Measuring accurately

I cannot believe how when you measur absolutely everything to a tee including every little mouthful and every drop of milk in tea how quickly it adds up. I've always had an electronic scale and 'tracked as accurately as possible' but for the last week I didn't eat hardly anything that I didn't think I would accurately be able to track and it was shocking how much it can add up. And even when you feel like you aren't eating that much. I measured my drinks and alcohol too and it made a huge difference. Plus I couldn't snack on random things as I knew I wouldn't be able to track them.

Has anyone else found this? I know it's common knowledge and basically the whole point of MFP but I can see visible results physically and feel psychologically better after just one week of being absolutely 100% accountable.


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Yup. It is certainly eye opening.
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    I know! And weight v. volume for some things may be much more accurate as well. I recently took my 1/3 cup of cereal which should have been half of the full serving caloire and weighed it. Guess what, it weighed at the full serving amount, if I had used the 1/3 cup measurement I would have been off 60cals... ugh... not a time saver in life for sure! :)
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    ABSOLUTELY!!!! When it came to rice and cereal escpecially. The first time I measured 1 cup, I was shocked to see how little it was and realized how much I was TRULY eating on a regular basis. This was an eye-opener for sure!!
  • jgarner7
    jgarner7 Posts: 8 Member
    Recording and seeing the calories add up helped me lose 3 pounds in the first week. I love the scanning feature and I'm learning to measure more accurately. Now that I'm also toning muscles the weight loss has slowed down, but I know that I'm still making progress towards the long term goal as my clothes are fitting much better.