Does anyone know how to break the "plateau"??? Please help!

Hi! My name is Nina. I have lost a total of 13 lbs. Here in the past week or two, the scale has not budged. I have tried to trick my body by having a cheat meal once a week and I even gave my body a break from the gym for a day each week. Am I working out too much? Not eating enough? I cant figure out what Im doing wrong. Im not lifting heavy weights and when I do weight training its with light weight and high reps, I do alot of cardio ( circut training, spinning, .....) Can anyone give me some helpful advice?


  • 15Nov2013
    15Nov2013 Posts: 46 Member
    Up your calorie intake
  • mshippiequeen
    mshippiequeen Posts: 46 Member
    try drinking more water and if that still doesn't help, try at LEAST 2tbsp of apple cider vinegar per day for two days. you can take it straight like a shot (it's awful, but it's so awful, i sometimes choose to get it over with quickly like this - HAVE A WATER CHASER READY) or you can poach a chicken boob in it and it comes out tender as heck. another awful thing you can do is soak some raw zucchini chunks in it and they're disgusting, but you'll get your intake and the desire to snack really goes away.

    just remember, you've already lost 13, so you KNOW what you're doing is working! unless the scale is creeping upwards, CONTINUE WHAT YOU'RE DOING! let your body adjust. especially if the 13 came off quickly. ebb and flow, girl. the less urgency you put on your weight loss, the more likely it'll become a healthy lifestyle rather than a "diet."

    most of all, don't let it get you down. congrats on your 13! that's awesome!!!
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    Time...just keep doing what your doing, your body has to catch up and adjust to the 13 pound loss you've already achieved. If you don't have much more to lose the last few pounds can come off slower, but if you don't give up they will come off. Try changing up your exercise routine, foods/ calories etc. to encourage your body to let go of the rest of the weight. Just don't give up. Also remember we don't weigh the same all the time...we fluctuate based on many things.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    1-2 weeks is not a plateau. Just stick closely to your calorie limit, and be sure to weigh and accurately record every bite you eat. Most likely it will resolve itself. Weight loss isn't linear, 1-2 weeks generally isn't anything to worry about yet. Changing your program every time you don't lose weight in the short term will make the long term more difficult.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    A week or two is not a plateau, you do not need to "trick" your body, and apple cider vinegar does nothing for weight loss (although awesome in sauces).
  • try drinking more water and if that still doesn't help, try at LEAST 2tbsp of apple cider vinegar per day for two days. you can take it straight like a shot (it's awful, but it's so awful, i sometimes choose to get it over with quickly like this - HAVE A WATER CHASER READY) or you can poach a chicken boob in it and it comes out tender as heck. another awful thing you can do is soak some raw zucchini chunks in it and they're disgusting, but you'll get your intake and the desire to snack really goes away.

    just remember, you've already lost 13, so you KNOW what you're doing is working! unless the scale is creeping upwards, CONTINUE WHAT YOU'RE DOING! let your body adjust. especially if the 13 came off quickly. ebb and flow, girl. the less urgency you put on your weight loss, the more likely it'll become a healthy lifestyle rather than a "diet."

    most of all, don't let it get you down. congrats on your 13! that's awesome!!!
    That makes a lot of sense! When I started to lose weight, I was mixing "Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar" with the mother. Now thinking about it, I havent done that in a few weeks!! Wow. I will start doing that again. Thank you :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    break your definition of the word "plateau". because one, maybe two weeks ain't one
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Up your calorie intake

    How many calories is the OP eating now? What will upping the calorie intake do?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    1-2 weeks is not a plateau. Just stick closely to your calorie limit, and be sure to weigh and accurately record every bite you eat. Most likely it will resolve itself. Weight loss isn't linear, 1-2 weeks generally isn't anything to worry about yet. Changing your program every time you don't lose weight in the short term will make the long term more difficult.

  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    try drinking more water and if that still doesn't help, try at LEAST 2tbsp of apple cider vinegar per day for two days. you can take it straight like a shot (it's awful, but it's so awful, i sometimes choose to get it over with quickly like this - HAVE A WATER CHASER READY) or you can poach a chicken boob in it and it comes out tender as heck. another awful thing you can do is soak some raw zucchini chunks in it and they're disgusting, but you'll get your intake and the desire to snack really goes away.

    just remember, you've already lost 13, so you KNOW what you're doing is working! unless the scale is creeping upwards, CONTINUE WHAT YOU'RE DOING! let your body adjust. especially if the 13 came off quickly. ebb and flow, girl. the less urgency you put on your weight loss, the more likely it'll become a healthy lifestyle rather than a "diet."

    most of all, don't let it get you down. congrats on your 13! that's awesome!!!
    That makes a lot of sense! When I started to lose weight, I was mixing "Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar" with the mother. Now thinking about it, I havent done that in a few weeks!! Wow. I will start doing that again. Thank you :)

    Nope, sorry, it's not the Apple Cider Vinegar. If that were the key to weightloss don't you think someone would be making bank and no one would be overweight? Honestly, you will probably see a loss soon and thank the vinegar when really all you needed was patience. 1-2 weeks is nothing, it's not a plateau. I'm sure it's frustrating, but it's not a plateau. Make sure that you are being accurate in your logging (weigh and measure, etc.) and it will start to move again. You lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, it's easy to get into the line of thought that "wow! I lost XX pounds in the first week! I'll get all of this off in XX weeks at that rate!". But, weightloss is almost always greatest at the beginning. Be patient, keep going, and you'll get there.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1-2 weeks is not a plateau. Just stick closely to your calorie limit, and be sure to weigh and accurately record every bite you eat. Most likely it will resolve itself. Weight loss isn't linear, 1-2 weeks generally isn't anything to worry about yet. Changing your program every time you don't lose weight in the short term will make the long term more difficult.


  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    You probably are doing to much Cardio and your body is rebelling. If you're not up learning the barbell lifts, I'd switched to more of a body weight circuit program.

    Lunges, Squats, Pull ups, Push ups, Planks

    These exercises burn morn calories than Cardio and add muscle (which burns 7 times more calories at rest than 1 lb of fat). There's really no downside to bodyweight. It's basically impossible to get bulky.

    Here's a link to the author who broke down the study:

    For Mr. Average Joe with a body weight of 80kg, this would mean that his 30 minutes body weight workout doesn't consume 288kcal, but 576kcal and thus way more than 30min of jogging, which should cost him ~400kcal.

    Bottom line: I guess I don't have to tell you that these results are very important. Not for you, obviously, because you as a SuppVersity reader know about the fallacy of working out to burn energy, but for all those Average Joes and specifically Janes out there who still believe that you'd lose weight by simply burning all the junk you eat off in the gym.

    Cardio "addicts" would yet not be the only ones for whom these results - if they turn out to be substantial - would have huge consequences. The average "expert" on the panels we owe the wise dietary and exercise guidelines to, would probably also have to revise his opinion on the primary of "cardio" exercise for its "superior ability to help shed weight"... unfortunately, my gut tells me that I am the only one who even noticed the (future) publication of this paper in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning.
  • All advice is really good to know :)
  • tfoste6278
    tfoste6278 Posts: 18 Member
    I am so curious as to what does the 2tbsp of apple cider vinegar per day for two days do?
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Up your calorie intake

    How many calories is the OP eating now? What will upping the calorie intake do?

    Make the person who wrote feel good. SOmetimes folks forget to ask the questions before giving the advice and sometimes we forget new people are guarded as to the questions. OP can you answer what your calorie intake is currently?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    we do not have enough information to give you advice.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    1-2 weeks is not a plateau. Just stick closely to your calorie limit, and be sure to weigh and accurately record every bite you eat. Most likely it will resolve itself. Weight loss isn't linear, 1-2 weeks generally isn't anything to worry about yet. Changing your program every time you don't lose weight in the short term will make the long term more difficult.

    ^^^This. Congrats on the 13 pounds and remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    OP, how much are you currently eating and how often are you working out? What is your current weight and goal weight? How tall are you? These are all handy things to add to your question, so people have a good idea of what you're currently doing and can point you in the right direction. Also, open your diary so we can see what you're eating.

    Some general things: sometimes you can be eating more than you think (though if you've lost 13lbs so far you obviously are doing something right) keep a close eye on your tracking, sometimes doing too much at the gym can increase water held by the muscles for repair and keep the scales up. If you are very close to goal your weight loss may slow a little, the last few lbs/kg can be so hard to get off.

    Keep an eye on your fibre intake, make sure you're getting at least 25g-30g per day. Keep an eye on your sodium intake, too much sodium causes you to retain water.

    Your cycle (ovulation/period) can cause weight loss to slow a little for a week or so too, not sure whether it's hormonal, bloat or water again, but a lot of women don't lose as much over those two times of the month (it sucks being a girl sometimes!!).

    Keep at it, as I said you obviously are doing a lot right because you've lost this much, but have a look at those things I mentioned and see how you go :)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I went through a terrible plateau. 8 months long. I decided to purchase a tracking device. I went with a fitbit, but since the accuracy thing concerned me - i also purchased a bodymedia Link armband. I do have to pay a fee, but it has worked like a charm. Basically, I was not eating enough.

    When it worked out to - go to that scooby website, and calculate your TDEE and go with that.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I wouldn't call 1-2 weeks a plateau to be honest. Weight loss isn't linear.

    I'd say you should run your calorie numbers again and then measure and track everything you eat
