C25K - Still Sore - Do I need more time between workouts?

Hi everyone,

I am in need of some fitness advice this morning.

A little about me: I'm well inside the morbidly obese category, but have lost 20+ pounds since 12/28/13. I'm training for a 5K in June and using am using the C25K program. I do not have a gym membership and am doing all my workouts outside in the snow. :)

My question: I'm supposed to be doing week 1, workout 2 of C25K today. However, I'm still extremely sore from Monday's workout (ie having difficulty bending down with my legs, shins are sore, upper arms, abs). I'm debating whether my body needs another day between to heal, especially given my current size and how out of shape I am. My mind is telling me to go workout because I want to reach my goals. My body, however, is screaming the exact opposite.

Any advice?


  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I would definitely give it another day. If you are extremely sore, you're putting yourself at risk for injury or further pain, which could sideline you for even longer. It's not worth it!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I went slower than the recommended 3x per week in the beginning--listen to your body! If you want to still work out, do yoga or strength exercises at home (i.e. low impact) to cross train. I definitely think the reason I am still sticking with c25k is that I listened to my body and went at the pace I needed to (I'm in week 6!)

    Edited b/c I just saw you don't go to a gym (read it wrong the first time!)
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    There's nothing wrong with taking an extra break day, the last thing you want to do is injure yourself running. You may have been going too fast though- start out running as slow as you possibly can. If you can slow down, you're going too fast.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    "I'm well inside the morbidly obese category". Can you walk for 30-45 minutes without being winded? If not, I would suggest working up to that mark before starting C25k, considering your size and fitness level at this moment.
  • apeacefulway
    I can definitely walk 30-45 minutes no problems. Last summer I was doing that easily all while pushing a toddler around.

    Thanks for the great advice everyone :) I am going to take an extra day. I am also going to order some running shoes. I think that might help with the pain.
  • VoodooChummy
    VoodooChummy Posts: 53 Member
    Being able to walk 30-45 minutes with no problems and being that sore from W1D1 would certainly seem like you ran too hard/ too fast. Taking an extra day isn't a bad idea as an injury is the last thing you'd want. After a while you will be able to determine the difference between a soreness you can work through and something more serious.

    Also, later in the program don't be afraid to repeat a week if you don't think the runs went the way you would like. I found some of my biggest improvements after a repeated week.

    Best of Luck
  • apeacefulway
    Thanks VoodooChummy!

    I love the advice you gave me. I definitely plan to repeat weeks. My 5K is 4 months away so I have plenty of time to finish the program at a pace that works for me.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    The soreness for me lasted about a week after my first attempt at running (didn't use couch to 5K). One day extra rest won't hurt if that is all it is, but it also doesn't hurt just to do a 10 minute slow walk to stretch things out a bit. The soreness will abate.

    Now I get muscle soreness when I push it doing exercise and it typically lasts about 2-3 days. I just make sure I stretch. I massage my muscles, take a hot bath. But I don't stop exercising.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    yep most likely its to fast...and yes take another day...whats sore today may end up being REAL pain tomorrow otherwise.

    good move on getting shoes...if you can get to a specialty store to have your gait analyzed...barring that order a pair of nuetral + for the extra cushioning.

    you may have to try different shoes to get the ones that will be the most comfortable
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    If you can "easily" walk 40 minutes without trouble, you should have zero issues with Week 1, Day 1 of C25K. My guess is that you are trying to run too fast.

    Based on what you posted, you should NOT need extra rest days. If you do, you're most likely doing it wrong.
  • apeacefulway
    Ended up getting my exercise in after all. Shoveled snow for 45 minutes and pulled my 2 -year-old around on a sled for another 20 minutes. Still sore, but got a workout in.

    Thanks for the advice all! Can't wait for my new shoes to come.
  • megsta91
    megsta91 Posts: 92 Member
    i am also morbidly obese. i had to do two weeks of my OWN jogging/walking program to even work up to W1D1 of c25k. i also had to repeat the first week because i was not ready to move onto week 2. i took it slowly, modified my running technique so shin splints/hip pain did not hinder me, and now i'm progressing just fine.

    listen to your body. the last thing you want is to push too hard, injure yourself and then be out of your routine while you heal. then you'll be back to square one. NOT WORTH IT.

    good luck!
  • apeacefulway
    Workout 2 was a breeze today. :)

    I went to a local running store this morning and had them measure me for a pair of running shoes. I also picked up some some crampons for running in the ice/snow. Then tonight I waited for my husband to get home before I went running...that way I didn't have to take my toddler in the jogging stroller with me.

    Those changes made a huge difference for me. I got through workout 2 without a problem and felt great afterwards. I really think it was just a combination of the bad shoes and having to push my son while running that was overwhelming my body.

    Thanks everyone for your support. Such a great community here on MFP.
  • SmokinJoe77
    SmokinJoe77 Posts: 14 Member
    In my opinion (and this is TOTALLY my opinion) "morbidly obese" are the folks who ride those motorized carts in Wal-Mart for the sole reason of being too large to comfortably shop under their own locomotion. They would not be training for a 5K. I doubt that's you...but again, that's my opinion.

    I am an IT guy - I sit in front of a computer all day. My girlfriend is a runner and suggested I try C25K last year. I did and thought I was going to pass out in the street after that Nazi woman blared the third "Begin running" command into my ear. I was done. I uninstalled the app and went back, to walking at a brisk pace.

    This year, however, I started going to the gym with her the first week of January, 3x a week. I researched "beginner" everything and decided to start with cardio (treadmill and elliptical) and some LIGHT weight training. At first we only went for 30 minutes so I did 15 on weights and the other 15 on the treadmill. After a couple of weeks, we bumped it up to 45 minutes and I added the elliptical in my circuit. After adding the elliptical, my respiration and endurance started improving so I stepped up the treadmill, running at 4.5 mph, then 5, then 5.5 and now 6. I would walk two minutes and run two minutes. So I decided to give C25K a try again.

    (everything above this is completely useless to the post)

    Today was my first day using C25K and it was tough, but do-able. I'll probably be sore tomorrow. My advice to you, which is worth every penny you're paying me for it, is to go at your own pace and build up SLOWLY. We are a instant gratification society, but our bodies do not work that way. Do what you can...what is comfortable and SAFE for you. Treat this like most runners treat their race - you're not there to beat the next guy, you're there to beat your best time.

    Good luck on your 5K!
  • apeacefulway

    In my opinion (and this is TOTALLY my opinion) "morbidly obese" are the folks who ride those motorized carts in Wal-Mart for the sole reason of being too large to comfortably shop under their own locomotion. They would not be training for a 5K. I doubt that's you...but again, that's my opinion.

    ^^^ Yes to this!!. I think people like to compartmentalize the morbidly obese as weak, sick, and useless. None of which are always true. We live in a culture that loves to hate on and bully fat people, but the reality is that I'm healthier, happier, and stronger than several skinny people I know. Bottom line: Don't judge a book by it's cover. It might have more to offer than the label suggests.

    LOL on the Nazi C25K comment. The third lap is always the worst in running. Finish the third lap and chances are you're gonna go all the way. I know as soon as I get to the 4th set of run/walk I get re-energized because I know I'm over the hump.

    Thank you for your kind words and advice :) Good luck to you with your fitness program.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm glad you got the 2nd day in :) I noticed smokinjoe said he worked up to 6 mph before he tried C25K again- eek! Maybe that's a good pace for him, but I finished C25K Wednesday and I can't run faster than 5 mph, 1 or 2 minutes at 6 mph has me feeling like death. I guess I'm just saying if your jogging speed isn't even any faster than your walking speed, you're still jogging, and don't try to push yourself before you're ready.
  • nirvi9
    nirvi9 Posts: 34
    Glad to hear your second day went well!

    I wouldn't be afraid to take extra days in between workouts, if I were you. Especially if you're training anywhere where there's still snow on the side walks and such - that will make your workout harder in itself. I'm training for a half marathon right now and regularly find myself cursing the snow/ice because it makes running multiple times a week that much harder
  • bg192905
    bg192905 Posts: 68 Member
    The advice of waiting another day or so is good.

    Make sure that you are stretching your complete body everyday. Even when not working out. It helps with the soreness. I found that if I only stretch my legs, my back starts hurting then my shoulders. I think this will help! Good luck. I am doing the C25K myself.
  • SmokinJoe77
    SmokinJoe77 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, Apeacefulway, I'm glad you found some use in my comment.

    Brianna716 is absolutely correct. 6 mph is MY pace that I can maintain without feeling like I'm going to black out. Taking into consideration that I am 6'2", that's really just a jog for me.

    Thanks for the good wishes and right back at ya! :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Go for it guys - but at your own pace.
    There is absolutely no problem with taking a rest day between runs (the program only suggests 3 runs a week), repeat runs, repeat weeks - do what you need to do to get moving.
    I started C25K about 3 years ago, and I couldn't do all the running intervals on the first day.
    So, I took a day off, kept going until I could complete the first day runs, moved onto day 2.... and on it went!
    Since then I've run a heap of races, got really fit, got unfit and now I'm back to C25K to get me back on track again.

    My best advice when you are getting started:
    - good shoes
    - good bra (mostly for the ladies!)
    - run slow. If you think you are running too slowly, that's OK. Go at a pace that lets you finish the intervals. For now you just need to get some endurance going, speed can come later (or not, I've always been really slow and probably will continue to be slow!).
    - don't try to do too much too fast.
