Need motivation!

Hi everyone I am new here and wanting to lose a stone in weight which I have allowed to creep on.any positive comments welcome! thanks


  • HI, I'm not exactly new but I'm finally commiting to this full force for the first time! For Real this time! I plan to loose 100 lbs before 2014's end! 1 stone is 14 lbs right? (I googled it)
  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome! I just hit my 15th day in a row!!! The great support keeps me in check. Feel free to ad me.
  • Hi! I also just restarted my fitness pal! Im going to be fully commited! My plan is to lose 30 lbs! I would love some encouragement also!! YOU CAN DO IT
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Also new to the site. I have posted on the "Women over 50" area. I need to lose 100 lbs myself.:noway: The eating seems to be going ok so far but I just can't find the motivation to exercise. :explode: I have to find that. Maybe if the scale would move a bit that will help :laugh: Best of luck to you.:drinker:
  • yes it is.It might not seem much but with my small,short frame I feel uncomfortable in myself.i am also worried about my health as I eat so much takeaway junk food! good luck with your weight loss!
  • we should be comitted together! we are both going to do this!
  • @ginryl, my motivation for exercise is that I can eat more! When I burn 600 calories in a workout I fantasize about how I am going to "spend" it! :)
  • carolsteele45
    carolsteele45 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Vickie,

    You can do it, we can ALL do it. Four years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes through being overweight - no let's call it like it was, I was morbidly obese weighing in at 265lbs and a size 22 (UK). I too was eating takeaways, cheese (love cheese) and cakes etc. I was so angry with myself for turning on that diabetic switch - and it was that anger that motivated me to lose weight. I went to all the diabetic classes and started to eat properly - for the first time in years, I went to their motivational classes and leant how to motivate myself. I create graphs of my weight loss and THAT was the motivational tool that I used to keep me on track every day.
    In 10 MONTHS I lost 137lbs coming down from 265lbs to 128lbs (and a size 8) - but I was tough with myself and to keep my weight loss constant (ie graph was a straight line) meant increasing the exercise -especially towards the end when I was in the gym 6 days a week on the treadmill running for an hour (6miles per day) followed by a warm down in the pool.
    It can be done, you might wish to take it a little slower than I did - it was my anger that drove me on when I was sweating and wanting to give up on the treadmill - so, get angry with yourself for allowing yourself to gain that weight - and then use that anger in a directed way to sustain you during your battle to get to your desired weight.
    Good luck - you CAN do it
  • jennafer32
    jennafer32 Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me! 226 days and counting!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Hi everyone I am new here and wanting to lose a stone in weight which I have allowed to creep on.any positive comments welcome! thanks
    Motivation is internal. People can inspire and encourage you, but if you're not personally motivated, it ain't gonna matter. And even if people shot you down, berated you for dieting, make fun of you at parties, if you're personally motivated you'll still make your goal because setbacks and obstacles aren't an option.
    So do you really want this? Or are you just gonna try it out?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • thanks carol for that! I just hope I can be as motivated as you,I could do with attending some motivational classes myself!
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Thanks for the tip. Valentine's Day we camped. First time in a while weather was decent. Was nice but lots work setting up. Got my exercise in & for the first time I got in 10,000 steps. That is a lot of steps folks :bigsmile:
    The support has been so helpful!
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hey AC
    That is my goal too the 100 lbs. I really want to lose as much as possible by July 4th. Gonna have some big events that weekend & see folks haven't seen for long time. So feel free to motivate & push me :laugh: Best of luck to you. Love your picture, so funny.
  • dontdolazy
    dontdolazy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all. New to mfp but not new to 100lb rebounds. As I get older I worry about seeing my daughters future. I have type 2 diabetes and have been bipolar for 17 years now. Each extreme weight change was followed by a high or a crash. Now that I am stable, I am looking to take responsibility and stop blaming bipolar tendencies. I have a long way to go (yes, 100 lbs) and am hoping to find other online friends to converse with and share stories.. btw I am male and 44 but I will enjoy anyones friendship
  • j0di2013
    j0di2013 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new here as well. But I must admit it's so nice to read and find out there are so many others struggling with the weight thing just like me. I think my breaking point was finding out I gained 20 more pounds after I'd been trying to commit to losing 50. That was pretty depressing. But I'm not turning back now. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good Luck!!
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hello Everyone
    Just checking in today. I tried to post to WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR FEBRUARY 2014 topic but didn't see a way to post there. As it & this is my favorite places to check in with all of my MFP.
    Hope this week is finding all of you doing good on your journey.
  • drewnjess
    drewnjess Posts: 3 Member
    Hii! I also need motivation! I'm not trying to lose a lot of weight but am really trying to get tone and in shape! I want to be healthy! I think motivation well definitely help!!