Avocado's. Can you suggest

I would like to give the avocado a chance and try it again. I have tried guacamole served in restaurants and not liked it. My friends tell me it is better home made.
So the question is if you had a friend that did not think they liked avocado, how would you serve that they might change their mind?


  • daveinlancs
    daveinlancs Posts: 165 Member
    I would use it in sushi maki with either prawn, tuna or smoked salmon.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I don't recommend people eat things they don't like. I don't see the point of it when there are a billion other foods in the world.

    I agree with above though - it is good in sushi!
    Good homemade guac is delicious in my opinion.
    Use as a spread on a turkey sandwich
    Mix with cottage cheese
    Mix in w/Tuna
    Cut in half, remove pit and bake an egg in it
  • Alix68
    Alix68 Posts: 31 Member
    Years ago I didn't like avocados either but when I was in South America I realised that I just don't like the ones that are picked early and transported across the world only to arrive bruised and not properly ripened.
    The main thing is to get them in the right season, so at least you have a better chance of getting a fresh fruit. The big ones are nicer imo. Anyway, I soon got addicted and now I love them.
    Try them with cherry tomatoes, olive oil, a tiny bit of garlic and sea salt in a side salad.
    Home made guacamole is totally different to shop stuff, but you have to find the right recipe for you. Play around with quantities of lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper to taste. I know garlic is unpopular with some people but in this case it is surprising that a bit more makes better guacamole.
    It's also nice with tuna on toast or crackers.
    I've also started adding it to leek and potato soup if it's ripe enough - in fact I discovered this while looking for something to do with a slightly over ripe one.
    In South America I also discovered the surprisingly nice avocado smoothie - I know, I had to be talked into it but I loved it and it tastes so healthy you feel positively virtuous afterwards. They also add a small amount of malt drink like Pony malta and honey. In my local market it was served up with a small piece of fruit called borojó, which I later discovered was considered a strong aphrodisiac! Still, it's very nice without that ingredient!
    I also like it just slightly mashed and spread on wholemeal toast with salt and pepper - delicious.
    I think they're higher in calories than a lot of fruit though so watch that if you're limiting your calories. Otherwise they're super healthy and I'm sure that once you find a way to enjoy them you won't look back. :smile:
  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 135 Member
    Use it on a sandwich instead of mayo :)
  • KristinD1977
    I love avocados anyway you slice them but to get my kids to eat them, I use my Vitamix & the consistency is similar to yogurt but has a very silky feel to it. Here is what I add

    1 cup coconut milk
    1 avocado
    1 tbs chia seeds
    Approx. 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    You could always make an avocado chocolate mousse!

  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks so much for the suggestions. I know it might sound strange to ask how to prepare avocado when in the past I have not liked it. But it's been a while, the taste buds change and I wanted to give the avocado a fair chance. I will have to admit many, many of the suggestions were nothing of what I expected.
    And many of which I want to try.

    FXOjafar - interesting website for the mousse. I have saved just so I can go back and look a the wealth of recipes. Very interesting.
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 66 Member
    I use blended avocado to thicken up some of my soup recipes. This one is my favorite (if you like asparagus you'll like this - you can't taste the avocado)... http://cookeatpaleo.com/asparagus-soup-recipe/
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Before I found that I'm allergic to them my favorite way to eat avocados was diced, mixed with mango salsa and poured over tilapia. It was so good! However, I am allergic so I don't eat them now and I'm still healthy so if you don't like it, don't eat it.
  • NancieFeatherston
    NancieFeatherston Posts: 53 Member
    I love it... I just got turned onto it, and I just eat it plain as can be... I mash it up as best as possible, add a pinch of salt and lemon or lime, whatever I have, and go to it. I love it on a piece of hardy toast. I just feel like I am eating something amazingly bad for me, but its great for me. I recommend everybody try something three times before they decide they do not like it. There are so many variables that it my take that many tries. Enjoy! The first time I ever had it, I took it as a full assault on my taste buds, and kind of gagged b/c of the texture... it grew on me!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I like avocado and tomato cubed and tossed with balsamic vinegar. Avocado is also delicious sliced with just a little lemon juice and salt. I also like it in place of mayo in tuna or chicken salads, diced fine over chicken and drizzled with mango juice or pineapple juice, spread on toast with smoked salmon and fresh black pepper, and mixed with creamy salad dressing and red pepper flakes to make a spicy sauce for wraps.
  • kamimiller39
    How do u use instead of mayo????
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    Its amazing tasting mixed with hot sauce and put on a whole wheat bagel with scrambled eggs.
    Also awesome made into healthy guacamole with chopped coriander lemon juice garlic and a chopped de-seeded tomato. put that with a grilled chicken leg.
    Final one is a chicken soup with lots of chopped onions tomatoes cumin coriander salt pepper chicken mild chilli powder and stock. garnish with avocado coriander and spring onions. you won't taste the avocado but it adds a creaminess.
  • doubleclick_darling
    I like avocado and tomato cubed and tossed with balsamic vinegar. Avocado is also delicious sliced with just a little lemon juice and salt.

    I do a play off of these two put together. It's my favorite little side to do avocado and tomato with a lime squeezed over them. It's really simple, really fast, and so delish.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Mash it up and mix in a small tin of chilli tuna with a splash of lemon juice and a squeeze of black pepper.
    Eat as a dip with veggies or crackers, use it in a sandwich or wrap with salad, or just eat it with a spoon!
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Cut up in a salad. In the summer I made a salad with heirloom tomatoes, avocado, sesame seeds, sesame oil and a little soy sauce. I think I got the idea here, actually. SO good.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I would slice it very thin and have them try it one of these two ways:

    Smashed into a grilled cheese sandwich made with 100% wheat bread, a sprinkling of mozzarella (no American or cheddar), small amount of sauteed onion, and just canola spray to cook the sandwich.

    Distributed all over about ten tortilla chips with a sprinkling of cheddar or pepper jack cheese and drizzled in taco sauce or salsa.

    Those are my 2 favorite ways to eat avocado. Also like someone else's suggestion of sushi rolls although if there are a lot of competing flavors I think you can't really taste the avocado goodness. I had a roll recently that was JUST tuna & avocado and it was really good in that.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Homemade guacamole is definitely better especially with fresh herbs. Yummm
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    To use avocado instead of mayo, just take 15g avocado for every tablespoon of mayo you're replacing, mash it well, and mix it into your salads/spread it on bread or wraps exactly as you would mayonnaise. Easy and delicious.
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    I've learned to like lots of foods I previously didn't like. The only thing I can suggest is to just make yourself eat a bit every opportunity you can get. After your taste buds become inured to the flavor, they sometimes learn to like it.

    As for avocados, I used one to make some homemade tomato basil soup a little creamier before I blended it. Turned out super-yummy, though you could barely taste the avocado under the acid of all the tomatoes.

    Bits of chopped avocado is also pretty tasty in homemade Mexican-style tacos.

    If you want to give guacamole a chance, make sure it's chunky instead of creamy. Though I'll eat it, I'm not keen on the texture of creamy guacamole, but I absolutely love it chunky. Basically, you just get all your ingredients together, chop what needs to be chopped (don't forget the cilantro!), throw it in a large plate or platter, and then mash at it with a fork until you have chunks no bigger than a quarter.