what machines or exercises do you recommend for belly fat?

I've lost weight literally everywhere, but the last place that its leaving is my stomach, which is where I carry 95% of my body fat. I have a 31% body fat percentage currently at 139lbs. I had only been doing home exercises for the first 4 months. jogging and insanity. I just got a gym membership about 2 weeks ago, been in the gym everyday doing 90mins cardio and 30mins weight training. i need this tummy to go, and I was looking for anyone who has some tips or suggestions to maximize my body fat loss. let me know! thanks!

(please no negativity. just asking for a little help :) )


  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Well….I know you've probably heard this. but…you can't spot reduce.
    For most people, the fat over the abdomen is the last to go. Continue to lower your body fat % with a reasonable deficit and lift weights to preserve your LBM.

    Also…you really don't need to be doing 90 minutes of cardio followed by another 30 minutes of weights.
    Start with weight training… 30-60 minutes (depending on program) and switch your cardio to a HIIT type for 15-20 minutes max.
  • thank you! sorry haha I'm just ned to the whole gym thing, so I'm looking for as much help as I can get !
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It's all about the calorie deficit, not the exercises you do.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    this is the only machine designed specifically for belly fat
  • Staticx1010
    Best advice I can think of is a combination of practices that you can do to lose body fat

    First: cut carbs down in your diet. Especially carbs from sugar! Increase your lean proteins... chicken, lean steaks, lean pork
    Second: weight train. Build muscle to burn fat
    Third: Cardio, preferably interval training or high resistance. Use your new muscle mass and torch calories with high intensity cardio.

    This approach worked for me.

    Remember, abs are made in the kitchen, eat right, eliminate added sugar and starch!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    1) 30 minutes weight training plus 90 minutes of cardio is way more than you need to be doing. As a new lifter, pick a full body routine (NROL4W, Starting Strength, StrongLifts 5x5, and Allpro are all popular and have groups on here dedicated to them). Do cardio for fitness and because you like it, but 90 minutes is A LOT.

    2) It's all about lower your body fat. Strength training + a reasonable diet with enough protein + a reasonable deficit = maintaining your lean mass. Except for some small gains from being a beginner, you will not gain any muscle while in a calorie deficit, but you want to preserve that lean mass as you lose weight.

    3) You do not need to do low carb or cut out sugar or starch. There are many, MANY successful people here who have proved that and have a ripped six pack while still enjoying foods they like. Only cut things out if they cause binges or you have food intolerances. I'm a big IIFYM fan.
  • what would you recommend for carbs? the only carbs I eat that i can think of are apples, strawberries, banana's, and thats about it! or should I eliminate carbs?
  • awesome thank you for the help! so should I be adding more protein into my diet?
  • SpeakLean
    The hardest thing to hear is that you cannot spot reduce since your body will lose from all different places. There are some simple things to do and to keep doing:
    1. You do need cardio because this is necessary to burn the fat off, but you may need to vary it. 90 minutes does seem like alot and am wondering what types of cardio are you doing? Are you changing the intensity? If you are feeling like you are in good conditioning then you may want to consider HIIT training. This can be done on any piece of cardio equipment or even doing outside. A sample routine would be this:
    Warm up for 5 minutes and then do 30 seconds of going as hard as you can and then normal pace for 1 minute and then another 30 seconds of going hard. This can be done with you doing about 5-10 sprints total. You will not be doing sprints for 90 minutes and it would be a shorter workout but high intensity in less than 20 minutes.
    2. Diet. You dont have to cut out all carbohydrates but consuming carbohydrates that are whole grain are some good carbohydrates to consume. I see also that soda can be a culprit with belly fat and i am not saying to never have it but just to limit the amount you have.
    3. Full body core workouts would also be important. Making sure you are doing things such as Planks, pushups and bridges.

    To sum it up you need to make sure to vary intensity with your workouts and eat a balanced diet. What percentage are your CHOs, fats and proteins? I would recommend 25% Fat (healthy fats) , 25% Protein and 50% CHOS (sources such as whole wheat bread, brown rice and tip is to make 1/2 whole grain and the other does not have to be)
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Follow a normal, full-body strength training program, like New Rules of Lifting. Don't worry about ab exercises. As was said, they don't target the fat layer.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    what would you recommend for carbs? the only carbs I eat that i can think of are apples, strawberries, banana's, and thats about it! or should I eliminate carbs?

    No. Don't eliminate carbs. Carbs are not the devil. When I am trying to lose body fat, I like a 40/30/30 split of my macros. So….40% of my calories come from carbs, 30% from protein and the other 30% from fats. The type of carbs do not matter.
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    bump for references :)