Playstation Move

G'Day Everyone! :)
I was just wondering if anyone has the playstation move, I have it and love it, only have High Velocity Bowling so far, but it's really fun! :D I was curious if there's any exercise games yet for it, (I know there's the EA active for Kinect) but I don't want to spend another $200 for it :P As I don't have a job right now, lol
Also, if anyone wants to add me as a friend, feel free! I'm on at least once a day! heh :tongue:
My name is:


  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    i have the MOVE too, and its freakin' awesom :D i have Tiger Woods 2010, and the Sports pack.... but as far as i know there aren't any exercise games yet.... i want the Kinect too :) but i got rid of my Xbox a while back and it seems kind of silly to buy another one....again. ha ha
  • NikiDavis
    We're getting one for Christmas for the excited! I know there is a sports compilation game and a Get Fit with Mel B. I'm getting the Zumba "game" for myself because I love to dance. BTW - I'm a Sims 3 dude(ette), too!
  • caribeals
    caribeals Posts: 105 Member
    i got the zumba game yesterday... it kicks some pretty serious booty! lol within 5 mins i was seriously sweating my tush off! lol i primarily use dancing dvd's as exercise, and i have pretty good rhythm and musicality and i found this game kinda tough. but it was a lot of fun! there is tons of routines, each with 3 levels of intensity. there is also an option of joining an online, live class. i'm gonna try that out tonight after the kiddos head to bed!! i rate it 9 out of 10! :)
  • CaptainJim157
    Zumba? I've not seen that here yet, (I live in Canada) is it only out in the States so far?
  • MrsSeaShell
    Active 2 is ps3! As well as xbox and wii
  • caribeals
    caribeals Posts: 105 Member
    Zumba? I've not seen that here yet, (I live in Canada) is it only out in the States so far?

    the zumba game just came out last week (i think) or maybe the week before. it's awesome though! (i have never taken a real zumba class, so i can't compare it)
  • CaptainJim157
    Active 2? I saw that on Xbox today, didn't know it was for PS3 also, I didn't see it :/
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Active 2 is ps3! As well as xbox and wii

    oh yeah! duuhh!! i forgot about that! :) i have it for the wii.... its awesom!!!
  • CaptainJim157
    Nice! I checked it out online @ it says they have it in stock (for $99.99)
    so looks like I won't be getting it for a while :P
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    yeah, its pretty pricey!!! i got it yesterday and its kicked my *kitten* both times i used it. its defiantly a great investment.
  • CaptainJim157
    For sure! :) Maybe once I get a job I'll be able to afford it ^^
  • CaptainJim157
    Oh, I really want the Brunswick Pro Bowling for the MOVE, it looks awesome! :D