Nutrition Intake

Ok, so I started using this today....

I can eat lesser amounts of food to reach my goal, but I wish to completely stay healthy while doing so...

I have to net about 1,500 calories per day currently to reach my goal, by losing 2 pounds per week

My Sodium Intake for today has proven bad, and surpassed how much I should've had by about 1,000, I would like to know 3 things.

Is there a way to decrease the Sodium, like how you burn calories?

What are decent to good tasting foods which aren't high? (please suggest things for all meals)

How does Sodium effect the body?

That's it for sodium...

Today I also exceeded fat consumption, but it's okay I think, it was only by like 5 fat...

I have 2 last questions, What are higher protein foods that are healthy and will make sure I don't exceed my other nutritional values?


Are there any of the following nutrition values, which are better if less or more consumed (and should I completely try and follow the goal set-up amount of EVERY one)

- Protein

- Carbs

- Sugar

- Calories (I know I should be consuming less)

- Sodium (I know I should be consuming less)

- Fat (I know I should be consuming less)

In advance, thanks for any of you with answers, I wish to be healthy and you guys just might make me healthier!


  • I'm no expert but I have a lot of similar questions so here is what I have learned so far...

    A lot of people don't even look at their sodium, but I do because even if it's not a big deal jn weight loss it's still very unhealthy to eat large amounts of salt. You can't really reverse the intake like you do with burning calories, but there are a few changes I've made that have basically eliminated my risk of going over 1500mg. I thought deli turkey was a great diet food but it's insanely loaded with sodium. Apparently most deli meats are. The best way to avoid it, along with a ton of other bad things, is to cook as much as you can from scratch. Buy the raw whole turkey and cook it yourself. Find other spices to add flavor other than salt. Avoid food that comes in a box. Be wary of low sodium foods because they often add other things to replace the flavor. Of course, your body needs salt to survive so don't cut it out completely. It helps your body regulate water which is essential. It also holds a ton of water too so you may see the bloating after high sodium meals.

    Moving on, I have focused on the types of food depending on what I will be doing. For example, I work out around 11 every day so breakfast is super important. It basically determines how well my workout will go. On cardio days, I eat carb heavy breakfasts with enough fruit and fat to keep me going through the run. (Ie today I had a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter and a banana.)
    On days that I am focusing more on strength training, my body needs protein in order to build and repair my muscles. So I will have a protein rich breakfast- eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, a smoothie. The point is, you shouldn't cut out or focus on only one type of nutrient or food. Your body needs them all and at different times. Overall though, I pay closer attention to whether I go over fats, sugars, and carbs. Protein is awesome for long energy and keeping you full so I will fill up on those.

    My favorite sources of high protein healthy foods:
    Chicken breast! Grill or broil a bunch at once and have it on hand for everything. Salads, main course, everything!
    Tuna- it's awesome and comes in a can- how perfect and easy?
    Salmon- so yummy and versatile
    Tilapia- it's not my favorite fish but it's insanely high in protein low in fat and all that. Good on tacos.
    Nuts- almonds, cashews, pistachios.
    Beans- cheaper if you buy dry but easier if canned. Often has extra sodium though so rinse first to at least get some of it off.
    Shrimp- easy to cook and flavor, very versatile, and makes me feel fancy smancy.

    When jn doubt, just check the label or do a quick google. I like to start meals with a protein, then pile on vegetables and sometimes add in brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat pasta to mix things up. Don't be afraid to add a healthy cheese in moderation.

    And when you're really stuck- pick the things that are closest to their natural form. Vegetables, unrefined grains, whole fruit, organic meat. Most of the stuff we want to avoid comes from foods that were tweaked jn a lab.

    Anyways, that was more than I meant it to be! Sorry! Feel free to message or add me if anything was unclear! I use Pinterest a lot for tips, so maybe that can help you too!
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    My views only. Don't think of this as gospel.

    1500 cals seems low given your ticker would seem to indicate you want to lose 100 lbs? Seems pretty low anyway since you are a 19 yo male?

    Sodium -- takeout / restaurant food is very, very often loaded with sodium. Deli meats are pretty high (but awesome tasting); canned soup and canned food in general is often high. Easiest way to lower it is to prepare your own food more often - but that can suck in many ways (and be cool in others).

    Fat consumption - don't sweat it. Dietary fat is, IMHO, unfairly maligned. You need some good dietary fat.

    Protein - here's where I personally wouldn't skimp. Instead of worrying about exceeding your other nutritional goals, I'd advise you hit your protein targets, hit or almost hit your fat targets, and then do what you will (you'll need to worry about carbs more if your workouts, if any, are affected).

    IMHO, if you're trying to lose weight with other fitness / health goals in mind, I'd suggest you incorporate some resistance training (weight lifting), get enough protein daily (search the forums for advise on levels), get enough fat (ditto), and incorporate cardio training to the extent your desired lifestyle warrants or for cardio-vascular health. Since you express an interest in soccer, solid cardio work will really help your performance on the pitch.

    Lots of good info here in the forums (and lots of BS) -- spend some time wading through it all to help get your antennae working and to learn cool new stuff. Good luck!