
Yesterday I learned a hard lesson of eating on the go, instead of going to the vietnamese restaurant & having pho I grabbed a burger and fries on drive through McDonalds. I wasn't as near as enjoyable as sitting down in the restaurant and the cost would of been the same. The calories of the fries and burger where almost my days consumption, and put me way over.

I am not going to beat myself up over it but take it as a lesson learned. I saw on the news this morning the Dr on weight loss suggested that people who have the most success with losing weight and keeping it off are those that stick with the program during the week but allow some leniency on the weekend, then get back on track.


  • VeggieGal777
    VeggieGal777 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I eat on plan 6 days a week and go over my calories once a week, I know this isn't helping my weight loss but I enjoy a pizza!
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    One day. Not the end of the world. Personally I agree with the Doc you saw on TV. This isn't a "diet" for me that I'm going to go off of at some point. Hopefully it's a new relationship with food. And if that meant I'd never have another cheeseburger, I doubt I'd stick with it.

    Next time just get a better burger than McDonalds. lol
  • missrenahope
    missrenahope Posts: 44 Member
    I go over my calories intentionally once a week and I'm happy I do. Nothing wrong with it!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    We all go over at some point. But like you said lesson learned. If you eat out- opt for grilled chicken, no bun, etc. There are ways to make it a little healthier, But there are days I just want a darn burger too.
  • stefanieraya
    stefanieraya Posts: 110 Member
    You cannot beat yourself up for being on the go. We lead busy lives and things don't always go according to plan. Doing a trip through the drive thru doesn't mean a failure. I had some amazing red wine and sharp cheddar last night! It was awesome and I enjoyed it. It also put me over on my calories. You pick yourself up where you left off and move forward! I'm gonna go have the last bit of the red wine in my bottle now!! LOL
    yesterday i had the bacon insider from jack n the box 729 cal. And it did not taste as good as i thought it i love bacon .i was pissed i wasted 729 cal on a nasty burger . OFW . i should had a big bowl of chili or corn bread it would have been so much better.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Honestly I haven't craved any fast food since I started on Jan 1 - but I would sure go for a nice piece (or even two) of cheesy lasagne and not feel guilty at all :ohwell:
  • DaveOleary80
    DaveOleary80 Posts: 15 Member
    I go 5 days in the week on the diet then slip the 2 at the weekend. It works for me :)
  • Ebirtles123
    I work there and u get a free meal however I am trying to go for the more "healthier " and less calorie options like chicken nuggets and wraps
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    It's hard when you are on the go :( Sometimes it takes extra planning.

    It's okay to eat McD's once in a great while. I do like their burgers sometimes!
  • teenyjem
    teenyjem Posts: 46 Member
    This isn't a "diet" for me that I'm going to go off of at some point. Hopefully it's a new relationship with food.

    That is one of the best statements I have seen and sums up exactly how I feel.

    I do tend to find that when I slip though, I'm not going overboard but gradually incorporating more of the things I shouldn't be having so much of (these are only things like white bread and milk and sugary things and such). Then I need to snap myself back into place. The problem is I only do this after a few weeks of not noticing the scales move in the right direction. Argh. Never-ending circle - that's what my MFP friends are for - to keep me on track.