What if my body just refuses to lose weight?



  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food?
    Are you losing inches?
  • In the search for a more natural way to lose weight I have been dipping my toes into a few new programs out there. For the time being I'm going with this guy He actually specializes with people who feel their body just can't burn the weight. He keeps me the most motivated. Some people just have that power over you to make you want to try harder. You'll see what I mean.

  • wildheart21
    wildheart21 Posts: 7 Member
    I feel your pain! I am around the same weight as you and I think it just gets more difficult the closer you get to goal. As long as you are truthfully and accurately logging your food and you are not stuffing yourself, just continue on your path. It may take a while to get there but you will lose weight properly and you won't lose much muscle in the process. I would ditch the steady state cardio and add a couple of short interval sessions in a week on the days you don't strength train. I would also make sure you are using your appetite as a guide to how much you eat. Do not focus so much on the exact calories. Focus on eating each meal to 80% full. Some days you may go over your calorie allowance and some days under. Let your true hunger signals be your guide. I struggle with really tuning into my hunger signals but it's a skill that once mastered, will keep the weight off forever. All that being said, weight loss is different for everyone, so experiment. Congrats on the weight loss! It may have been slow but better than not at all.
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    I feel your pain....
    I weight train and cardio, I take a rest day (sometimes 2) a week. I eat my net calories + some exercise calories as needed. I weigh and measure all food.
    I eat some junk :( but keep it in my allowance!
    I stand on the scales only to watch it stay mostly the same.... Sometimes a gain, then a small loss but mostly around a consistent number. But I don't give up!
    because my clothes fit better, my measurements are going down (slowly too), i can see muscle definition (under the fat), I am making both strength and endurance improvements at the gym and I pray and hope that eventually my body goes "I don't need this any more" and the ft just shreds off and shows the beautiful toned muscles that I know I have...
    Diet wise, I tried low carb and lost 3kg.. i went off low carb because I wasn't making any gains at the gym... I have about 36lb that I want to lose and at this rate I'm going to be 136 years old before I get there!!!
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Too much protein. Too much working out. Not enough fat. Body stressed. Proven by the vacations from that regiment.
  • LOTS of fruits and vegetables. I have only had success on a plant-based diet.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Right and I sometimes wonder whether 1,600 is too much for my body, but I don't know what to do...at the same time, I don't wanna go back to trying 1,200 calories, I felt *miserable* doing that. So I don't want my metabolism to slow down but I also wonder :( should I go to 1,400??

    A little more info: Yes I do take a rest day, I don't do anything on Sundays. And I do weigh/measure everything so I shouldn't be overestimating my calories.

    If you are weighing everything then I suspect you are over esitmating burns.

    Losing weight requires a calorie deficet that's it...calories in<calories out

    If you aren't losing and are positive of your in...then it's the out that needs checked.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What does Scooby tell you to eat? http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Depending on the cardio you do, you could be anywhere from lightly active to moderately active. I'd tend to agree that you might be overestimating your burns, but it's odd, I'm 9 years older than you and I've been losing great at 1600 (I was eating 1700 when I was your weight actually)... all I do is lifting weights 3x a week for 15-20 minutes and walking 45 minutes 6x a week in average.

    What's your body fat? Your metabolism could be slower if your body fat is high (and you don't do any weight lifting/strength training).
  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member
    I am 62 and I thought this was an "age" issue. Guess it happens to us all, especially when we get to the final 10 lbs...

    I read in Dr As book that maintaining your blood sugar and insulin response can be achieved by eating 5 small meals and a lean and green at night... keeping carbs at around 100 a day. That is the program I am trying... we shall see. But I put on a belt this week for the first time in a long time. Hopeful!!
  • karenk2f
    karenk2f Posts: 21 Member
    I wish I had some profound, sage advice to give. However, reading your post is like looking in a mirror and I have no answers. Like you, my weight loss has screeched to a halt. I only have a few 'jiggles' I would like to trim down. Your post and the answers have been most helpful! Hang in there! You will ultimately win!
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    How meticulously do you measure your food?

    I'm 5'9, and I have my net calories set to 1500 a day, just because I know there will be a lot of measurement error.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    You are not going to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. If you are lifting weights you can retain most of the muscle you have. If you are not lifting weights you are probably losing some muscle as well as fat. You need to really figure out what your TDEE is and cut about 250-500 calories a day from that. You need to weigh and measure everything that goes in your mouth. Be diligent and don't cheat yourself. Good luck.

    Not actually.

    Without testosterone, a female is not going to approach the male as far as gaining muscle mass (strength).

    So work out with weight to gain strength and definition, and a lot of the calories burned will come from fat and you should lose weight.

    If you are discouraged, why not try skipping breakfast? You should work out on an empty stomach, anyway, especially if a gain in strength is what you want.

    Plenty of time to eat at noon. And your body does not need the nutrients and calories from breakfast- it has PLENTY already stored.

    When you diet, you do NOT lose lean muscle mass.

    Ummmm, no to pretty much all of this.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you are weighing everything then I suspect you are over esitmating burns.

    ^ This is quite possible. Research shows that heart rate monitors often overestimate calorie burns, especially for women.* As for MFP's exercise database, it can dramatically overestimate calories burned, sometimes by nearly double.

    *One study of the Polar F6 showed that, even calibrated with subjects' actual VO2max and HRmax, it overestimated energy expenditure by 27% (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21178923). An earlier study showed that the Polar S410 overestimated energy expenditure in women by 12% (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15292754). Another study found that the Polar S810i overestimated expenditure when exercising lightly but not moderately (http://www.jssm.org/vol9/n3/21/v9n3-21abst.php). The research seems to suggest that HRMs are less accurate for women than they are for men.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    LOTS of fruits and vegetables. I have only had success on a plant-based diet.


    Dr. Graham, chiropractor, and the 80/10/10 . . . ugh.