Plank ! Nightmare ..

Hello ,
I have been strength training for a week now . I was asked to do the plank for my abs and it has been a total nightmare . I couldnt even do a modified plank with my knees down . My trainer is surprised i couldnt even get off the floor for even a second .
Im just curious to know if beginners struggle with planks or is it only me and my weak upper body .
Btw i cant do a push up either . No modified version also .
I feel my arms are like butter ...

Could anyone give me some confidence and tell me if i can become better and if so how .. Any beginner tips please


  • Geribee79
    Geribee79 Posts: 11 Member
    Hay there all I can say is just keep at it. I enjoy the plank although I cant do it on straight arms as it just murders my wrists. Sometimes our bodies just need the little and often to get them started. My crux is a push up I still cant do them (bearing in mind i taught pole dancing for 7 years and also go rock climbing on a weekly basis!) even though i constantly try :-)

    Keep at it and just try focusing on keeping your tummy tight during and the rest will just fall in.

  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Try it with your elbows down on the floor and your feet up like in a push-up position. Also, you can spread your feet wider apart to help with the stability until you get a little stronger. Start with 10 second holds and then increase from there. I had a hard time with them at first, too, but have really improved the more I do them.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Keep at it - you'll adapt and get stronger.

    Just keep telling yourself you'll adapt or die trying!
  • katherose1222
    I too have very little upper body strength. I find that using my elbows makes it do-able (still REALLY difficult, but do-able) and yes - keep at it! You will get there :)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere. Overtime as you continue to get stronger you will make many milestones in training. Look forward to your first real plank ;')
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Try to start planking with arms on a bench etc?
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Try it with your elbows down on the floor and your feet up like in a push-up position. Also, you can spread your feet wider apart to help with the stability until you get a little stronger. Start with 10 second holds and then increase from there. I had a hard time with them at first, too, but have really improved the more I do them.

  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I don't know if this will help you with your planks or not, but I found that I could do pushups if I first did them off the arm of a couch (hands on couch arm, feet on floor) then did "girl" pushups (on floor, knees instead of toes) after a few weeks, and then finally the real deal. It took about a month to transition, doing these every other day, just ten or so at a time, three or four days a week. hope that helps!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    If necessary, start with your hands on a chair, feet on the floor. Basically, the more horizontal you are, the harder it is.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Try it with your elbows down on the floor and your feet up like in a push-up position. Also, you can spread your feet wider apart to help with the stability until you get a little stronger. Start with 10 second holds and then increase from there. I had a hard time with them at first, too, but have really improved the more I do them.


    There is absolutely ZERO shame in not being able to do 'em. It would be a shame if you gave up, though.

    BTW, I have weenie arms, too. But they're improving!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
  • favoritenut
    favoritenut Posts: 217 Member
    I do mine on my elbows, and I do 3 30second ones, trying to build up to 3 1 minute ones, just keep at it, you'll surprise yourself soon! :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Try it with your elbows down on the floor and your feet up like in a push-up position. Also, you can spread your feet wider apart to help with the stability until you get a little stronger. Start with 10 second holds and then increase from there. I had a hard time with them at first, too, but have really improved the more I do them.

    technically that's a harder variation than just the front leaning rest/push up position.

    Either way- if she can't hold it on her knees- she needs to get up off the floor.

    Plank is a position- it can be done anywhere- at any angle.

    Which means people who aren't there yet- can plank on a wall. yes- you can plank a wall.

    Then a counter.

    Then a chair
    and so forth
    and so on.

    everyone starts somewhere- we are not all built equal.

    OP you can do it!!!! Just keep work on it- use the stairs or the stepper risers at the gym- otherwise work at home on your counter top or whatever level you can work at by yourself.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Planks are difficult at first because it requires ALL your muscles throughout your body to accomplish.

    Since you can't do a push up either might I suggest standing up, against the wall or by your kitchen counter and began that way.
    This will help to slowly build up your upper body and arm strength.

    You can do this!
  • Look....everyone is different....

    don't ask everyone on here what they can and can't do and then compare yourself to them, that's self defeatist.

    My lover is in EXCELLENT physical shape but can't do half of the flexibility things I can.

    I'm in pretty good physical shape and can't do some of the things he can...

    it doesn't matter what "everyone else" can do.

    You can't do planks and only practice will change this.

    But I bet there are some things that you can do VERY VERY don't worry about all evens out.
  • E1Diabl0
    Start with wall push ups if need be.
    Another approach are box push ups (You can actually do those without using your arms at all!).
    As for the plank, someone already suggested wall planks...
  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    Thank you all ! Thank you for the motivation .. Im not giving up .. Will get back and let u know if i can even hold it for ten seconds !
    Btw when i said i cant do a plank i meant the elbow version !

    Am gonna practice on the wall and kitchen counter like many suggested here ...
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Have you tried the other position with your hands straight out under your shoulders, like you are getting ready to do a push-up? Try that way, too, and see if that helps. Or as others have suggested, start on the wall or couch or chair. Good luck! Just keep trying.
  • goalie234
    goalie234 Posts: 97 Member
    Have you tried the other position with your hands straight out under your shoulders, like you are getting ready to do a push-up? Try that way, too, and see if that helps. Or as others have suggested, start on the wall or couch or chair. Good luck! Just keep trying.

    Since i cant do a pushup either , i assumed that wouldnt work . I yhink wall pushups are my best option now .. Thank u !
  • chispaza
    chispaza Posts: 153 Member