Helppppp I keep binging

I keep binging really badly on weekends were I can eat about 2500-3000 calories a day. I am so good through the week and I en up feeling rubbish on Sunday evenings because I have eaten everything in site for the last few days. I try so hard not to do it but I can't help it. How do I stop??


  • Helenabc
    Helenabc Posts: 39 Member

    Maybe try and plan your meals for the weekend including food treats but also other treats e.g. a catch up with friends, see a movie, buy a favourite magazine have a massage, bubble bath, a walk etc. So you focus on making yourself feel special and relaxed after all the hard work of the week but its not only food reward but other rewards. So don't focus on what you will deny yourself but how you will treat yourself. Helen :smile:
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I agree with the person above - find ways to reward yourself that aren't food related. You should have some days that are more relaxed but not that undue all your hard work for the entire week.
  • tgabmac
    tgabmac Posts: 46 Member
    i used to have the same problem. It was usually cravings. I would ask myself if I would really need it. Then I'd wait 30 min and/or workout. If I still wanted it that badly, I would have a little. Not crazy. Just enough to keep myself from breaking down in tears in a corner somewhere. I LOVE mac and cheese. So I bought the Easy Mac single serves. Not as terrible as the whole box I used to eat. I LOVE reeses cups. So I bought the tiny snack size. Then I would say, I got to have my treat, now for dinner I will make a salad or another healthy option. Compromise. It is about moderation as well as the strive to keeping up with your efforts. If you say no all the time, this life style change gets hard.
  • springbok___
    springbok___ Posts: 14 Member
    I found it very difficult this weekend! Before I binged I put everything i was going to eat into my diary and looked at the massive about of calories and fat! Made me feel guilty and it put me off! Definitely keeping yourself busy will help though x
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Is it possible that you're eating (far) too little during the week?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I peaked at your diary. You are an 18 year old female who is trying to get by on less than 1200 calories a day. No wonder you are binging! Adjust your deficit so you aren't starving. Chances are, you can eat quite a bit more than that and still lose weight.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Is it possible that you're eating (far) too little during the week?

    food for thought.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I try to make substitutes, greek yogurt strawberry is about as good as cheesecake. Today I wanted choc cake but decided to come home and have a chocolate protein bar. Sometimes this work, other times I have small amounts and this satisfies me reminding myself I want to fit in those clothes, I don't want to go back. Small bag of potato chips, better than none. Seems I don't get carried away with small servings.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    I've had a similar issue recently. My office has a weekly team meeting and lunch on Friday, and it usually sets me off for the whole weekend. Like you, I eat everything in sight.

    However, knowing that I am going to eat everything in the house, I make sure that I have a good mix of stuff -- nuts, granola, oatmeal, veggies, eggs, yogurt, etc. So I figure that if I eat an extra thousand calories of that stuff, it's okay. And an extra thousand calories is still less than half a pound.

    So even if I am demolished on Saturday and Sunday, and even if I end up with an extra thousand calories on each day, together it's only 2000 calories, still not a full pound, and I can make them up over the next week.

    So don't stress it. Pay attention to your total calories over the week, rather than the total calories for each particular day. Apply better discipline M-F and then it won't matter that you eat more on Sat and Sun. It will already be built in to your totals.
  • teenyjem
    teenyjem Posts: 46 Member
    I know how you feel. I could eat eat eat all day.
    It's literally the guilt for the weigh-in and the egging on i get from friends on here that keeps me going.
    dont think if you go over your target a little that you have wasted your day, and you might as well have more crap to eat - the target is a guide only.
    now i seem to be getting a little addicted to posting 'tina was under her calorie goal' on my mfp wall. i love seeing those digits in green and not red on my diary and the feeling when i weigh in less is CRAZY GOOD.

    Please feel free to add me if you need some help. I will gladly egg u on and try to help keep you on track. this team of people around us are all trying to do the same thing. my end target is 140lbs to lose. and dammit, i am gonna do it. i slip a little sometimes, but get back on it - and it is all cos of these people around me. 2014 is gonna be my year, and it can be yours too.

    ps - get rid of all the crap - if you have good things in the cupboard, you will only eat good things. only you can do this - but we will help if we can.

    tina x
  • I keep binging really badly on weekends were I can eat about 2500-3000 calories a day. I am so good through the week and I en up feeling rubbish on Sunday evenings because I have eaten everything in site for the last few days. I try so hard not to do it but I can't help it. How do I stop??

    hey when it hits me, I can dump 1200calories in about 10minutes lol.......then I feel's all about having more good days then bad
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I looked at 3 days of your diary and that's all I needed to see. You are not eating enough so you are probably hungry all the time. Then the weekend comes and you lose it and eat all the food. Nothing wrong with you, 101% of everyone else would binge if they ate that little. Work out your true TDEE, eat at 80% of that and I'll bet the binges go away. Good luck.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member are consistently netting well under 1200 calories so, you're binging because you are actually hungry! Yes, binging can have emotional components, but in this case, I'd say you are just underfed and undernourished. There are two parts to that 1) eating enough calories and 2) eating a variety of foods in order to get protein, fat, carbs, vitamins, minerals...all the things your body needs.
  • kareit
    kareit Posts: 14 Member
    I found it very difficult this weekend! Before I binged I put everything i was going to eat into my diary and looked at the massive about of calories and fat! Made me feel guilty and it put me off! Definitely keeping yourself busy will help though x

    Yes! This is a great idea, love it!
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    RhysWill_I_Ams Posts: 245 Member
    If your having trouble, why don't you eat as healthily or as clean as possible in the week, then have one main meal that's bad for you at the weekend, but you have to earn it by like doing exercise, or just keeping yourself as far away from the crappy foods as possible, keeping the idea that your not allowed to touch anything like that until Saturday. Then you can have a full week of hard work and you've earned your cheat meal.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've heard it said that it isn't what you're eating, but what's eating you. Make sure that you're dealing with anything that may be causing you anxiety.

    Make sure that everything goes into the diary. Even when you cheat. If you eat it, it goes on the food diary.

    I didn't check to see if your diary is open, but make sure someone you know who knows what they're doing (like a dietician) looks at it periodically to see if they have any suggestions.

    Just a few measures of accountability might be all you need.

    For what it's worth, and good luck!