Coming Clean About Binge Eating

Hello everyone! I am posting this more for myself than anything else, just needed to get it off my chest! :smile:

I've come to realize just today that how I treat my body, what I put in my body, and the obsession I have over what I put in my body just isn't normal. I'm realizing that most people do not have the every day struggle I have, and they do not obsess over food the way that I do. So I'm putting myself out there, admitting that I have a problem, coming clean about the struggle I have everyday, the battle I face alone and have never admitted to anyone. I have a binge eating problem. I have been someone with a binge eating problem for years now, and at first I didn't think it was an actual issue. I thought it was because I liked food, or I didn't feel like dieting. I realize now that it is much more than that. The issue comes from much deeper. It's like an addiction, and I realize I need to get clean and stay clean.

I've been dieting since I was very young. I remember being in the first grade and wanting to roller skate around the block so I could lose weight. I didn't understand the concept of eating well back then, I don't think my parents were healthy eaters and I don't remember ever being taught to eat healthy or being told that I couldn't have something. I don't know what triggered me to gain weight, but I have been overweight for as long as I can remember and it became a part of my life. Dieting and trying to lose weight has been a part of my identity. As I get older, it is more and more difficult to stick to a "diet". I lose and gain weight like it's my job. I cut carbs one week and lose 5 pounds, then binge 5 days in a row and gain it all back plus some. What I have been doing to my body and to my mind is not healthy. I am obsessed with getting to the perfect size, with getting down to a certain number, and that obsession has warped my mind completely. The obsession with being perfect in my diet, in my exercise routine, is what is causing me to not succeed. I started today on a low carb diet, and by the afternoon had already binged, and then felt guilty and ashamed, which only made me want to binge more.

But I stopped, and instead did a search on binge eating disorder. And what I found was an article about how to overcome it and one of the things that it said was throw away the idea of perfection, don't restrict but try to eat whole, healthy foods, and just be patient. Celebrate the small victories, and don't beat yourself for having a slip up. Today I am accepting who I am (or atleast taking steps toward that, it may be a long road) and have decided that I will not diet, I will not restrict, I will not track my calories. I will not obsess over what I put in my mouth, or how I look, or what people are thinking about me. I will just do my best to eat healthy, exercise and take care of myself. Because while I have been obsessing over every calorie and every pound, my life has been passing me by. Today I choose to live.


  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    GOOD for you. Thanks you for sharing. I wish you the best on your journey. I just interrupted a binge I planned on starting and your post inspired me to put it away. Good for you.
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    You sound exactly like me op . I relate to you so much that I almost cried . Seriously , its nice tew kno that there iz sumone out there with my EXACT same problem .
  • stellina910
    stellina910 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you both for your responses. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. And if my post inspires just one person then I'm glad I posted this, because I almost didn't.
  • Lisamjs1
    Lisamjs1 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for posting. I wish I could just let go.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    It always helps to either tell someone or write it to someone. Then it becomes a reality. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:

  • Damnee_27
    Damnee_27 Posts: 40 Member
    That' so wonderful! Congratulations! It really is a giant step in the right direction. I've recently come to the same realization... food is not the enemy, and its just about moderation. But its still mind boggling to me that such a simple concept, can be so different to accept let alone practise.
  • SKINNYsupermodel
    Oh my goodness, this is totally me! It is a vicious cycle and today is going to be my last day with it. I just want to eat healthily, and stay fit and healthy. Tomorrow I' going to try what you are doing, it sounds like a great idea! Good for you for coming out and admitting you have a problem, and all the best!!
  • stellina910
    stellina910 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • hiker583
    hiker583 Posts: 91 Member
    Reading your post was like reading about myself. Couple of months ago I was binging every day like there is no tomorrow. I would eat and eat and feel like I still need food. I was not sure why all the eating was not making me full. Then I read an article about binge eating and realize what is happening. I was binge eating. Just acknowledging that helped me understand what is happening to me, and I was able to stop a few times telling myself - "you are binge eating, no matter how much you eat you will not feel full so just stop now"
    I also read that sometimes a binge could be in response to lack of nutrition. If you eat junk food all day, you might control the calories, but your body will not have the vitamins and nutrients it needs and will respond by asking you to eat more, and the more junk food you eat worse it will get.
    So now I make sure that I add some real fruits and vegetables to my food, and I think this has helped too.
  • cmaguire305
    cmaguire305 Posts: 34 Member
    I have the same problems going on, so after reading this I feel a little better about myself now. Thanks!!!