Protein shake for late dinner?

Today has been a huge mess and totally threw off my routine!
tonight I got back from the gym way later than usual(I was on a cardio high lol) and by the time I was showered and ready to make dinner I realized it was already 8:30 and I hadn't eaten dinner yet. I usually don't eat 4 hours before bedtime, but I was so hungry and of course didn't want to skip dinner altogether so I went ahead and just made a protein shake with almond milk, some strawberries, blueberries, a big handful of spinach and a banana. I feel nice and full, but I'm worried about it sticking with me all night and making me have sleep troubles. Has anyone else ever done this? Protein shakes instead of a late dinner? How did it work for you?
I definitely won't do this every night. I only even keep protein powder in the house in case im running late in the morning and can't make breakfast.


  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I have my shakeology occasionally for dinner and have never had an issue with it. I don't do it often though.
  • Malgorzata79
    Malgorzata79 Posts: 87 Member
    I was told by my trainer and military son - do not drink protein shakes for dinner or after dinner because the sugar will make you gain weight. If you hungry at night - go straight to your room and go to bed. Do not stay in the kitchen/living room area. The temptation will get to you.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I've done them for dinner before too. Never had an issue. If I do them at night I prefer casein.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I was told by my trainer and military son - do not drink protein shakes for dinner or after dinner because the sugar will make you gain weight. If you hungry at night - go straight to your room and go to bed. Do not stay in the kitchen/living room area. The temptation will get to you.

    It depends on the protein drink. There are some bery low in sugar so this would not apply.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I was told by my trainer and military son - do not drink protein shakes for dinner after dinner because the sugar will make you gain weight. If you hungry at night - go straight to your room and go to bed. Do not stay in the kitchen/living room area. The temptation will get to you.
    But, but, science!

    I work out late at night so have my shake late at night, no problems. It doesn't matter what time you eat.
    I wouldn't have it for dinner, but sounds like you rounded it out pretty well and there's definitely worse things you could've had.