Don't know how to stay on track.

I've tried so many different methods that people have suggested could be the root of the issue (upping my calories, eating sweets in moderation, one cheat day, no cheat days, meal planning, etc). I always start out extremely motivated and can go about a week and a half without even feeling TEMPTED to give in, but as soon as I hit the mark that lies between the second and third week, I motivation always stops abruptly. I'll give in to one dinner out and it all spirals downwards from there. Once I go over my calories for one day, the sense of accomplishment disappears and out goes my motivation with it. EVEN if i'm seeing results.

The obvious solution seems to be just...not go over my calories. But usually it isn't a conscious decision, either I plan on getting a small meal at the restaurant and then temptation takes over, or it's because I get hungry in the middle of the night when emotion overpowers logic, or i'm stressed/anxious about something more important than losing weight seems to be at that particular moment. They're silly excuses, and I obviously end up regretting my decision (especially because two weeks of consistency is meaningless when it's ruined by a two months worth of excessive eating).

I've done this before, lost thirty lbs over the course of a few months, so I KNOW I can do it. It's just that i've been toggling between 160 and 180 since September (huge range, makes me feel even worse that i'm on the higher end right now), and I can't seem to kick this negative energy that's lingering.

Any advice and how to avoid this binge? What do you do to stay consistent?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I stay consistent as this is not a diet for me, and I want it bad enough.

    Nobody can give you the answer really do either want it or you don't.

    One day isn't going to halt your success ...I had a day this week ...I was starved so I ate food...not a big deal...really.

    The only advice I can give you is find what works for you...and do that.

    The best way to avoid binges is eat the food you like everytime but stay in your calories...only you can do this for you....say no to yourself or earn more calories...
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    I think most of the issue lies in the fact that the food I like doesn't have a distinctive number of calories it's worth. If I eat out and get a slice of pizza, it's probably within in my calorie range. But I don't know if it has 150 calories or 500, and that throws me off. I feel like i've gone way over my calories even if I may not have.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    There's no reason why you have to feel like a failure or that all is lost because of a meal out. Just brush it off and keep going.
  • abickford82
    For me, the ONLY thing that works in small frequent meals (like 8 or more small meals a day), and completely cutting out bad foods (for me my triggers are: bread, pasta, cheese, etc.). So for me to completely avoid them is the best way. Don't work for others, but it does for me. I also LOVE juicing my veggies. I find myself eating so many more when I juice. IMO, cold turkey might work? I'd give it a shot.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    For me what works is the weekly calorie thing. I have been doing this for more than 3 years and I usually go over my calories at least once or twice a week (for the DAY). I intentionally save calories for Sundays, and intentionally go over on Sunday. But I have virtually never gone over my allowed weekly total - maybe 2-3 times in the three years.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I'm not sure if this will work for you, but when I pre-log my calories and what I'm going to eat I stay accountable to myself. Tonight I plan on going out to eat and drinking beer, and so I've already completed my food diary and put in every beer I anticipate having and put in the food I plan on eating at the restaurant.

    This means that once I get there, I could only have two beers instead of three tonight, but if I do have three I won't feel like a failure because I know I'm good with my calories. This also helps me when I'm feeling anxious about something in my life, because I usually feel anxious when I have no control. When I plan my food diary in advance, it's just the control I need to feel satisfied at least in PART of my life. I usually relax about everything else.

    Pre-logging has also gotten me out of the mind set of "if I want it NOW I'm going to eat it NOW" ...instead I'm like no, I logged that I'd have a tuna sandwich for lunch today, and I'll have that pizza I want NOW for dinner instead. Usually once dinner rolls around, I don't even want the pizza anymore - and if I do - it's already pre-logged in my calories so I don't feel like a failure about having it.

    It's like playing mind-games with myself ;)
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    OP, I could be wrong here but I also can't help but wonder -- do you have any fear or anxiety issues related to losing the weight? Like perhaps your lost motivation or negative feelings is because of a mental block somewhere? I don't doubt you want to lose weight, from what you've written it almost sounds like there's a fear about it that holds you back, or that you feel you aren't capable and don't deserve that success (when you do!)

    I might be over analyzing. But it's always good to explore theories in hopes that it might help.
  • firelight4321
    firelight4321 Posts: 60 Member
    Going out is fine, as long as you plan on what you are going to eat before you get there. There are several restaurants that offer plates of 500 calories or less. I always make sure to look up portions & calories for plates at a restaurant before going, and plan to go somewhere that I can "afford" to (in calories).
  • LPintheCity
    LPintheCity Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not sure if this will work for you, but when I pre-log my calories and what I'm going to eat I stay accountable to myself. Tonight I plan on going out to eat and drinking beer, and so I've already completed my food diary and put in every beer I anticipate having and put in the food I plan on eating at the restaurant.

    This means that once I get there, I could only have two beers instead of three tonight, but if I do have three I won't feel like a failure because I know I'm good with my calories. This also helps me when I'm feeling anxious about something in my life, because I usually feel anxious when I have no control. When I plan my food diary in advance, it's just the control I need to feel satisfied at least in PART of my life. I usually relax about everything else.

    Pre-logging has also gotten me out of the mind set of "if I want it NOW I'm going to eat it NOW" ...instead I'm like no, I logged that I'd have a tuna sandwich for lunch today, and I'll have that pizza I want NOW for dinner instead. Usually once dinner rolls around, I don't even want the pizza anymore - and if I do - it's already pre-logged in my calories so I don't feel like a failure about having it.

    It's like playing mind-games with myself ;)

    I also do this and it works really, really well!