Looking for advice on losing weight!

Hi all! I started taking better care of my health around November, when I got out of a relationship. I started at around 125 lbs and am 5' 2". I have a pretty small frame but have problem areas, namely my stomach has more of a pooch than I would like and love handles. I also noticed I was starting to get cellulite when I would pinch my upper thighs and I am only 22 years old so I thought I would start working out so help these areas.
In December I began working out more actively and jogging on the treadmill at my gym. I wasn't eating great because it was christmas time and when I got back to university, I began eating better and developed a workout routine. I have weight training 2x a week and do cardio (either jogging or elliptical) for 30-50 minutes after. Besides those 2 days, I also add 2 additional workouts a week where I take a pre-workout supplement (NOXPLODE) and do weights for about 30-40 mins then cardio for about 30-40 minutes.
I have been eating as I normally do in addition to these workouts. I try to stick with healthy natural food, such as eating hard boiled eggs and salad for snacks, making quiche, eating avocados, making veggie juices after working out, and making protein shakes after work outs or for a healthy breakfast. I do occasionally eat a burrito from a qdoba style place or fried rice though if I am studying or getting food with friends.
The reason I am confused about my fitness regimen is because I weighed myself for the first time in a while and I was 135lbs. This is the most I have weighed since high school. I know that it could be partially muscle gain since I am lifting weights now but I do not intake a heavy amount of protein or any additional bulking supplements, besides the NOXPLODE, but that pre-workout supplement is just caffeine and b-vitamins. I was wondering if this weight gain is normal or if I am hindering my progress in some way. I am trying to limit my caloric intake now because sometimes I do use that, "well i worked out today so i could eat a little more" ideology but I thought my overall habits were a lot healthier than 6 months ago so I was confused about the weight gain. Any ideas?

And I dont know if this is related but I also do notice my body feels more toned, I have more definition in my arms and legs and my stomach feels more toned as well beneath the stubborn fat.


  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I don't know about everything else but I would recommend taking measurements instead of weighing yourself. They will be more accurate and give you a better picture of what is going on with your body.

    How are your clothes fitting? 10lbs extra weight will make you feel slightly uncomfortable if you have put fat on. But you said yourself that you feel more toned and defined..

    Also cellulite is not just for old people. A lot of people get it. It is just the way some people are. You don't even have to be over weight to have it.

    I don't thing you have a problem here. You said you feel more toned etc so maybe take measurements over the course of a couple of months while you carry on with what you are doing and see if they go up or down.
  • koraloregon
    Yes, that's true. I mostly wear leggings and yoga pants so I haven't noticed a difference in how clothes fit me but I tried on my jeans recently that I haven't worn since about December and they still felt pretty tight. They were tight to begin with though so not the most accurate measure.
    I really like your measurement idea though, I have a tape measure in my closet that I will begin to use. Thanks!