Eat it or throw it out?



  • I always thought the date was a sell by date not a eat by date. The stores cant sell past that ate but I would think they are still good for 10 days or so!!!
  • No kid is starving because you threw away a greek yogurt.

    Hahaha!! Love this!!
  • LosingWeight2012
    LosingWeight2012 Posts: 62 Member
    I would throw it out. I think sell buy is the same thing as EAT by. I know most people disagree but I rather be on the safe side with what I put into my body. Uncooked meat, toss if it has been in the fridge longer than 2 days. I piss everyone off at my house with how I am with expired stuff. Milk goes in the trash if it still there the day before it expires. That rarely happens tho. With ANY food.
  • what'd you end up doing? ate or threw out? CURIOUS!!

    Gonna have some for breakfast in the morning, and maybe another for a snack later in the day. Thanks for all the good advice. For those who said throw it out...I am still keeping that as an option if I get squeemish about eating it!!

    As always, you all rock! Thanks.
  • UGH! I *JUST* dumped a whole container (32 oz) of plain yogurt down the sink YESTERDAY cuz it was 3 days past the date on container-

    but that's only because I've gotten quite sick on spoiled dairy before, and pewking up CHUNKY MILK is enough to make you pewk a second time from the smell/taste in your mouth...........
    so this gal wasn't taking any chances.

    although I did question, thinking: what's the difference between this yogurt _ IF it had soured_and sour cream?
    How do you know when THAT is bad? Hmmmmmm
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    I would eat it if it looked OK, in fact I just ate one today that expired Nov. 26 it was still good.
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Open it... if it isn't green or black or yellow, then I'd say it's ok. The expiration date is not an absolute. Sometimes my bread turns moldy before the expiration date. Sometimes my skim milk last DAYSSSSS after the expiration date-I think it's because it's mostly water.

    Nothing is absolute, nothing is a guarantee.. I highly doubt you will die or get sick. But don't eat it tonight JUST because you are going to have to throw it out tomorrow. Don't waste calories because you don't want to waste foods. No kid is starving because you threw away a greek yogurt. People can get mad, but it's not like you bought that yogurt just to throw it away. You had every intention of eating it, but life gets in the way,,, don't let the additional calories get in the way of your weightloss.
    This is Great! Definitely about changing our mindsets as part of the process. We're told over and over and over growing up not to waste food, the hardest thing for me is not expired items to toss, it's restaurant food...I have to constantly keep my. Grandmother out of my head when eating a nice meal LOL! You know the nagging voice that says, " you paid $12.95 for that, now finish it!" I am happy to say I can push the plate away now, WITH food still on it! You'll get there too. Don't worry. :)
  • I was just wondering the same thing about some plain Greek yogurt I have had open for a week in the fridge. I make Ranch dip with it for my veggies. I am going to eat it tomorrow because THAT is the expiration date. I am squirrely about dates and all that too.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Remember, by definition, yogurt is already spoiled to begin with. :laugh:

    If it looks and smells like it should, it's fine. Just make sure to check it out first.

    Came here to say this pretty much.
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