The All Mighty Scale!!!

I think the scale is WAYYYY over rated. It's all the ads: "I lost 20 lbs on the _______fast plan!!" Like the weight on the scale is all that matters.

What about the way the clothes are fitting? What about the joys of being able to run up stairs without huffing and puffing? What about the success in being able to do more, lift more, got further, etc?

The scale is a tool that tells us overall body weight. It does not differentiate between lean or fat mass. It doesn't care that you are holding water weight from TOM, or from that high-sodium meal you had yesterday, or the heavy-lifting workout you just did. It only tells you the sum of these things. Fluctuations are going to happen ALL THE TIME!! We have to stop freaking out about it.

I use the scale and track my weight on a weekly basis.
I also measure my hips, waist, thigh, and arm.
I also get my body fat % measured monthly.
I also measure my progress at the gym: how much I can lift and any increases I find, how far I can run, how many pushups I can do etc etc.
I also look in the mirror and have some clothes that I try on from time to time to measure progress.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to get over our commercialized minds and stop trying to lose weight so fast by drastic measures.

We need to stop being lead around by the next fad diet.
We need to make sustainable changes; healthy choices we can feel good about, and one by one improve our health by improving our habits.
We need to have positive self talk.
We need to celebrate all of the NSV (Non-Scale Victories) we can!

So say it with me: "The scale is only a tool, not the end all." and "I am capable of accomplishing my goals!"
