The Scale: Every Day or Once a Week?

I have always been told to weigh myself every day. My doctors think this will keep me accountable, but I have had mixed results from it. When I'm losing weight, or stay the same, I relax because I assume the weight will go down tomorrow. When I gain a little, I send my body into starvation mode for a day or two. This cycle is starting to wear me out, and I'm wondering if I should cut the weigh ins back. I can use the weight watchers meeting for an official weigh in each week.

Before I make a decision, I wanted to ask the people that have had success losing weight. Do you weigh in every day, or once a week?


  • michirusan82
    michirusan82 Posts: 15 Member
    I found that when I weighed in everyday I would juß get more frustrated because I wasn't seeing results. With weighing every one to two weeks I find it more encouraging when I saw the two or three pounds gone
  • mekkzy888
    mekkzy888 Posts: 100 Member
    Weekly is best - it's easy to put too much pressure on yourself if you measure everyday and don't see a difference. No need to get obsessed.
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    I posted this earlier as I've found a 7-day rolling average gives me the best of both worlds.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    If you think you can stick to it, I'd recommend once a week. At first, I'd weigh myself daily and I'd get all freaked out every time the reading moved up. The body's weight fluctuates a lot, so it isn't helpful to weigh yourself that frequently. Unless, of course, you can look at the number and still go on your merry way. That's what I've been doing, because I've been too curious to wait the entire week. Now that I've observed the weight fluctuation, I'm thinking of going with the once a week approach starting Monday.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    Once a week is enough, or once a fortnight!, becomes obsessive
  • toad493lbs
    toad493lbs Posts: 39 Member
    I weigh in every day as per my nutritionists orders. But if I gain its no big deal to me, stuff happens. Right now I am up 5 lbs because I cannot go to the bathroom. No big deal, in time this to shall pass. I hope!
    Do what ever you want because it sounds like you want weekly anyway. But for me daily is no biggy.
  • charlicee
    Your weight fluctuates too much day to day. You could be bloating, drinking too much water, your metabolism fluctuates, you may not have had your bowel movement for the day or twice a week is best, especially for women, because the week before and during the menses the body will retain a LOT of water and mess up results.
  • rebeccaaa_elizabeth
    I weigh myself daily. But if you choose to go that route, you have to understand that your weight fluctuates daily based on different things. I'm just a curious person, though.

    If you're finding yourself becoming obsessive or discouraged with weighing daily, I'd definitely suggest going with once a week. :smile:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I weigh daily. I have started using one of those rolling average spreadsheets. I think it is important information, and part of my routine to maintain a healthy lifestyle as I enter my third year of maintenance.

    Quite a few health professionals recommend weekly. Quite a few daily. It's your choice.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I only weighed once a month while I was losing. In maintenance, I do every 4-6 weeks. I think daily is too often. You can't see the real trends with regular fluctuation clouding things. :-)
  • AmieJess
    AmieJess Posts: 9 Member
    I weigh daily and track with the happy scale app that shows the fluctuations and graphs the overall trend. (you have to give this one time - at least 30 days- for the weight loss to show accurately.) I've seen changes as much as 4 pounds from one day to the next. I used to get frustrated with weekly weigh ins that showed little change despite good effort. This way, I see fluctuations as well as the overall downward trend.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    I weigh myself daily. But if you choose to go that route, you have to understand that your weight fluctuates daily based on different things. I'm just a curious person, though.

    If you're finding yourself becoming obsessive or discouraged with weighing daily, I'd definitely suggest going with once a week. :smile:

    ^^ this

    I weigh everyday......but I understand weight fluctuates and that does not bother me. It would be harder for me to wait 7 days between weigh in. Everyone is different and you need to do what works best for you.
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I weigh every few days - because I'm usually too antsy to wait a whole week - but I only record my weight once a week.

    If you're going to weigh every day, which I don't really recommend, you absolutely cannot obsess over the "gains" you'll see - and certainly don't go into ~starvation mode~ in response to a couple of pounds of water weight. It won't help you.
  • Lexy5028
    Lexy5028 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh every week or two weeks because I get frustrated at the fluctuation not realizing that factors such as water weight, muscle mass, food ect. plays a role. Also I pay attention to the way my clothing fits whether the scales reads pound off your clothes always tell the true nature of what is transpiring with your body.
  • mychanges83
    mychanges83 Posts: 12 Member
    once a week
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    If you can emotionally detach from the scale then daily. However if you obsess and then punish yourself due to the number then less frequently is probably better for you in the long run.
    For me, I love to see the effects on my body of too much sodium, DOMS, the flu etc - they all have an impact on your weight - but I'm completely detached from the actual number itself.
  • LindseyAlyssa
    I tend to weigh myself around when I take my measurements, so usually the same time once a month. The scale number isn't really that important to me. Understanding that your weight fluctuates for a handful of reasons is always something to keep in mind.
  • Iceman420
    Thanks for all the replies. I will try once a week for a month. If it works out, I will keep doing it.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I weight once a month... :smile:
  • JBnyc99
    JBnyc99 Posts: 100 Member
    I've weighed myself everyday since I've joined MFP, 480 days and counting. I have no attachment to the number on the scale, emotional or otherwise. It has simply become part of my daily routine,...hit the scale, record it, forget about it, stick with my plans and my goals.

    I believe the daily weigh-ins is best for me, since I love having more data than less. I use the daily numbers to monitor the trend over the long term. Personally, I look at progress month by month, since in my opinion, daily and/or weekly data can be misleading at best, or completely inaccurate at worse. Although I log daily on MFP, I use my own spreadsheet to monitor the big picture. The main way I track my own weight loss or gain is by calculating my average daily weight over a given time period, again, usually 30 days or a month. Simply,...if February's daily average is less than that for January, then I know I am going in the right direction. The subtle, and sometimes not so subtle daily changes get washed out in the end. I also use the mirror, a measuring tape and check on how clothes are fitting to get the complete picture.

    Having said all that, I know that some people have an unhealthy relationship with the scale, which is why many people suggest only weighing once per week. But to me, I believe that this may lead to even more problems for *some* people who already have issues with the scale. I have seen posts here and on other websites,where *some* people who prefer weekly weigh-ins go a bit crazy when their weekly weigh-in day comes around,...from getting super stressed and/or eating or drinking a lot less the night or two before just to get a better scale number. Obviously, this is not healthy on so many levels, but I think it happens because for *some* people, the weekly weigh-in becomes an all-too-important event, much more important than it should be. Again, for *some*, I could only imagine that the pressure would be much greater on a weekly weigh-in than if done daily. With a weekly,...there's always the chance of THAT day being the day when you "gained" 2 pounds of water weight. If done daily, I believe it would be much easier to ignore that temporary "gain", accept it's only a minor blip and move on. Of course, there are a great number of successful people who don't have this issue with weekly weigh-ins, so of course, this doesn't apply to them.

    Daily weigh-ins have shown me that my weight, just like everyone's, fluctuates daily. Hopefully, it will always be 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Assuming someone is logging accurately, and staying within their goals, most people will experience the same thing over the long term. The day to day means nothing.

    Although it may be difficult for *many* people at first,...I believe they should try to take back the power which they have given to the scale. In my opinion, daily weigh-ins and accepting the results for what they are, is the best way to achieve that.