Gluten / wheat free diet?

Hi, is anyone on here eating a wheat free diet? I've always thought of this as a fad but having recently read up on the negative effects wheat/gluten can have, I would like to give this a go. Am struggling to find foods that do not contain some form of wheat or gluten though.
Can anyone help with ideas, and if you've tried this diet, have you seen any benefits (other than weight loss), eg feeling better, not so tired, improved digestion, reduced arthritis etc???


  • abickford82
    I have done it on and off for a few years, and try to do it about 90% of the time. In this past week I've done w/o wheat/gluten and my waistline is smaller vs. the weeks that I do eat it.

    The best foods that have it? Closest to nature. Chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits...all things of that sort. I do have protein supplements, too because I try to eat a diet high in fruits veggies. Just be careful though if you don't eat a lot of fruits and veggies...lots of fiber and that can disrupt your gut. Adjusting to lots of fiber from minimal fiber is a big shock to your system. I feel way better with less wheat/gluten. Give it a try for a week and see how you feel.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    It generally is a fad.

    Instead of buying "gluten-free" substitute products, just learn to eat differently. If you are genuinely concerned you have an intolerance to gluten make sure to read the labels closely. There are plenty of websites and such noting which foods and
    added ingredients should be avoided.

    Generally the only people benefiting from a gluten free diet (besides those with illness) are the companies selling you the fad food.

    ETA: I think there are some groups on here, try joining one of those.
  • robin949598
    robin949598 Posts: 86 Member

    I have been wheat/gluten free since September 2013. I spent the past few years feeling horrible. Doctors gave me different diagnosises and different medications-with no luck. I decided to give up gluten-with the encouragement of my mom. (She has a wheat allergy). I have never felt better. I suffered from horrible stomach pains, bloating and bathroom issues along with daily headaches and fatigue for the last couple of years.

    Some people change their diet just to lose weight-I did it for life. I have lost a little bit of weight. No matter what kind of diet you are on, you just need to make healthy choices.
  • VintagePhoenix
    I've been doing it for a week and I swear by it. I'm not bloated, I don't get gassy its amazing gonna keep doing it
  • VintagePhoenix
    Generally the only people benefiting from a gluten free diet (besides those with illness) are the companies selling you the fad food.

    I don't agree with this, gluten free is so much better, my stomach has never been flatter!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I live gluten/grain free due to intolerances. Vegetables, fruit and meat are my staples and are naturally gluten free if you buy them in their unprocessed forms. I occasionally have a grain free waffle made with nut flour or coconut flour but I make those from scratch at home because I have so many issues I wouldn't be able to find a safe prepackaged food. Don't rely on gluten free products, use those as an occasional treat.

    My whole family is gluten free and we've benefited greatly from it. Myself and two of my four kids no longer get migraines unless we've accidentally eaten gluten. My youngest isn't moody anymore, we're not so exhausted all the time and we all had very, very achy muscles when we ate gluten. I'm the only one completely grain free but my husband and one of my kids are corn free and that's made a big difference for them too. We're a bunch of special snowflakes over here. ;)
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    I have been gluten free for 10 years. I used to be in constant pain, with inflammation in my pelvis. Walking felt like I had crushed glass in my hips.

    I was diagnosed with a gluten and dairy intolerance (along with a billion other things I cannot eat).

    I can't say it has been an easy journey, and I wished I had had more time 10 years ago to be able to learn how to eat properly. I did the wrong thing and looked for 'substitutes' for wheat in my diet. Now I know that no grain suits me.

    If I stay completely away from wheat ( or any gluten), I am fit, pain free and happy.

    If I even have one slice of bread my joints hurt, my skin breaks out with eczema and my stomach rejects it (frequent visits to the bathroom). I feel bloated and miserable.

    Be careful when completely cutting something out of your diet. If you do stray, the reaction to it seems amplified.

    A life without sandwiches, pasta, pizza etc is a good life for me :-)

    Edit for further information: My downfall was dark chocolate. It was the only one 'treat' thing I could eat without getting sick. Over 10 years I 'rewarded' myself this way and put on 60lbs. I am halfway though losing that now, and I no longer even crave chocolate or a sweet treat.
  • fattybumclaire
    fattybumclaire Posts: 91 Member
    It generally is a fad.

    Instead of buying "gluten-free" substitute products, just learn to eat differently. If you are genuinely concerned you have an intolerance to gluten make sure to read the labels closely. There are plenty of websites and such noting which foods and
    added ingredients should be avoided.

    Generally the only people benefiting from a gluten free diet (besides those with illness) are the companies selling you the fad food.

    ETA: I think there are some groups on here, try joining one of those.

    ^^^^ This^^^^ I have been completely gluten free for over 2 years although I have been cooking gluten free for many years as the doctors tried to decide whether both myself, my mum and now my daughter had coeliacs disease. Just eat unprocessed meats, veg, fruit etc. Avoid processed gluten free food - if you want cake or biscuits, make your own, divide into portions and freeze. Feel free to add me as mpf friend. My diary is open.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Unless you have a medical need to eliminate gluten, it's irrelevant. If you think you might have a gluten issue, check with your doctor to test for it.