Too Few Calories, or Too Many?

I really need some help. I have figured my calories on Fat2FitRadio, and according to that site, my ideal calorie range to LOSE weight is 1500 to 1800 (1500 on the days I don't work out, because that's my BMR) and 1800 on the days I do work out. I count everything and I stay in range, sometimes I force myself to get all my calories in. My exercise consists of cycling class 2-3X a week (40 minutes each time) and Bodypump class 2-3X a week.

I have not lost weight for at least 2 months. I don't use the scale, I use a measuring tape. I'm getting much firmer but my waist and hip size has not changed.

What could be happening? I ran my numbers through ALL the calculators on F2FRadio and it says my BMR is 1500 calories a day. And I have been counting calories since last July and have lost 35-40 pounds since I left the hospital from having a hyst.


  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I'm confused. You haven't lost any weight, or you have lost 35-40 lbs?
  • Kar3n84
    Kar3n84 Posts: 24 Member
    How do you know how much you weigh to calculate your BMR if you don't use a scale?
  • avatarmage
    avatarmage Posts: 9 Member
    Use a scale to confirm your results first. Maybe you did lose weight and your measurements aren't consistent. I don't know your stats but I as a 5' 9'' 145 pound male find that I have to cut my calories to at least 1200 to lose any significant amount of weight, as I have a slow metabolism. Maybe your metabolism which could be slow is the hidden X factor here. Try going a bit lower to find your ideal level; just don't drop below 1100 or so.
  • infiniti0569
    infiniti0569 Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost 35-40 lbs since July, but basically am at a long plateau I guess. Have not lost in 2 months.
  • try something to get your metabolism up, I was at a plateau for 2 months and I cut back on my carbs and raised my fat intake for the past 2 weeks and it was exactly what I needed to get my weight loss started again