The wobble vs joint pain.

So just starting...kind of again. I'm really determined to try hard this time (and to some day get over my crisp addiction), so I'm eating a lot more fruit and veg, no chips or real carbs at dinner, etc.
My problem is going to be exercise, and I know you have to do it to get rid of the wobbly belly.

I am doing more exercise, ordered a davina mcall DVD, just downloaded couch to 5k app.
However, and I know this sounds like an excuse - it causes me problems. On more days since eating better, I'm full of beans. I dance around my room like a twonk, all low impact, fidgety stuff.
But when I try to get down to real exercise, I can get real pain in my joints, especially my left knee. Arthritis and bad joints run in my family, and I know it's nowhere near that extreme yet, but on some days I get pain when I'm simply walking slowly to uni (half a mile downhill). Again, mostly in the knee, sometimes in my hips too.

It doesn't help that I am sitting down a lot. I'm at uni and I have to dedicate a lot of time to sitting down at a computer/ in class.

I'm just wondering whether anyone else suffers the same way - does it get easier (or less painful)? Are there any exercises particularly suited to bad joints? Any that will exasperate it?

Help appreciated :)


  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    Hi, I am a Physical Therapist.

    Do you really have bad joints at 21 yrs old? There is a difference between arthritic pain (bone on bone) and muscle pain/weakness. Are you just out of shape?
    Clear it with your MD then get moving you are way too young to have these complaints (unless there is an underlying medical issue).
    very important to get some good shoes. Start slow. be consistent and do a little more EVERY DAY! Be sure you have good posture, body mechanics and technique.
    Swimming is great for people with arthritis.
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    I have genetically bad knees, too. My dad had surgery on his when he was in his 40s, and he's always been average weight. I guess it's because we're all tall in my family.

    Do you have access to a pool? The water is great for your joints, and you can get an awesome calorie burn. I was a competitive swimmer in school, and if anything, my knees hurt less during swim season.

    Is it your joints that hurt, or your muscles? If it's joints, you might want to talk to a doctor, just so you don't injure yourself.
  • buchanan700
    Thanks for replies. :)
    I am out of shape - this is obvious or I wouldn't be on here :P I really am certain that it's my joints, they get stiff and uncomfortable after periods of activity, or actually if I'm sat down/ in the same position for a long time, even with good posture. I have done real exercise before and am aware of what muscle pain feels like. Again, I'm not saying it's anywhere as extreme as arthritis, and more exercise has helped and I'm sure it will continue to, but it can be frustrating at times.
    My gran was unable to walk for any real distance/ in excruciating pain by the time she was 25, my mum's started when she was 32/33. I'm guessing it's a trickle down effect.

    Unfortunately I don't have regular access to a pool :( Poor student - the trip alone would cost a fiver! But I definitely try to seek it out when I can :) I would love to hear any more exercise suggestions - actually slightly worried that walking/running will not help at all, but hear different stories. Nevertheless I will continue :)

    And will definitely see if I can get a doctors appointment. :)