Anorexic, gained weight need help...

Well im 17 turning 18 next month and 5 foot 3. Well i used to be 146 pounds in 9 grade and got picked on all the time for it even had voicemails from an ex who told me i was so fat i should kill myself. it was a downer so i wouldnt eat anything but one bowl of oatmeal a day and carrots. I lost 43 pounds in 2 months and dropped to 103. Its now 2 years later and im 135. I know it isnt bad, but i want to be atleast 115-120. Im already getting into the habbit of not wanting to eat or feeling bad of eating. Im just nervous i wont lose the weight normally. Any tips for dieting and exercising? Please help?


  • JazzyS
    .. Keep you head up!(: you can do it!
  • JLeeAlton
    Follow your caloric intake that MFP gives you. Exercise and do the workouts that you like.. eat back almost all of your exercise calories. You will be safe if you follow that! Eat healthy, lots of veggies fruit protein!
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Put in your goals (For you, I would say 1lb a week b/c slow and steady is best). Eat ALL of your calories allotted every day. Work out to be healthy and strong, but eat the extra calories that earns you. SO if you have 1200 calories and you use 300 exercising you now HAVE to eat 1500 calories. This will help keep you from slipping back into the anorexic. It sounds counter productive but eating more will cause weight loss in the long run. There is a great post on here called "700 calories a day and gaining weight" that explains how all that works.

    I would also recommend some counseling to help deal with some of the emotional issues that are now associated with food.
    Hang in there and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Put in your goals (For you, I would say 1lb a week b/c slow and steady is best). Eat ALL of your calories allotted every day. Work out to be healthy and strong, but eat the extra calories that earns you. SO if you have 1200 calories and you use 300 exercising you now HAVE to eat 1500 calories. This will help keep you from slipping back into the anorexic. It sounds counter productive but eating more will cause weight loss in the long run. There is a great post on here called "700 calories a day and gaining weight" that explains how all that works.

    I would also recommend some counseling to help deal with some of the emotional issues that are now associated with food.
    Hang in there and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • AlyssaC2010
    If you keep eating throughout the day (about every 3 hours), it will keep your metabolism going. This actually makes you lose weight. Of course, you have to eat well to make you lose the weight. But don't cut out all the "bad" stuff...I always have a cheat day. And if I reallllllly want something, I have a little bit. It stops me from bingeing later and feeling like crap because of it. Make sure you eat enough protein & carbs (mostly complex) to keep your body functioning properly. Plus, the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism goes. So eating well plus strength training (along with cardio) will help you lose the weight the healthy way. Good luck in your journey :)
  • kaitlinrosex3
    Thank u guys so much. Its just so hard because how I did it last time was so quick, but now that I have a better boyfriend and how I saw I hurt my family I am just trying so hard not to slip in the habit. I just hope working out and actually eating will help me in the long run.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I had an eating disorder in HS. As I got older I was afraid to "diet" for fear of going to extremes again. I have always exercised but it never made me lose weight because I wasn't watching portions etc. MFP has been awesome for me because it gives me calorie targets..and takes into account my extreme exercise. I make it a point to eat all my allotted calories...or be within 100-150 under as often as possible. I allow myself the 100-150 under to account for portion miscalculations etc. Sometimes I don't want to eat another thing but I will if I need to get closer to my target...bagels and nuts etc help me a lot. One thing I have found is that while I eat very healthy all day...I no longer feel any guilt if I eat ice cream or a candy bar at night as long as I am in calorie has taken the control/emotion out of th equation for me.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you want ideas or support
  • AlyssaC2010
    A good support system is key. Maybe you could talk to your boyfriend about these feelings? It'll be tough but it'll be worth it for doing it the right way.
  • reginabroyles
    Don't worry about what everyone else thinks or says. Do what makes you haqppy. If people can not accept you the way you are you do not need them in your life! Good luck!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I don't have anything new to add, everyone pretty much covered it. Just know that a lot of people on MFP are here to support you. Let us know if you need help/advice!

  • diana_ng
    diana_ng Posts: 1 Member
    If you're new to dieting, let your body adjust slowly. Don't cut out all the bad food right away, work on portion control. Go ahead and let yourself have a cookie now and then. If you cut out all sugar and fatty food altogether, you will more likely binge when you're around that type of food because you've removed that food from your diet altogether. Satisfy your cravings by allowing yourself to have a small dessert now and then. By doing so, you build self control by limiting yourself instead avoiding food altogether. If you're still hungry from eating smaller portions, try eating more fruits and veggies to fill you up. Your stomach will need to be retrained to shrink and in time, you will begin feeling fuller from smaller portions. When you're no longer hungry, stop eating. Also, eat a snack in between meals so that you're not ravishing during lunch or dinner time.