feeling hungry already-its a problem



  • jessicarush3760
    just figgered out how to have my dairy public. new at this lol. no im not breastfeeding now. another reason i need to lose weight is pre dibetties. im only 4 foot 10 and been told i need to get to at lest 55 kg, im 71 kgs now.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    just figgered out how to have my dairy public. new at this lol. no im not breastfeeding now. another reason i need to lose weight is pre dibetties. im only 4 foot 10 and been told i need to get to at lest 55 kg, im 71 kgs now.

    a banana with no calories, 1g of ham and you just ate a piece of chicken for dinner!? really!?
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    :noway: Eat?!

    Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!

    Pick healthy snacks to graze on

    Chopped carrots
    Protein bars
    Boiled eggs
    Slices of ham/chicken
    Ryvitas/rice cakes
    Dried fruit
    Activia yoghurts/greek yoghurts
    Protein shakes
    Cereal bars
    Mini cheese bells - or cheese sticks
    Cottage cheese

    Are you getting enough protein in your diet??

    I graze on the above when I am feeling a little peckish : )
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    I used to always be hungry too, now I'm training myself to stand longer periods of times between eating - maybe start with one hour 'pauses', and then just make sure to have something healthy and/or low cal available for your next bite. Fruits, and veggies and stuff. And make sure to drink lots! Fills you up for a bit, so you won't be too bothered about havin to wait.

    Plan ahead - If you know you'll have breakfast at 7am, and dinner at 7pm, then you have to "plan" 5 pre-lunch snacks, and 5 after lunch snacks, plus ½L to drink before lunch, ½L after (drink with meals too). Make sure to have this number of foods with you.

    I found this helped me a lot - In the begginning of my weight loss, I was eating rather healthy and not too calorie dense stuff, but if you eat all the time, it's going to be a lot still! So I started being strict with waiting between foods - I'm at 3 hours now, and having no problem with it :)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    One of my problems I have is sometimes less than an hour-two hours i feel like I'm staving. Any ideas what to do about it?

    Stop thinking about food..
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I remember telling my dietician once that I was eating relatively well (she had access to my food diary), but I was still hungry a lot. She told me to increase my fiber intake - so I did. When we met a month later, I had lost 12 pounds. She laughed saying that it was amazing that my fiber had had a sharp rise, the sugars took a big dip (going down low), and obviously it worked since I lost 12 pounds.

    What I did was I added chocolate protein bars to the "program". They have about 10g protein, 10g fiber, about 100 calories, and are sugar free/gluten free. I usually have one between breakfast and lunch, and another either between lunch and dinner or after dinner.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Just adding my voice to the posts saying eat more protein and fiber to keep from feeling hungry.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    One of my problems I have is sometimes less than an hour-two hours i feel like I'm staving. Any ideas what to do about it?

    Stop thinking about food..

    White polar bears.
  • Fitastic14
    Increase protein, fiber & water intake. Just how much are you eating on a daily basis? I'm not a clean-eater, but I do know we feel more content on the healthier foods, and not cookies or Wendy's -- all those additives / preservatives / sugars play havoc on our systems.

    Are you working out, like busting a good sweat? That helps.

    Also, as an avid, yet struggling binger (some days), my mind often tells me I 'feel' hungry when I'm merely going through some kind of emotion...which is complete bs most of the time. I generally try to wait for physical cues to eat...stomach growling = hungry instead of listening to my mind. It's a liar 1/2 the time.

    ^^^ Right or wrong, that's what I live with and it's controversial whether I have an overeating addiction or what not, but maybe my experiences can help...Idk much about your situation.

    Good luck!
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I find the best way to deal with hunger is to ensure I eat something regularly (about every 2 hours).

    Have breakfasts which slowly release energy. I have just started eating porridge with cinnamon, raisins and honey and I no longer feel the need to snack between breakfast and lunch. Ensure each meal is rich in protein, e.g. chicken, tuna, etc. and keep simple carbs to a minimum, i.e. white bread, white pasta, etc. I find seeded/wholewheat wraps with chicken/tuna and salad are a great lunch. Snack on healthy foods, i.e. fruit, carrot/celery sticks, peanut butter...my favourite is snack organic peanut butter on ryvita. Peanut butter is a great snack in MODERATION - it is high in (good) fat. Be careful what PB you buy - stay away from standard supermarket brands as they are laced in added sugar and salt. Try and get organic PB which you can buy in supermarkets and health food shops, even better would be 100% pure peanut butter (this is my favourite - http://www.myprotein.com/sports-nutrition/peanut-butter/10530743.html)

    And as others have said, drink plenty of water and green tea.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Like others have said eat enough protein / water / fiber, but also fat - if I don't have enough of any of the four I can get hungry.
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    Like others have said eat enough protein / water / fiber, but also fat - if I don't have enough of any of the four I can get hungry.

    I have found that if my diet is carbohydrate heavy I wind up hungry very quickly. However, if I get most of my calories from protein and fats, I don't struggle with hunger. (I still sometimes struggle with "munchies," if that makes sense - not really hungry, but something sounds good.) If I also drink a lot of water, I wind up finding that not only am I not hungry all the time - I often have to work to eat enough food to get to my calorie goal.

    (Added bonus... I don't have to try to live on rabbit food!)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Like others have said eat enough protein / water / fiber, but also fat - if I don't have enough of any of the four I can get hungry.

    I second the fat. Whenever I don't have enough, I'm starving no matter how much protein and fiber I've had.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I find low sodium V8 a great snack for taking off the edge between meals. Only 70 calories for an 11.5 oz can and 2 servings of vegetables. Plus, it's high in potassium so it helps offset any sodium bloating.

    You might also benefit from eating more often. Several small meals throughout the day, rather than the standard breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Took a peek at your diary...Seems like there are only a couple of days logged, but if they're typical days, then I see part of your problem...

    It's not just about getting more protein. It's about the balance of what you're eating...All of your meals are extremely low in fat, pretty low in protein and high in carbs. If you're eating within your calorie range, it isn't really possible to eat like this and feel satisfied. Carbs give quick energy, but it's gone in no time, and you don't feel satisfied. Protein gives more sustained energy, and makes you feel full for longer. But fats are also really good...if you're restricting your carb intake, you have to make up for that with fats. They also give very good energy...

    Prime example? Two protein bars. Both roughly 200 calories, with about 20g protein and 20g carbs. One has 1g fat, the other has 5...the one with more fat satisfies for a lot longer.

    Do a search on Pintrest for high protein/low carb snacks. Try spacing your calories out during the day - eating 2-300 calories at a time, with no more than one big meal (4-500 calories) If you're hungry, bulk the meals with low calorie foods like raw veggies.

    If you're used to eating 3000 calories a day and have gone down to 1400, you're going to feel hungry for a few days, but it gets easier. After about a week, you should be adjusted to the new plan. :)
  • kristinstansell010
    If you're hungry, EAT!!!

    Obviously it's a little more complex than that, but still.

    Eat the right amount of fats/carbs/proteins.

    Sure calories are important, after all you lose weight by having a cal deficit, but are you eating enough? Probably not.

    When starting my journey I was eating "clean" and 1000-1200 cals a day.

    I went to iifym.com and calculated what I should be eating according to flexible dieting.

    I wave lost 3 pounds in 4 days and I love it!! No binging.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I ate 5 cups of steamed cauliflower before dinner last night because I tend to overeat at dinner.

    5 CUPS of cauliflower = 125 calories and I was very satisfied. So I ate 1/3 of the lasagna piece I originally wanted. Works for me.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
  • jessicarush3760
    thanks everyone, i didn't relise i was eating too many carbs, opps. there's only two dairy entry's bec ive just started.