What changed for you when you lost weight?

How do you feel after losing weight? What changed? How do people treat you now? What little things have you noticed? What are some ups and downs to weight loss?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I honestly feel the same.

    My clothing size changed and I don't nearly have as much in my closet.

    I don't think people treat me differently...

    ETA: I have to say the only difference is the compliments on my weight loss...and that I am half the woman my husband married which is technically true...size 16 to a size 8...and some of my family can't believe I weigh what I weigh or that I could get this "skinny" in their words...but they don't treat me differently.

    Little things I've noticed...I still hate shopping and it's harder to find clothes...size 7 seems to be popular.

    One thing I did notice..clothing sizes are different from 25 years ago...I had my prom dress on this weekend. It's a size 10 from 1990 and it fits like a glove...just like it did on prom night...my closet is full of 6's, 7's and 8's....hmmmm

    Mind you on prom night I was 20lbs lighter than I am now...interesting...the different between 160 and 140 is the muscle on me now.

    Ups and downs of weight loss...wow...um...I can't even think of one to be honest...it's my life and most of the ups and downs have nothing to do with my weight loss...it is what it is.
  • Lettee4
    Lettee4 Posts: 81 Member
    good things:
    -i can now cross my legs when i sit on chairs.
    -i only take up a single person's space on bus seats now.
    -i dont feel like my bum is going to get stuck in chairs now.
    -i can now shop at regular clothing stores, not plus size ones.
    -i sweat less now.
    -my stretch marks faded from red to white/silvery...kind of cute actually.
    -my fitness has improved dramatically.

    bad things:
    -the fact that people treat me differently now...i'm the same person, but i really have noticed people being nicer to me.
    -i have loose skin on my thighs, belly & arms.
    -people i havent seen in a year/more than a year often dont recognize me, kind of makes me feel unimportant.
    -feeling like you i cant buy any clothes that arent cheap because they wont fit in 2 months anyway.
  • ashleysuperfly
    ashleysuperfly Posts: 44 Member
    SO much. Some good, some sucks. I love that I can go to a regular store and buy clothes. I love that I can walk in and know my size and know it'll fit. I get compliments CONSTANTLY on my weight loss. I'm very active in our local community theatre and I get compliments from my fellow actors/techies, but also patrons who have seen me in shows when I was bigger. That's awesome. I've also been getting a lot more roles with my weight loss, which I'm not mad about. It's part of the industry!

    I don't like how guys who wouldn't give me the time of day before are suddenly all interested in me. My personality has not changed one bit. I think that sucks. YES I'd love to date you...I wanted to when I was fat...but...I don't know how genuine it is, you know? I love the attention though ;-)

    I think the positives outweigh the negatives. I love this new life now that I'm thinner. It makes lots of things so much easier.
  • ashleysuperfly
    ashleysuperfly Posts: 44 Member
    good things:
    -i can now cross my legs when i sit on chairs.
    -i only take up a single person's space on bus seats now.
    -i dont feel like my bum is going to get stuck in chairs now.
    -i can now shop at regular clothing stores, not plus size ones.
    -i sweat less now.
    -my stretch marks faded from red to white/silvery...kind of cute actually.
    -my fitness has improved dramatically.

    bad things:
    -the fact that people treat me differently now...i'm the same person, but i really have noticed people being nicer to me.
    -i have loose skin on my thighs, belly & arms.
    -people i havent seen in a year/more than a year often dont recognize me, kind of makes me feel unimportant.
    -feeling like you i cant buy any clothes that arent cheap because they wont fit in 2 months anyway.

    OMG when people don't recognize me, I LOVE it! I kinda expect for them not to. I LOVE their reaction when I'm like "It's Ashley..." and they freak out. :-) It doesn't mean you are unimportant, it means you've changed so much and it should feel good! :-)
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    One thing I did notice..clothing sizes are different from 25 years ago...I had my prom dress on this weekend. It's a size 10 from 1990 and it fits like a glove...just like it did on prom night...my closet is full of 6's, 7's and 8's....hmmmm

    Yeah, it's called "vanity sizing" and it's very annoying. My older clothes that fit are size 10. My current clothes that fit are size 8 and I'm almost wondering about buying some size 6 jeans. I'm 5'7" and weigh 130. Back in HS (1971 for me), that was a size 12.

    I've mentioned this before but the big impact for me (other than being able to wear some beautiful, classic things I'd "outgrown" over the years) has been forking over cash to get the pants and skirts from my business wardrobe taken in. I should have lost weight, THEN invested the $$ in good clothes, not the other way round.
  • rob043055
    The thing that I am starting to notice is that my stomach is not bulging quite so much and that I am beginning to move a little easier--not so slow and lumbering.

    Keep it up!
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I have become less lazy and I can find clothes more easily, and I also feel slightly better about myself. Not that bad!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good things: I feel better and have a lot more energy. People smile when they see me, and I'm getting lots of compliments. I'm buying new clothes for the first time in a long while and have more choices that fit, although I'm probably going to continue to buy large long sleeved tops because the sleeves are too short in the ones that are supposedly my size. ("Benefits" of being tall, I guess.)

    Bad things: "Would you help my wife?" "Can you talk to my wife?"
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    For me, it was not necessarily the weight loss that caused the most changes - though it has helped. I realized that I ate to deal with my anxiety. When I started to deal with the anxiety, then the changes really started. The weight loss really helped me feel confident in being able to do a lot more than I am told I can do.
  • tangogem
    tangogem Posts: 16 Member
    In the grand scheme of things, I didn't lose much, but I truly got the sense that I could DO ANYTHING!!! I set a goal and I achieved it. How awesome is that?!?!? People don't really treat me any different other than they're not asking if I'm pregnant now!
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    1. Hugs feel so much closer. Also bathtub. When I bathe my badgers, I'm RIGHT THERE instead of up and kindof over them.
    2. Strangers r so smiley! I don't recall all this random smiling from before.
    3. I steal hubby's belts all the time now. Poor guy. Ladies belts r lame with jeans to me.
    4. I can drink alllll d water if it has some flavoring in it. I used to get tired of water.
    5. I sleep like a log and play with kids like a champ now. This is huge for me.
    6, I told all my girlfriends how I lost when they asked. As a result, they r losing and everybody's self esteems r rising.
    7. This winter has been very hard on me. I don't recall ever being so cold!
    8. Can't wait to go to the pool and beach, altho I suspect my swim suit will be quite droopy now, I'm going to hold my head up in it and strut!
    9. I finally feel like I match my husband now. After 2 kids and countless diet attempts that failed, I was big, bitter, and sad.
    10. This far I've done minimal exercise, which is great bc I have so little time. I know I'm going to have to the closer is get to maintenance, but I had no idea I could lose this much weight loss without eating 1000 cals/day and working out for an hour 6 days/week.
  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Hi all,

    What about shoe size? Has that changed?
  • neelyohhara
    neelyohhara Posts: 14 Member
    This is a weird unexpected one, but I must look less 'nice' now, as before, I used to always get attacked by a barrage of charity muggers (you know the people in the high street who get paid to sign people up to give monthly donations to xyz charity) and now I never do! I'm really glad though, because I am still a nice person, and i'm really shy so they always used to make me feel really uncomfortable.
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