For those afraid to join a gym....

Hi, I'm Resa. I'm 5' 3" (on a good day) and 238lbs (also on a good day) and I work at a gym. Not work out at a gym, I draw a pay check from showing up at a gym and standing there. I have a little inside on what fit people think about the non-fit people that work out. Spoiler alert: It's pretty much nothing. In the nearly three years of standing behind my desk and greeting people of all shapes and sizes, I've NEVER heard one snide comment about someone else's body. Okay, scratch that, we have a stripper who works out there that and we are pretty sure she is on meth. She made a snide comment to me about a member who lost a significant amount of weight busting her butt off, but seriously...she's a methed up 40 year old stripper, her opinions are invalid. I cannot stress how hyper focused people are on themselves when they are there. They aren't concerned about a chubby person on the treadmill or an obese person giving all they can in a spin class. There is actually a little admiration for these people because they are trying to improve themselves and take their health back into consideration. I don't believe gyms are necessary for getting in shape, but honestly, if you REALLY want to join one, but there is still fear of your size keeping you from it, most gyms offer a free week to try it out. Go, give it a week, take notice that no one is there to confront you or belittle you. Should someone is mean to you, march your hinny up to the desk and tell the person there. We are here to keep *kitten* like that in line and I do love to keep me some *kitten* in line. So I hope that I've encouraged at least ONE person to give it a try. I'm just a friendly gym associate and if you come to my gym, I'll be happy to give you a towel and an encouraging word. :flowerforyou:


  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    True. Most of us gym-goers become quite narcissistic. But I do have a tendency to judge people while I'm on the elliptical. Mostly calling out the d-bags and the things that they do...not at all fat people working out...because that was me 2 years ago...

    But please, do NOT do the Thighmaster will draw attention to yourself!
  • GeminiFitness1
    GeminiFitness1 Posts: 63 Member
    I agree the gym I own and operate everyone is in the same vote. We have +size ladies and men. We have had people lose 50lbs. We encourage each and every member!!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    FYI, I don't go to a gym but it has nothing to do with what people would think of me. There are other reasons people don't go, and it isn't because I don't like gyms either, I do like them.
  • wonkosane
    wonkosane Posts: 42 Member
    I judge everyone who maxes out the incline on the treadmill and then hangs off the control panel.

    I judge them all.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I joined a gym once in college. I was in ok shape, but still self-conscious of my weight and abilities, like many of the people there probably are. I decided to take a pilates class, which I had never done before but the class description said it was open to all levels. During the class the instructor kept singling me out and telling me how I was doing the movements wrong (which is fine, I want to know if I'm doing it wrong but she was very condescending) and kept telling me I should try a different class for beginners. I left the class feeling so bad about myself. I checked the course description of the class that clearly said it was for all levels, and I was so angry and embarrassed. I went once or twice more, but never went to another class and eventually stopped all together. Not sure if I was being oversensitive, it was like a decade ago, but either way it was enough that I didn't want to go back in case she taught anymore of the classes.
  • ResaBoBesa
    ResaBoBesa Posts: 20 Member
    I joined a gym once in college. I was in ok shape, but still self-conscious of my weight and abilities, like many of the people there probably are. I decided to take a pilates class, which I had never done before but the class description said it was open to all levels. During the class the instructor kept singling me out and telling me how I was doing the movements wrong (which is fine, I want to know if I'm doing it wrong but she was very condescending) and kept telling me I should try a different class for beginners. I left the class feeling so bad about myself. I checked the course description of the class that clearly said it was for all levels, and I was so angry and embarrassed. I went once or twice more, but never went to another class and eventually stopped all together. Not sure if I was being oversensitive, it was like a decade ago, but either way it was enough that I didn't want to go back in case she taught anymore of the classes.

    Aww, stinky. Instructors like that end up losing clients that way. We had a Zumba instructor that people didn't care for so they put her on a rotating schedule with another Zumba instructor. Needless to say, one class was full and the other wasn't. I hope that Pilates instructor is fat now. :grumble:
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    Honestly, unless you are doing something COMPLETELY ridiculous, no one cares. The only reason why I look around my gym (its only 1 room) is because I'm new and I like to see what people are doing. Also, I started my weight loss journey at 302 pounds (!!!) and my first class was an hour long Zumba class. It worked me so hard, but my instructor and my co-workers that go, never judged me harshly and actually it was the complete opposite. But all in all, YOU are not there for THEM! YOU are there for YOU. YOU made the choice to live a healthier life style. So who cares where you start? It's just as long as you START!
  • I was always afraid to join the gym because of being obessed of others opinion but now i love it once you get in your grove and are sweating and trying your best nobody cares infact the more sweat, tears and grunting us larger ladies do i find that the more admiration you get .....Also it doesnt help to smile!!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    great encouraging post!
    over the years I have belonged to 2 different gyms...both were awesome. And generally if someone is looking at you it's cuz...
    1. you are in great shape and you are being admired for your efforts
    2. they are trying to learn whatever move or machine you are using
    3. you are new, struggling but not throwing in the sweaty towel and they admire your determination
    and lastly...just do your thing....if fear is holding u back from joining a gym....just go for it.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I agree the gym I own and operate everyone is in the same vote. We have +size ladies and men. We have had people lose 50lbs. We encourage each and every member!!

    That's a great attitude to have! So encouraging
    By the way GeminiFitness... Are you holding your own leg..? I've been staring at your picture for quite some time now and I just can't handle this :huh:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm usually too busy curling in the squat rack, dropping dumbbells, and taking selfies to notice anyone else. Unless of course there's some hottie in a matching outfit, make up, and some sweet smelling perfume, then I'm definitely creeping her.
  • I had a lady stare at me the other day I think it's because the elliptical I was on was squeaky maybe she thought I was too fat for it. She kept eyeing me and I would see it in my peripheral vision and would look at her she looks away. WTF man **** off eyeballing me and do your exercise. I stared her back down till she got uncomfortable and stopped. Otherwise nobody bothers me and I don't bother them.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Doesn't want snide comment made.
    Makes snide "40 year old, ...." comment.

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Doesn't want snide comment made.
    Makes snide "40 year old, ...." comment.


  • Doesn't want snide comment made.
    Makes snide "40 year old, ...." comment.



    ...I think it was the choice of career for a 40 year old being remarked on - double snide LOLZ
  • I think that gym is the nice place where you can do exercise for your body fitness. you can also lose fat and get a fit body. I do the exercise in gym also.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Doesn't want snide comment made.
    Makes snide "40 year old, ...." comment.



    ...I think it was the choice of career for a 40 year old being remarked on - double snide LOLZ

    And someone could say something about an out of shape person working at a gym.

    Triple snide.

    But that would be mean, wrong, and generally not nice.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Doesn't want snide comment made.
    Makes snide "40 year old, ...." comment.



    ...I think it was the choice of career for a 40 year old being remarked on - double snide LOLZ

    And someone could say something about an out of shape person working at a gym.

    Triple snide.

    But that would be mean, wrong, and generally not nice.
    True story. But all of the above too.
  • ResaBoBesa
    ResaBoBesa Posts: 20 Member
    Doesn't want snide comment made.
    Makes snide "40 year old, ...." comment.



    ...I think it was the choice of career for a 40 year old being remarked on - double snide LOLZ

    And someone could say something about an out of shape person working at a gym.

    Triple snide.

    But that would be mean, wrong, and generally not nice.
    True story. But all of the above too.

    I can give you the 40 year old stripper's number if you would like.
    Meh, not going to argue with you, not the point of the post. If you felt that me saying that a 40 year old stripper on drugs has an invalid opinion was offensive, I do apologize, but it's not her age I was referring to, it's her choice of career at her age and her past time of choice at her age. I wish everyone nothing but success.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Doesn't want snide comment made.
    Makes snide "40 year old, ...." comment.



    ...I think it was the choice of career for a 40 year old being remarked on - double snide LOLZ

    And someone could say something about an out of shape person working at a gym.

    Triple snide.

    But that would be mean, wrong, and generally not nice.
    True story. But all of the above too.

    I can give you the 40 year old stripper's number if you would like.
    Meh, not going to argue with you, not the point of the post. If you felt that me saying that a 40 year old stripper on drugs has an invalid opinion was offensive, I do apologize, but it's not her age I was referring to, it's her choice of career at her age and her past time of choice at her age. I wish everyone nothing but success.

    Keep digging.
