insanity, gym, 1500, tips please!

I am on the first month of insanity and I also go to the gym afterwards. I'm 5'0-5'1 weighing between 116-120. I'm not really sure what I weigh anymore because the last time I checked on Wednesday I was 116 and today I'm 118-120 (although I did have a lather large meal last night, went out for all you can eat sushi). I was previously at 105lbs 2 years ago and it was the best shape of my life. I've been trying to get back before summertime comes around. I remember I lost 2lbs in my first 4 days of dieting and working out. by the end of the week, I had lost 3lbs total. 3 days later, I seemed to have lost another LB. I had a 1500 calorie limit and after insanity, I would be on the treadmill for about 25-30 mins, losing 200 calories as it said.

after I weighed myself today, I'm not sure what's going on. I had a previous thread but I feel as if i didn't explain as clearly. should I decrease my calorie intake? I know that I literally stick to my calorie limit of 1500 and I don't eat it back after my workout so that's my total, not net. I have been eating a little sloppy since Thursday but I know I can't have eaten 3500 extra calories.. and I still work out.

what is your advice? tomorrow would be the beginning of the 3rd week of my diet and exercise. should I go down to 1300-1400 calories if I could? for insanity I usually alternate between plyometrics cardio circuit and cardio power and resistance since I bought it on ebay and it wasn't complete. sometimes if I don't go to the gym, I'll do 2 DVDs in one day.

my bday is in 2 weeks and I wanted to be 113-111 by day. that's why I wanted to lose 2lbs each week..
please don't tell me I don't need to lose weight lol it's my choice. I'm trying to be as healthy as I can about it as well.


  • pikachua
  • jeneferphillips89
    If your doing Insanity you need to be eating more. I'll be the first to tell you that many times on here people will go on someones thread and tell them that they are not losing weight because their not eating enough and I think its bull****. But (and speaking from personal experience here) your not going to get what you want out of Insanity unless your somewhere near the calorie goal he has set for it. Look up the math equation for it and plug in your the math. If your not comfortable with that much food (its usually quite a bit) then down it just a little but at least use it for a guide. Hope this helps a little