Not doing too well at resisting temptations!

I have really let myself down today, it has just made me realise how useful it has been for me to pre-fill my food diary for the day when I input my breakfast, i under-estimated how much it really has helped me to stay on track.

This morning I didn't have time as we've had guests and a busy weekend and it's now dinner time and the damage has already been done today - my calorie count is already over.

We treated the kids at Mcdonalds for lunch and then got Krispy Kreme donuts, I thought i made a reasonably healthy choice with a deli chicken and haven't had my donut yet but was planning on having a little treat Later - UNTIL i saw what my calories are up to......I feel really disappointed with myself.

I was feeling quite positive early last week and making healthier choices but now it seems so much more difficult and even with the changes I am making it feels like it's not enough.

The hardest thing for me is resisting all those temptations...especially when I am treating the kids or cooking for others.

Sorry for the rant i'm just feeling defeated!


  • maryenav86
    Its hard for me too. People at work always ask me to go pick up lunch and they buy for me. I am not good at telling people no. Then when I go to my father's house who babysits my kids a lot, he always has something he makes me to eat and I feel bad if I say no.
  • Wildstorms
    Wildstorms Posts: 72 Member
    Factor them in. I've eaten out twice this weekend, including dessert and have only gone over by 250 calories (not counting exercise). Not a big deal I the scheme of things. It's the only way I can do it!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,041 Member
    Healthy eating/fitness is a habit. If you missed brushing your teeth one day, you would not give up on dental hygiene because you were defeated. In the same way, one day of being over you calorie goal will not undo a week of mindful eating. Do better tomorrow.

    Oscar Wilde said, "I can resist amything but temptation."

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Wildstorms
    Wildstorms Posts: 72 Member

    I try to add the calories in the morning (I use the website to get the calorie count if I can). So, yesterday morning, i added the pizza (710 calories!) so that I could choose breakfast and lunch taking my tea into account. I also didn't worry about eating it as I knew I had factored it in.
  • VonDressToLarge
    I ate 3600 calories of chocolate yesterday (Including chocolate cake and hot chocolates). So I know where you're coming from. I find the best way to avoid this is to always pre plan meals and save 100-200calories for a treat.
  • wyllden
    wyllden Posts: 48 Member
    I suppose, i just see the weight target getting heavier and heavier ... in 5 weeks you'll be 188lbs...going up 190lbs, 192lbs.

    I need to pull it back by having a fasting day or something.... perhaps I should try having a fruit and veg day with no meat and minimal dairy - apart from the odd cup of tea. It may help me to have a decent quantity of food for the day and come in under the calorie count.

    Has anyone else done only fruit/ veg at all for a day?
  • wyllden
    wyllden Posts: 48 Member
    I ate 3600 calories of chocolate yesterday (Including chocolate cake and hot chocolates). So I know where you're coming from. I find the best way to avoid this is to always pre plan meals and save 100-200calories for a treat.

    Wow, and that's without even including your meals?
    Well your post has made me feel a bit better about the fact i'm contemplating eating that donut anyway, despite being over on calories.

    I dread to think what my calorie count used to be before i was even consciously eating - i literally used to have what i wanted whenever i wanted, then if i wanted a 2nd chocolate bar, or helping of dinner, cake or whatever then i'd have it, completely unaware of the calories and carbs etc it contained - although i knew it was bad for me.!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Heavy restriction is not going to help your issues with temptations. I suggest stop focusing on those numbers "in 5 weeks." Set reasonable goals, do not freak out over one day and do not fall into the fad diet traps. (good food vs. bad food) You can still eat all of the items you did before, you just need to eat less of it.
  • wyllden
    wyllden Posts: 48 Member
    Healthy eating/fitness is a habit. If you missed brushing your teeth one day, you would not give up on dental hygiene because you were defeated. In the same way, one day of being over you calorie goal will not undo a week of mindful eating. Do better tomorrow.

    Oscar Wilde said, "I can resist amything but temptation."

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    When you put it like that it's true, i have to pull it back and get on track, i'll have to draw a line under it and call today a treat day and then try and come in under my calorie count for the rest of the week.

  • pepper176
    pepper176 Posts: 16 Member
    One thing I love about MFP is that it adds back your calories from exercise; if you want a bunch of treats, or if you already had them and don't want to be over your calorie goal, get moving! I try to start every Saturday morning with a good calorie burning workout, because I typically go out to a diner for breakfast on Saturdays and then I get to eat what I want without killing my calorie count for the day. I also tend to spend a good part of my weekend cleaning my house, which can be logged as exercise.

    I don't think your fruit and veg day idea is a bad one, but I wouldn't take it to the extreme, like a fast day. I was a vegetarian for 13 years and so I often go a day or two without eating meat, although I still do have some dairy. When I'm really feeling super hungry like I want a big satisfying meal, I'll often make a big pot of mashed potatoes (prepared with little butter and milk), steam up a couple of veggies... it tastes SO good, and you can eat a giant plate of it without killing your calories for the day. Or if my calorie count is running low after a day of snacking I'll make a giant salad for dinner. It's all a balancing act, but you can surely do it!
  • wyllden
    wyllden Posts: 48 Member
    Great, i think i'll do the veggie and fruit thing tomorrow and see how i get on, may nly try ,ynot last all day with my will power but will certainly try my hardest, if i save lots of calories i might allow myself something at the end of the day
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    My honey is also using the MFP tools and ended up bringing home a Safeway bakery cookie with him. He'd already eaten one cookie, but was not aware of the calories for it. The package had the type of cookie it was so I looked it up: 300 calories for one of those Safeway Jumbo Rainbow cookies (have M & Ms in them)!

    He was shocked to find out his treat had that many calories but entered them in anyway, because we had not had dinner yet. I thought about that cookie, then decided I didn't want half the cookie, or even the whole one. I wanted to save the calories for dinner an then popcorn later. I intentionally planned going over calorie goal because I am trying to find my TDEE during maintenance but I didn't really want a bunch of sweet stuff.

    I didn't eat the cookie and had dinner and then popcorn later on. I felt good about this because I wanted to eat that cookie simply because it was there, not because I really wanted it. However, I'd been thinking about popcorn all day long.

    Sometimes I will have a treat but I figure it into my calorie goals. I don;t believe in depriving myself, but I do believe in moderation of all things.