curious...whos doing 1200 cal a day??



  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    "Christian Wife" - I'm glad you can eat more and lose weight. I can't! Thanks for rubbing it in!
    She's not rubbing it in. Most people lose less weight eating that little. You will probably lose more fat if you eat your BMR--most people, just to perform cellular functions while not doing a thing, need around 1300-1400. If you only eat 1200, you probably aren't giving your body enough energy to function! So you'll lose weight faster if your eat more.
    Honestly, the only reason you should be eating less than BMR is at the recommendation of a couple doctors and nutritionists who can *kitten* your health and needs.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    I do. Actually I put it to 1100 to have some margin for errors. Today I went for a long powerwalk and ate back the calories - otherwise I probably wouldn't have made it...

    For me, the only way is no alcohol, no potatoes, bread or pasta, no sweets or fast food. I eat vegetables with every meal (brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli), with a little bit of cheese and some lean meat or fish.

    It's definitely a bit challenging, but cutting carbs was easier than I thought. Only problem is that I'm slightly hungry before bed.

    :sad: Too many "Nos"!
    I try to eat between 1250 - 1500 (but I'm 5'9") and exercise more to create the deficit I need to lose 2 pounds a week. For me, too much restricting eventually leads to a binge...
  • 1991court
    1991court Posts: 230 Member
    I am will carrying 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter in a baggie, and like 5 or 6 crackers. The protein keeps me full!
  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    This thread is all kinds of SAD!!! So much misinformation, which will lead to lean body mass (i.e. muscle) loss, decreased calorie burns, plateaus & eventual failure. You can't sustain this kind of diet for life, which means when you increase your calories post weight loss, you will regain weight quickly! For you doubters, I'm a 54 y.o. female, who is 5'-8" & weighs 156 pounds. I eat 1860 calories/day, shoot for >120 grams of protein & have lost 61 pounds! You DON"T need to eat so low to lose weight! In fact, it is not advisable to do so!!!
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm on 1280 calories a day ever since I've lost 25pounds

    but when I just started on mfp I was on 1200 kcals(I was a fan of losing weight fast. lol but glad I still lose my weight slowly and healthily)

    I still eat the same foods. Here in my country(asia),

    Our breakfast usually consist of noodles, if not noodles then fried sunny side up egg.

    For mid morning snack, I just drink water or take 2 candies.

    Lunch, white rice with a side dish of meat, say beef steak, or pork stew with tomatoes, potatoes and boiled veggies(chopsuey)

    Snack either junk food(potato chips) or softdrinks and 2 slices of white bread with 1 tbsp of peanut butter or fineti chocolate and white chocolate milkspread

    Dinner, white rice and another side dish too. (During my time of the month I usually go on high calorie foods going over my intake but then I up my workouts or either just have my rest day for tomorrow is another day to make healthy choices.)

    So yeah, I don't pretty much eat clean but still I lost weight. I still eat the same foods as long as I can fit em into my calorie goals.
    And I am on sedentary lifestyle. I find myself getting more hungry when I workout more. So whenever I do exercises. I keep em light
  • I am eating 1200 as a target, but sometimes go to 1500. Good macros, high protein. And I am walking ~10 miles a day, although sometimes I fall off of that when I have a big project due.

    I know people will say I should be eating more (5'6", male, 183lbs) but I tried to eat what the charts say is my BMR; tried eating back calories—lost nothing to speak of.

    But this is working, and I feel fine. Pants that were too small for me are falling off of me now. So I can't argue with that.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    1200 cals here...sometimes I go over
  • br1twaslyke
    br1twaslyke Posts: 41 Member
    I started "dieting" almost one month ago and maintained 1200 calories throughout this time. I started off in the 200's so I lost 20 pounds within the first 2 and a half weeks, with this experience I would advise you NOT to eat 1200 a day! I thought I was satisfied but recently within the last week I've been getting the biggest cravings and for the past 3 days I have eaten close to 2000 calories a day. I'm not sure if this was just loss of self control or my body wanting food after eating so low, but all I know is that cutting my calories so drastically and so quickly hasn't worked. I plan on starting fresh and I will try to maintain 1400-1500 calories a day. I think this will be much more satisfying and still promote weight loss. I do not exercise and am sedentary, yet the 1200 just still didn't cut it for me, as much as I thought it was working. Hoping that I don't gain weight or plateau now that I messed things up with eating 1200 for almost a month..
  • LydiaKO
    LydiaKO Posts: 40 Member
    I eat 1200 cals a day, but I'm also 4'11 1/2. I eat 3 good sized meals with light snacking in between. I eat at the same Times every day or around the same Times and drink tea 3 Times a day. It helps curve your hunger and fill you up more.
  • gettingsexy94
    gettingsexy94 Posts: 156 Member
    I eat about 1300-1500, sometimes even more :P
    But, I exercise and lower my calories back to 1200.
    Also, whenever I feel hungry I grab some almonds or carrot sticks :D
    Sometimes, I drink green tea to curb the hunger.
    Anyway, I suggest eating as much as you want and balancing it out with exercise :)
    It works for me, so I guess it should work for you too.

  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    I couldn't imagine eating 1200 calories a day. The only way I'd lose weight is by chewing an arm off. *Nods*.

  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I did my first six months or so at 1200, then the last six at 1300. I am not a big exerciser though, mostly walking.
  • I have done 1200 cals during the holidays as I was not working so I didn't as much cal intake. Yes it did work, very well actually. Was losing weight and also in measurements. I was eating mostly oatmeal for breakfast, homemade veggie pizza for lunch, and brown rice and some kind of protein for dinner. It wasn't really hard, didn't really get hungry between meals. Now that I've increased my cal a bit, it's harder to eat more I guess as I am so used to eating 1200.
  • I've tried it many times and always fail and end up gaining at the end from bingeing.

    The longest I kept it up was 1 week but I looked flabby and tired.

    1650 cals, losing way more weight :)
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    I'm on 1200 cals per day, I struggle with the carbs though :ohwell: I will get there slowly :smile:
  • So anyone doing 1200 cal daily an exercise an losing weight? If so how much on a weekly basis... what type of foods n snacks are you eating?:)

    1200 calories per day will lower your metabolism and you may actually gain weight. Most fat people do not eat nearly enough. If you eat real food, you can stuff yourself constantly and you will lose a great deal of weight during the course of a year or two. I eat about 2400 calories per day and am losing about one pound per day. The weight is literally melting off me and I cannot eat any more because I am so stuffed. My favourite snacks are peanuts, apples, oranges, carrots, broccoli, spoon sized shredded wheat, protein shakes, oatmeal, bread made without flour, chocolate soy milk, fish sticks, salmon fillets, chile con carne, beef stew, barbecued chicken, bacon and eggs.
  • Zilla100
    Zilla100 Posts: 139 Member
    I've been doing fine on 1200 calories. Most of the time I am just under it. My diary is open.

    My breakfast is usually the same, a packet of plain oatmeal and a 0% fat Chobani Greek yogurt, with some ground flaxseed sprinkled in each. It holds me over pretty well till my next meal.

    For snacks, I'll usually either do some air-popped popcorn, which is pretty filling, a 200 calorie pack of raw almonds, or a couple of pieces of the mini Baby Belle Light cheese (50 calories a piece) and I drink a lot of green tea, I try to drink it with breakfast and when I get home at night instead of snacking after dinner.

    Alternating at the moment between 30 Day Shred and treadmill/elliptical workouts.
  • Zilla100
    Zilla100 Posts: 139 Member
    Yeah, warm liquid (low or no sodium) like broth or tea is good for filling you up when you are in between meals or it is late and you don't want to go crazy snacking.
  • Move more, and eat more. I stick to 1500 on normal days (mind today, it was pizza day if you peek in my diary), and eat a diet high in veggies, fruits, and lean meats (protein powder supplements, too). Just stick to foods closest to their natural state. Don't buy into the gimmicky "diet" food.