Hi xo xo

Hi all, I'm Sarah-Jane.
Been dieting on and off for years, gained weight in my mid 20s due to ill health and medication and have struggled to lose it ever since.
I was recently introduced to Fitbit, I am making sure I'm walking at least 10,000 steps a day. It's great as it links up with MFP with no problems. I have lost 7lbs in less than a month by using both.
From my heaviest till now I have lost 49lbs xo xo


  • nanjhall
    nanjhall Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Sarah-Jane,

    Nice to meet you. Great job on your lose so far and on your journey to get healthy. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Where did you get your great weight loss tracker?

  • pcsg1008
    pcsg1008 Posts: 19 Member
    I use a Fitbit and MFP together as well and love it. Feel free to add me as your friend to both the Fitbit and MFP.
    MPF - Laxmom12
    Fitbit - www.fitbit.com/user/22Z4WV
  • redsazzle1
    redsazzle1 Posts: 3 Member
    It's under 'Apps' at the top of the page. (On the pc, not the phone app) xo xo :smile: