stay-at-home mom with 40lb weight-loss goal

i give up too easily. losing weight and getting in shape requires patience and commitment, i know that... but i go to the gym for a couple of days, see no real result, then just give up. it's kind of pathetic, really. (maybe i'm exaggerating a bit... but you get the idea..) :)

i need other people who are on a journey - either in the same place as me or further along - who i can talk with and be encouraged by. i need to be able to be honest about where i am and how i'm doing, and i feel like this site might help me succeed. i've never joined a site like this before, and i've never really made any of my attempts at weight-loss super public for fear of being embarrassed if i fail at accomplishing what i set out to. but obviously i need to change my method...

hoping to find some "fitness pals" here... :)


    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    I get you, ugh, its so hard to ween of the lazy. I'm not rushing myself this time around, just starting to change bad habits (like lazy) a little bit at a time and work into a new lifestyle instead of throwing myself into one.
  • I know how you feel! I use to be like that going to the gym expecting to see results by the morning... thats how i landed myself here in the first place! But this has been a great tool for me over that last 2 months almost, to the point where im addicted to adding in my calories each day! Anyways If you want feel free to add me :) i love to give and receive motivation!
  • Hi there. I am on the same journey. I have a goal to lose 40 pounds - at least :) I too am one that wants instant results and get aggravated when i don't.
    I've been diong MFP for just over a month now and i am seeing results. My clothes are fitting different....some even too big now :) For me, I like this site because i did put it out there to world that i am on a mission and everyone can see what i'm doing - makes me more accountable for any decisions i make - good or bad. Everyone on here is a total stranger to me - who better than to get support, critisim, etc from? From what i've seen so far, everyone on here is on a mission of some sort and everyone seems to understand each other and what we are thinking and going through.
    Good luck on your journey and i'd be happy to accept you as a "fitness pal"
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    Hello and welcome!!

    I have been there and done that hun...stay at home mom of two :) I lost all my weight at home without stepping foot in the gym. Last time I saw the gym was 5 years ago, after I had my first child and finished up my enlistment in the Navy. So you can do this!!! (BTW, I am in MUCH better shape than I ever was before don't let the Mom stigma weigh you down...we can be fit and sexy too and the weight can and will come off slowly) Don't get discouraged, take one day at a time, and I hope you find some awesome MFP friends like I have.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I was actually thinking about this today. Soooo many times I've tried to lose weight and keep it off and soooo many times I've failed.

    I've been doing this now since about December last year and have been sticking at it. Sticking at it doesn't mean never making a mistake....sticking at it means cleaning yourself off and getting back on the horse again and never losing sight of your goal whether that takes you a few months or a year to reach it.

    The mistake I've made in the past is not getting back on that horse and giving up for a month, 3 months, a year before I tried again. MFP will hopefully help motivate you to keep getting back on that horse no matter how many times you fall off.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I am the same way. Two times previously I tried losing weight but just couldn't/wouldn't stick with it. The slightest injury would make me quit. Well, I have knee problems. I had very minor surgery 2.5 years ago and my knee still bothers me once in a while. Actually, it is currently bothering me, I haven't worked out in probably 4 days. For me, it's hard to pay attention to when the injury is better and that I can start working out again. I fall back into that routine of sitting on the couch and don't get back into exercising as soon as possible like I should.

    But, I KNOW my knee will bother me from time to time so I really can't use it as an excuse. I joined MFP a few weeks ago and love it here. I've made some great friends who hold me accountable and let me rest it off but I know they won't allow me to fall back into routine.

    I'm looking to lose about 38lbs by Christmas and am 23 years old.
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 4,013 Member
    I hear you. Staying home while being good is difficult!! So many temptations to sit around and to eat all the time!

    What has been a godsend to me has been meeting a friend for exercise a few times a week. If you can't do that with a baby in the house, stroll her around the neighborhood or dance or run in place at home. She'll think it's a hoot!

    And give yourself credit (literally, when you log your calories on mfp) for every active thing you do. Set a timer when you start your housework and don't sit down til you're done and then log those minutes as "Cleaning, light" or Cleaning, vigorous". You'll be more likely to be active when you get calories as a prize!!

    Good luck to you.
  • kbelle45
    kbelle45 Posts: 17 Member
    I just joined int he past day or so and can complety relate to what you are saying. I am hoping to lose 37 pounds and have been trying to for the last year and keep gaining 5 and losing it. I need the support and motivation of others. Good luck!
  • Yea. i understand. I have two young kids. and after i gave birth to my 2nd child, my son, i just could not lose the weight for nothing. it was horrible. i started off with about 40 pounds to lose. for the longest time the scale would never budge. then i joined this site, and bam, i started losing weight. this site is awesome. i think once you start counting your calories and getting to the gym several times a week, you'll start noticing results. losing weight takes time and patience. you need to hang in there. try out this site for awhile, i bet you you will definetly start seeing results.

    good luck. feel free to add me if you want. i've already lost 18 pounds. got another 15 or so to go. :)
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    I wish I could stay at home! :)
    I'm at work 45 hours a week, and I spend about twenty hours a week now for school. I have been making time every day for 30-40 minutes to exercise. I stay up late to prepare my food for the next day. It sucks. lol

    I look at it this way...the weight did not come on over night; therefore, it will not take overnight to lose the weight. It is also a life style change. Most people (I do mean most, not all), who are within their healthy weight range do not eat whatever they want-most all have to remain active and eat smaller portions and watch their calories. You (I mean "you" generally speaking), will always have to watch what you eat.
    I know I am prone to slip,become lazy and be an overweight person. Therefore; I will always for the rest of my life have to remain active and watch what I eat in order to be the goal weight and size I desire to be at.

    Healthy people work their butt off to look that way is all :)

    You can so do this. Its all about the why and the how. If you know why you want to achieve your weight loss goals, but struggle with the how, it will be a battle to reach your goal.

    It's life and the journey...
  • denmark979
    denmark979 Posts: 112 Member
    slow and steady wins the race!!!
  • dq1017
    dq1017 Posts: 1
    Beachboddy Products work!!! I've lost 30 pounds in 1.5 months drinking Shakeology and doing TurboFire!!! Check out my pics at
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I'm also a SAHM who started with a 40lb weight loss goal!
  • Just found this old thread.....I am wondering if any of you have been successful at reaching your goals? I too am a SAHM and have about 40lbs to lose. Would love to hear your success stories and any advice/motivation. Thanks!
  • Im finding it hard to stick with going to the gym. for one I know jogging helped me lose weight in the past, but running on a treadmill kinda sucks and it seems like everyone is watching you struggle with your body. I feel ashamed because i let food get the best of me and its a fight everyday against the will to not cave in to a craving. I know it can be done its gonna take a little more muscle from me. Keep working I know how you feel.