
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    They tried everything....from thats all your going to eat, whipping, and etc...NOTHING younger son (4 years) is the same way....He has tried oranges and peaches, but he will not get the fruits or vegetables.....

    And why should your son eat fruit and veg when you don't?
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Did you know when we grow and mature we change? And our tastes change with that? We become a bit smarter and realize if we want to be healthy we need to eat the correct kinds of foods. or the potential for sickness is far greater? You can do what many parents have done with their picky eaters and grate your veggies up and put them with your pasta. You could cut your fruit so small and make it a game to see how many you can eat. I would start with a banana. It the softest since your mouth will most likely hurt if you actually tried harder foods than pasta.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    try swapping some berries and a few nuts for, when you would want the "junk" food. try a few finger-ready=made veggies. just try a few. there are bound to be some that you will like. try out a few hummus type dips. or try out a low fat ranch or low fat italian salad dressing to use as a dip. just try out a few at a time. you'll find something that you can eventually substitute for the junk in your diet. and yes, your taste will adjust. is your "junk" sweets or salty? a good way to get some fruit in, is to add it to a smoothie. some yogurt, ice, truvia, protein powder and fruit makes a nice smoothie. good luck.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I'm not against juicing, but if you struggle to eat a serving broccoli you are going to struggle to guzzle down a glass of green spinach juice too.

    Others all have great suggestions, eat the veggies, if you absolutely must drink them, try hiding them in a smoothie. You can put a lot of spinach in a smoothie before it because noticeable.
  • runningmaria
    runningmaria Posts: 11 Member
    As a mom, when I'm introducing new foods to my kids at first I only ask them to lick it and see what that tastes like. The next step is to take one bite and describe how it tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, salty) and if it is crunchy, chewy, ect... This makes the new food more "normal" to them and makes them more willing to eat it.
    In their lunches I will send 3 baby carrots and ask them to eat one of them. Sometimes they only eat one, sometimes they don't eat any, and sometimes they eat all 3.

    The goal is to introduce new foods with no pressure. Once a food has been tasted enough times (like 12 or so) usually a person will start eating it (not always but generally). Maybe something like this would work for you? If you take one bite and really think about the tastes and textures you are experiencing. I would pressure yourself to eat lots of anything you don't like. Just a little each day and maybe your tastes will slowly change so you can enjoy what you are eating. Then you will naturally want more.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you like pasta, that's an easy way to get veggies into your diet. Keep eating your pasta dishes and add veggies to the sauce. I'm guessing you eat marinara? Already has tomato, add some green peppers, mushrooms, onions, pureed zucchini. If you like creamy sauces, .eat them but add some veggies. (Same with your sandwiches. Put fresh baby spinach on them.)

    Learn how to roast veggies. Pretty much any veggie tastes great roasted.

    Eat fat with your vegetables, it helps absorb the nutrients anyway. Dip asparagus in a butter and lemon dip/sauce.

    Don't start by juicing, you'll hate it. Look up naturally sweet fruits and start there. You'd probably like grapes and pineapples-just buy a can of pineapples packed in their own juice and give it a shot.

    You can buy fruit juice with vegetables in them at the store. Too much juice in your day won't be good for you, but adding a glass of one of the decent ones probably wouldn't be bad for you. I'm talking about the mass produced (V-8 Fusion type) and not the expensive bottle you find for one serving already refrigerated. You will hate them.

    Make this: Frozen banana, peanut butter, milk of choice, pinch of salt, sweetener of choice, cocoa to taste, and a date. Blend.
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    It frustrates me that people only want to change their diets if it tastes good. You can eat food that doesn't taste great and lose weight, or you can keep eating junk food and die young and fat.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Let me see if I this right.... You have eaten nothing but junk food all your life, and you are 32 years old.... All you want to lose is 5 lbs???

    TROLL... Not even a strong first try...

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Too much has changed since the poster started this thread. If this is true life will be short for sure. I see colon cancer would be a HUGE risk. Constipation must be rampant. Hair falling out must be a hug issue also! Oh my gosh the skin, do not get me started on the texture of the skin.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Oh and make fruits into desserts-roll strawberries in some sweetener or dip them in whipped cream. Bake apples and pears in some butter or coconut oil and some cinnamon and a little sweetener. Once you get used to fruit, you'll be surprised you lived without. I can destroy my calorie intake on fruit alone.
  • Lrdoflamancha's

  • TavistockToad

    You are right!!!!!!!!!!! That is one of the reason, why I would like to change.....
  • Justifier
    Justifier Posts: 336 Member
    Daaaaaaaaaaaaaang. Calm down! :noway:
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Have to treat you like a kid. Dump all the junk and buy fruits and vegetables. When you're hungry enough, you'll eat them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I wouldn't write off fruit/veggie smoothies. You already like apples which are a typical base for green smoothies. Spinach is a veg that you barely taste when you blend it. When I'm lazy during blending there are chunks of fruit that I may chew in between sips, but if you want to avoid that, just blend everything long enough. If you really hate the smoothie, just eat the apples, which you like , and throw out the remaining 99 cent spinach
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    troll thread........troll thread......troll thread......
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    I hate when people ask for help on here and flip out when people tell them what they don't want to hear. Making the decision to try to live a healthier life means making a lot of changes and trying a lot of new things. These changes are often tough at first. It's really clear when somebody's not ready to make those changes.
  • Writergeek313's

    That's not true!!!!!!!!! I really would like SUGGESTIONS, not people on here calling me names or talking ignorant! So if they make a comment that is incorrect or ignorant.....I will correct them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Marcolter
    Marcolter Posts: 103 Member
    Fruit juices are high in calories. You will not win that way unless you are adding the vegetable juices. Actually I have a juicer and a Vitamix and the Vitamix is better since at least it adds the pulp. Make your own frozen yogurt and ice creme with Greek Yogurt and frozen fruits and frozen bananas. Make Virgin Mary cocktails for tomato based goodness.
  • Marcolter
    Thank you....So would you recommend juicing, as long as I add vegs/fruits together? OR smoothies
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Thank you....So would you recommend juicing, as long as I add vegs/fruits together? OR smoothies
    I think anything would be good at this point. Experiment because the final taste is generally quite different from what you may think from an ingredient list that's used.