Polar FT7 problems

Hi everyone!

I have been using my Polar FT7 for a few months now and I now have a problem with it.

During my workout, it would read my heart rate correctly, (i.e. 172 etc), but then randomly, it would show 80 as my heart rate and then 00. It would either stay like that until I restart it or it would take its sweet time to go back. Obviously this is a huge distraction for me as I like to keep a consistent heart rate and this is not helpful as I would worry about what is happening with my watch.

This has happened before when I first got it, but I was able to fix it by strapping it to my chest instead of underneath my breasts as recommended. Now a few months later, it is happening again. It happened last friday so I thought the strap is getting too loose. I tightened the strap today and it still happened!

Has this happened to anyone before? If so, how did you fix it?

Thank you very much in advance!


  • jayevan
    jayevan Posts: 7 Member
    try washing the strap real good with soap (mild dish or soft soap). I did that an it helped for a while. When the batteries start to go it will do that also
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Sorry, I haven't had the problem. Just bumping in case I do in the future.
  • gonesewing
    gonesewing Posts: 63 Member
    try washing the strap real good with soap (mild dish or soft soap). I did that an it helped for a while. When the batteries start to go it will do that also

    Yes, try changing the battery (this worked for my husbands). I have a FT7 as well and had this problem. It would work for a bit then stop. Tried all the tricks with no luck. I ended up buying a H7 (I got so frustrated) to work with my watch and now with the latest Android and Polar Beat update it works with my Samsung Galaxy S3.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Running mine through the washing machine typically fixes this. It should be washed every 5 workouts and rinsed after every workout--the salt buildup from your sweat will prevent it from reading correctly.

    Failing that, try changing the battery as others have suggested.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    I am on my second Polar. I have to say, I love it when it works..but so many ways for it to stop working, sigh.

    As others said
    1. Wash strap properly
    2. Replace battery

    In my experience, these are the only 2 things you can do, provided you are wearing the strap properly of course. If neither works, time to get a new strap.