Gluten free eaters, please help me.



  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Google ' low FODMAP' elimination diet. I've found it brilliant. Now I know for sure what causes my problems, I find I don't WANT to eat certain stuff as I now know how good it feels to be without it.
  • I was just diagnosed with celiac diease last week.. help im so clueless as to what I can and cant eat.. im very overwhelmed right now. im also trying to already make a life style change to lose weight. this seems to be harder then I thought.. I don't know anyone with this or even where to find good products. ive checked my local grocery store but they have a very same section with not much variety is this going to have to be my new diet ..
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    I recently cut out gluten too, doctor's orders as i have a sensitivity to gluten.
    Yes it is life changing, difficult, frustrating etc. Gluten and wheat are in everything. However I find that i feel so much better!
    Yes it's a pain in the *kitten* to eat out. It takes forever to order anything, and quite frankly it is so inconvenient, I much rather eat at home. Which, has become a good thing, because I have been eating healthier. But plan ahead when you do eat out, and check out the menu beforehand or call to see if they have a gluten free menu.
    Best of luck!! What you are doing is NOT easy, but you will be a healthier and happier person because of it.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    In the very beginning, I wasn't sure what gluten was, so I just cut out everything except produce until I could figure it out. Then I never went back. I think what has helped is that, not only did my energy levels spike, I lost my last 35 pounds without trying and I discovered so many things I would not have ordinarily tried. I don't miss things because I've replaced them with things I like better. Gluten free pizza crust is easy to make. Just use barley, rice, coconut or almond flour instead of your regular white or wheat. Same with all baked goods. Pumpernickel bread is wonderful for sandwiches. There's nothing with gluten that I like so much that it's worth how it's going to make me feel. I'd rather scoop the meat out of a papaya and snack on that. :happy: