week, along with touch football once a week, school oztag and about 3 PE lessons per week. Any tips on how I can improve my gym routine to help achieve my goals quicker? Thanks :smile:
  • briniepoo
    briniepoo Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks everyone, this has really given me some good insight!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    At the moment...

    Monday - Rest Day; just go for a walk or whatever to move; restorative yoga
    Tuesday - Squats, Power-Cleans, Bench, Pull-ups
    Wednesday - 60 minutes easy paced cycling (not at the gym)
    Thursday - Dead-Lifts, OH Press, Rows, Dips
    Friday - 60 minutes tempo ride (not at the gym)
    Saturday - Hard Spin (awesome class at my gym)
    Sunday - Long ride (gets incrementally longer until my metric century)