Low Carb lifestyle

I am pre-diabetic so I began a low carb diet. I am struggling mainly because I want something crunchy like; chips, cheez-its, goldfish crackers, crackers...for those of you who are experienced I need help. What do you eat to satisfy this craving? I don't want to binge...help please!!


  • You could try pork rinds...I personally don't like them but they are low carb!!
    LIVINMYDREAMS Posts: 2 Member
    Try crunchy veggies like celery, cucumber slices with the peel, and yes pork rinds. They can be used in soooo many ways. Dip them, top them season them, etc.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,576 Member
    Bump! For ideas.
  • Kale chips, pork rinds, almond meal crackers, and you can get all kinds of other crunch nut based stuff!
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Super gigantic salad with lots of fun stuff - lettuce, cabbage, fresh parsley, sunflower seeds, tehina dressing. Munch and munch, chewing thoroughly and savoring the flavors.

    Make sure you're getting enough calories in your day, also. Not enough calories can bring on a binge.

    Two things helps me to not binge: chewing slowly and waiting a minute between bites, and exercise. I drop and do a set of pushups or jump rope for one minute. Helps every time.